Friday, October 29, 2021

Frost, Fresh Market and Ferals

 Frost once again on the cars and you might ask, Nancy, you are not much of a morning person why would you know if there is frost on the cars? I am glad you asked because my neighbor called me yesterday morning to let me know that the Mustang's lights were flashing and she wanted to make sure all was well. I tried turning the lights off from inside the house but no go. Out into 37 degrees to check it out. The hazard light switch inside the car was up just a tad, not all the way. Turned it off. Started the car to check the battery. Looked around inside the car, nothing missing. It was a strange beginning to an ordinary day.

This morning, the day began like most and I was so grateful for the ordinary. To be a little bit cautious I moved the car and truck closer to the garage. Then in the middle of the night I remembered I hadn't changed account information on a bill. So up at 2:30 am to take care of that while I remembered. Being wide awake then, I watched a bit of TV and then went back to bed. I had some afib last night that didn't stay for the whole evening, but stayed long enough to wear out a welcome, not that I welcome afib at anytime. With all that activity and an Astros victory, sleeping soundly was difficult but that really good sleep from about 5:30-7:45 am was very welcomed. 

I really wanted to get out and about yesterday to do some leaf looking but those plans changed. I figured it would be safe enough, in a car, by myself and not actively engaging with folks. Instead, I shopped Ingles and then had to make a return trip to Publix because Ingles didn't have any frozen sliced carrots. Picked up a few things from the weekly ad, got that 5% discount and headed home. Also, the happy report of fixing my hair to go out and about can be made. Not that it was that much different, just better organized and in somewhat of a semblance of making the effort.  

With rain expected this afternoon, the opportunity to run over to The Fresh Market presented itself because it is $5.00 pizza day. I like their greek or veggie pizzas. I add more onions and sliced olives stuff with jalapenos. So very good. Picked up some tuna salad and heath bar cookies. You have to have a little something sweet around the house. Since arriving home the wind has picked up significantly, with some really wild gusts. The wind is blowing south to north so our neighbors huge trees are sending their leaves into their pasture. I don't mind the leaves at all. I use them in the side flowerbed. 

I am reminded of a trip back in 2014. We had closed on our home here and while Kate was still in the house until after her daughter's wedding, I was able to turn an errand of picking up keys for our Thanksgiving trip here into a late trip with Dena to the mountains and Biltmore. We were in Chattanooga and wanted to take the backway here but the snow and ice made our trip detour to the normal interstate route. One of the most gorgeous rides ever. There was still enough fall colors to contrast with the snow that had fallen. I remember taking it all in and crying just a few tears of joy knowing that I would be living here in just a few months. No chance of snow today just rain. While driving home from The Fresh Market, with the wind beginning to pick up, the leaves were falling over and onto the road like a flower girl tosses rose petals before a bride. The yellow and red swirls of leaves doing their last dance before hitting damp ground was a wonderous sight to behold. The scene of leaves and the memory of fall colors and snow, were some good thoughts to take hold of.  

On the way to The Fresh Market, along the left side of the road, just a little ways down, a crumpled black and white body laid near the edge of the road. With a quick glance, the markings where not like any of the Feral Fam. On the way home I slowed down to take a better look and it looked like a skunk to me. A little later Nancy the Neighbor called telling me about the black and white along the side of the road. I told her I thought it was a skunk, she disagreed. Once again I drove down to the spot. It looked like a skunk and I wasn't going to get any closer to it for further inspection. Later that afternoon the two fluffies of our group were in the garage eating. Everyone else accounted for. 

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