Monday, April 19, 2021

A Blended Post

 Buddy is still asleep and all the Feral Fam are out in the garage eating breakfast. Punky is there stirring things up a bit but once all the bowls are on the ground, the Fam gets everything figured out to at least eat peaceably for a meal before they head out for the day in their bonded or separate ways.

Yesterday began slow but sped up before noon. My healing cap on my implant area felt very different than it had the past couple of days. I called the dentist office and they could do a quick look see if I could get there around noon. It was 11:34. The good news is what I was feeling was the gum tissue healing nicely and doing what it is supposed to do. Whew! I have about thirty minutes to get over to Biltmore Church and get my second vaccine shot. Very well organized and a great day to be in a convertible weather wise. After the waiting time was up, I was close to Biltmore Park and a Barnes and Noble. On the way toward home I stopped in at the Farmers Market and got some strawberries. A trip to the grocery store to pick up some prepared meals for just in case I felt bad after the shot and a quick trip to Penlands, cause fried pies were afoot. All the while of running errands, I felt like I was in a brain fog. No really, foggier than usual, but Roy suggested it could be due to the fact I hadn't had anything to eat since 10:30 am. Yep, that could do it. Made a light and quick supper, brain fog dissipated but I was fatigued and felt feverish. Rested and then went to bed early. Woke up feeling better than expected but still light fatigue and a little headache. I have plenty of non strenuous stuff to keep me occupied today, so that's good. 

I do not like the International Delight Irish Crème for coffee. I have been looking at recipes to make your own and I might resort to that once my supply is gone. 


Thinking I would not feel well after getting the shot on Wednesday, I felt good, just a little fatigued. So, as I worked around here, I took appropriate rest breaks in between jobs. I also rotated the chores so I didn't get too worn out to not get anything accomplished. Got the second chair and foot rest down by the swing, pulled weeds and did all the watering, but broken up into morning and evening. Worked on Sunday School lesson and hanging up spring/summer clothes. 


Well, finally I am returning to finish up this blog post. I may break it up into several subject matters. Yet, I could get distracted which is coming easier and easier to do. The Feral Fam and Buddy have been treated and only Buddy isn't taking her first morning nap. Saturday night was a rough night with her, because she could not settle. With her being so old and fragile, I hate to banish her from the bedroom, but if I was going to get any sleep before 6:30 am, she would need to sleep or roam elsewhere. When I shut the bedroom door, she didn't cry or nothing, so she must have been okay with that. 

Think we are in dogwood winter this week as the temps drop and maybe have a frost. I haven't planted anything that is tender and susceptible to freeze or frost. I do have some things that are but they will be planted where I can bring them in easily. TJs had some beautiful plants and I picked up a few late Saturday afternoon. Two beautiful hanging baskets as well. Which reminds me, I need to water them.  

I rediscovered disposable fountain pens. I forgot how much I like using them. Used them to write out the Sunday School lesson this past week. It is always a joy to study and it is a joy to write with disposable fountain pens. Since I looked them up my FB timeline is overwhelmed with pen and paper ads. My tempting and the one thing I would buy is out of stock, so that's good. 

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