Friday, April 2, 2021

April No Fool Day and The Friday After

 Happy April Fools Day! But if you read Monablog, you are no fool. This is happy six year anniversary that the moving truck arrived and we began in earnest moving things and our lives to North Carolina. One of the best decisions we ever made on so many different levels. Only one bench got broken in the move which is pretty good. We have talked so much this week about what we have left in Katy and the timing of putting the house up for sale. No doubt, the day is coming at a quick and fast pace, which is wonderful! Now that I am of a more slow pace, I hope I can deal with the timing and everything. When I was there in 2019, I got a good clean out going of our bedroom and the guest bedroom Now, I have the casita bedroom left to go through. I've asked Roy not to throw things out from there because so many letters and keepsakes from my mom are stored in the closet of that room. This is also the four year anniversary of my father's death. It came to me this year that April 1st is my freedom day. Left the heat of Houston and my father, a source of havoc, chaos, confusion, lying, manipulation, and mean spiritedness, left this earth and we hope he went to heaven. I know his friend Thelma was so concerned about this the last few years of his life that she kept this in front of him almost every time she saw or talked to him. Over the years he had several "salvation" experiences, but you just don't know....but we hope. 

This week as we have been out and about and home at work, Roy and I have some of the best conversations. Subject matter is all over the place, probably due to my short attention span. Long ago I came to the conclusion I didn't want to be wild, just a tad rebellious. This week the conclusion has been, I don't want adventure, but fun. Adventures was the topic on our road trip Monday. Although, thinking about it this morning, moving to NC was an adventure that turned out to be quite fun. 

Sadly, I believe that Baileys Irish Cream Creamer has been discontinued. Glad I bought up several when it was on sale. The Fresh Market has an Irish Crème Brulee' coffee, which come to think of it is seasonal. So, I better buy up a few packages. That is what I have been drinking this week and it is so good! Double good with the creamer though. 

HP has been coming in on the back porch often. Think she is catching up on her sleep and the other Feral Fam members hang out in the garage during the rain and cold. This morning, Frankie greeted me from underneath the car with a healthy hiss. I don't care for him but when it is cold I don't mind feeding him. I have to feed him first so that the other cats can eat. He is getting a little too close for my comfort as he keeps nearing the dish I keep by my feet for HP and Punky and sometimes Radley. Frankie is just mean, he out means Punky. He lit into her this morning and I was prepared to help her if the need arose. Just yelling at him this morning sent him retreating to underneath the car, but I don't know that this will continue to work. Sadly, I have a feeling that Frankie might have contributed to Bobbsey's disappearance. Frankie is the most muscular cat I have ever seen. I think he lifts weights. I hadn't seen him in several days and I was so happy with his absence. 


Well, I had good intentions of finishing this post last night. Oh well, Happy April 2nd! Roy went with a friend to Mars Hill yesterday morning. He saw snow flurries there. Mars Hill is about 30 minutes north of us, depending on how you it could be 20 minutes. After he got home I told him about the sale at TSC and we need a new hose reel cart for the side of the house. They also had a great deal on a above ground wooden planter that we could put on the front deck. So we ordered for curbside delivery. While we waited on the confirmation email I saw on FB that Ducketts had coconut cake. Then the email came though so we went for the cake about thirty minutes away and then drove back to Weaverville for the pickup. The cake was a smaller type size cause there is no need for a huge cake. 

We have been out in the yard planting the rest of the forsythia. Ran over to Leicester Supply for another shovel and some potting soil. Got the truck unloaded and got the Feral Fam fed. Roy fixed dinner and it was delicious. He is watching TV and I am finishing this post. 

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