Thursday, April 22, 2021

Happy Happy Weekend and Other Stuff

 It happens almost every time. Why do the waves of sleepies overwhelm after having a haircut? I slept well last night, got plenty of sleep. Worked in the yard yesterday but took rest breaks as so not to over do but this afternoon I am fighting to stay awake. Now, if I would just go outside and move the rest of the plants onto the front porch, the cold blast of air just might wake me up but sometimes getting cold has the opposite effect and nap time beckons, no nap time demands attention. 

After my haircut, I did something I haven't done in over a year, I went to Home Goods. It was early enough before large crowds but too early to see all the merchandise contained in all those boxes. For a brief moment, I thought something might happen that has never happened before, it looked as if I would leave the store without buying anything. Then I found what I came looking for, new outdoor cushions. Going out to the car the skies looked like snow skies. The bottom is to drop out temp wise today, but thankfully those steely gray pewter skies held only rain. Light mist. By the time I got back to Weaverville, it was mostly dry. Stopped in at Publix for a few things. Then, upon leaving, those snow skies were getting closer. As I got closer to home, the skies were just overcast, with the sun working hard at breaking through. Mike the Mower Man was here. He is going to bring some more flat rock like he did before but I don't need as much as before. His other client that bought the remaining stack of rock from last year, wants more flat rock as well. Looks like this is going to work out all the way around. 

For a brief minute, I thought I might need to fill in on Sunday teaching but things have worked out. I am looking forward to hearing Diane. I've heard she is a wonderful Bible teacher. 

Buddy has slowed down significantly in the past few weeks. Still able to leap to the nightstand but think I will take her helping stairs and put them near my nightstand instead of Roy's nightstand. This little cold burst is probably playing havoc with her arthritis. She has finally started going back to the front bedroom where she gets her best dose of sun. She boycotted that room for the longest time. 

All the tender vegetation is covered, at least what I am able to cover. The blackberry bushes have little blooms on them, so maybe if they survived last night, covered, we might have blackberries later on. Several years ago I bought when deeply discounted, some rolling metal carts meant for boots and shoes in a mud room. I use them outside with plants to wheel them in and out of the front porch for such a time as this. 


Woke up to 27 degrees. A little colder than forecast. I'm glad I caught the local weather forecast for our area and not the news from SC. They predicted that the valleys might get colder than what they originally thought. I went out last evening before the sun set to disconnect the hoses from the water spickets and put a wrap around the one on the side of the house that has the most exposure. I probably overreacted but I'd rather do that than face busted pipes this morning. 

Security cameras are great, but this morning they were great for Feral Fam ID. Hector Protector wasn't in the garage when I fed them this morning. A little later, I put some treats out for them, Jurioretta came a running, but that is all. Just a bit ago, I went out to the garage to get something out of the refrigerator out there and whew, HP was there, snuggled in with everyone. She must have missed out on leftovers from breakfast, so I put a little food in her special bow. She ate and moved back with her fam and covered up to keep warm. 

Today, I think, our Katy home officially hits the market. Roy has been working diligently preparing everything and filling out paperwork so it will be able to show well and have all the info that is needed. I'm helping by doing some behind the scenes work for Roy, looking up stuff or confirming things. We have so many fond memories in that house but it is time for another family to make memories there. Roy needs to be closer to downtown for a myriad of reasons but the one that is getting to him the most is, the drive home. Now, more people are returning to offices and the traffic on the freeway has increased tremendously. 

Last week my brother sent some pictures that my parents had. I think they were Mom's class photos from the one room school house she went to. I put the pics on the Then and Now FB page for the city where I was born. Had lots of interesting comments but one in particular was insightful. The comments and then message conversations I was having with the daughter of a man who had grown up with my mom and her twin brother. In fact, as a child I had met him. Both of my parents knew him when they all worked at Kroger. She filled in a lot of info and we might be distant cousins. It was like having a pen pal for the weekend. 

I went to the Madison Spring Market on Saturday and had a blast. Got a lot of birthday shopping done. No, not for my birthday but for others. Good crafts people. Truly, taken aback with all the talents that people have. Found a couple of fun things and a rag wreath for the kitchen. TJs had plants and I went over that way to see what they were offering. Very happy with what I found and brought home and then protected last night. Since I was close by the Ingles, I stopped there and picked up orange chicken and kung pow chicken. Delicious! Then the weekend finished out with teaching Sunday School and once I came home, I crashed. I was so exhausted. Also, waiting on papers to sign in for our realtor. Got them signed. It was an early to bed kind of night after watching Home Town. 

Looks like all the winter clothes are packed away and most of the spring and summer things are put away. Just a little more to get done and then that project will be crossed off the list. Usually, this takes so much longer but this year, a plan came to me on how to accomplish this time taking chore more efficiently. 

One last thing for this post, I just ordered extra narrow ruled notebooks. Y'all, I am thrilled to pieces. Cue Patsy Cline, Fall to Pieces music...I ordered extra fine nibbed disposable fountain pens only not reading the extra fine print, these were just the pens, no ink. The cartridges arrived yesterday and the notebooks arrive Saturday. Looks like another happy happy weekend in store. 

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