Sunday, October 17, 2021

Arrival, Afib and Rest

 This day is to hold rain early and then clearing with cool temps accompanying the sun that is to break through. The next few days weather wise are to be glorious and what a time to live in the mountains. 

October 14th got away from being remembered but that is the day in 2014 when we closed on our home here. Someone said this week you bought at the right time before the cost of buying went up and the property values increased. So has the traffic. When we first moved up here I could not help but notice the old cars on the road. Not like vintage vehicles but just old, hanging together with a hope and a prayer kind. These days I see more Mercedes and Lexus on the road. 

Made a Goodwill run on Wednesday to get clothes and books out of the house. You might come over and say, you didn't take any books to Goodwill, but oh contrare pierre, I did, some of them kind of sentimental but it is time for someone else to hopefully enjoy the stories. 

Sometimes you just miss things and I certainly missed a message a long time friend sent in July 2020. I had just been thinking about her while going through things. We played softball together and worked in the treasury department at Pennzoil. Over the years life went different directions and we lost touch. I took a chance to respond to her and she answered later that night. Such fun in those short few paragraphs we exchanged. 

Another bright spot to the week was running into trouble at The Fresh Market. Inez and Velda were in the baked goods dept. I had just got my tuna salad and was heading that way when I spotted them. We had a fun few minutes catching up with one another. 

I'm still experiencing afib but it has settled down somewhat during the day. I am trying different things to see if food or something like that is helping to contribute. So much of it I think is stress even though I try to remain calm and put it with the Lord, I think there are some involuntary mechanisms that I cannot control and they take over. Right now I feel great! Around 2:30 am, it was not the feeling and sometimes you let your mind wander into what ifs or if you're really feeling brave and stupid, you Google it up. Thankfully, Dr Google didn't send me into another spin. 

The wind is picking up just a bit and the leaves are falling off the trees. I stood outside and watched for a few minutes before returning to the house to complete chores. Now I am taking another break cause I am sitting here blogging. 


It is a wonderful morning after a blessed night of heart in rhythm...🎜all night long𝆕 or if I would really think about it, I would use 🎜all through the night🎝to use church music. It has been about four nights of bad rhythm and sleep. So welcomed and so hoping that this trend continues. I am thanking God for answered prayer. It's strange in the night what one thinks about while your heart is thumping out a rhythm. You're tired, no exhausted from it all. One night I just got up and started working around the house. Another night I prayed and read my Bible. A couple of nights I did the combo with some late night TV for background. I journaled too. But last night, oh sleep and rest...I was glad when my heart beat out to me, let us go back into rhythm. 

During the afternoon as the temps fell, the wind blew and leaves scattered, I felt up to going out in the side flowerbed and clean out more flowers from the summer and cut down the remaining sunflowers. I heard a noise behind me and looking back there was Toupee. Toupee was playing in the yard waste I was throwing down to the driveway. Then she moved closer and sat while I trimmed and pulled plants. What a gift, because that is what HP did to keep me company. Toupee brought along Tippy but Tippy was there to play and to look for anything that might need chasing. Thankfully, leaves is what they chased yesterday. Toupee is also letting me rub her head and pet her. This morning when I stopped, she pawed at me and put her head down again. HP still has a legacy going. She modeled that behavior for Biggio and Biggio got Toupee involved. Speaking of Biggio, he hasn't been around for about five days. Not surprising but three days is his usual practice. Tupac is getting friendlier too. 

Football games were fun yesterday. LSU beat Florida and Baylor beat BYU. 

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