Saturday, April 10, 2021

Sun, Then Wind, and A Little Rain

 If the answer my friend is blowing in the wind, then the wind is blowing too hard and too fast for me to find the answer. I tried working in the yard but fighting against or running against the wind was way too difficult. When most of your energy is given to standing in the howling mess, then you gets tired real easy. Maybe I'll give it another shot this afternoon because it would be nice to get some things into the ground and let the rain do the watering. We shall see. A lot of the Feral Fam retreated to their corner of the garage. Any noise I made rattled Junioretta and Boodos but HP, Biggio and Baby didn't give it a second thought. Radley and Bobbsey must be out tom catting around. I did get a positive identification on Biggio and I think he is just a late bloomer by the looks of thing and right now that is just fine with me. We have not had a litter of kittens since last summer and I am not complaining. I do think there is a litter out there via Punky but we shall see what happens and if they show up in the yard. They would be about two weeks old according to my poor calculations of those kinds of things. She brings them around 3-4 weeks and one litter didn't bring them down until about six weeks but that was after the rescue of all her kittens but Boo. Of course she did not see it as a rescue. As for Boo, well, a little more social now than those early day

If spring was a color in the yard it would overwhelmingly be yellow. I'm not talking about pollen but it is yellow and it is making an appearance. Not counting green grass and soon to be green leaves, yellow is the theme. Today the yellow flowers are being joined by a flock of gold finches. I just looked it up, a charm of gold finches...I mean there has to be twenty to twenty five gold finches in the front yard. The males have turned that bright yellow and they are flying from bird feeder to bird feeder in all their gold glory. Maybe they are here to help this lone Baylor Bear fan here in the mountains. I was in Marshall yesterday, proudly wearing a Baylor t-shirt when three women stopped me, to tell me they loved Baylor and had watched the MBB game, championship the other night. Girls trip from TX and LA. So it was a bear and tiger fan club right there in the middle of Marshall. 

The promised rain showers were nothing more than a sprinkle, so I will have to get out and water. With gusty winds, that made it nearly impossible so looks like watering will be a Friday thing. That will change my plans. I had considered going to Haywood County, do some Hazelwood area shopping, eat a late lunch of prime rib at Blue Rooster and then stopping by Duckett's produce on the way home. If I do that, I will not want to water plants. So, looks like a quick grocery store run or maybe even a revisit to Reems Creek. Maybe they have snowball bushes and those can go in the side yard beside the hemlock tree. 


It's Friday! Well, truthfully, everyday this week has been Friday cause nothing on the schedule, so to speak. This morning at treat time with the Feral Fam, I realized that HP working her way through the kitty crowd looks like a VIP getting in the stage door at a club. Club reference, well back stage door reference is merely from what I've seen in movies or on TV. She makes her way through every time. HP has started gardening with me once again. That made that blustery day more enjoyable. Mama Cat came by the other day. Haven't seen her in about a week. She wanted to eat but Punky was there and those two seem to be mortal enemies. Mama Cat hid near a box and when I got up from the chair and went to the refrigerator for another cold drink, Punky skedaddled and Mama Cat crept up to the bowls. I sat there ensuring her a peaceful eating experience. I had other stuff to do but it seems Mama Cat and I have come to an understanding. She doesn't hiss at me too much anymore and as much as the most aged feral of the bunch, has come to understand I am here for them, not to harass or make life tough. My goodness I have cut their hunting time down, thus better survival for them and the birds.  Boodos wanted to bring a dead mole to me the other day, but I respectfully declined. With the days being warmer I am a little slower about getting them fed. They don't seem to mind too much, well except for Junioretta. She is a little bit on the whiny side. 


This morning before the rain began and before shoppers arrived in Marshall, I went to Bowmans Hardware to pick up the rocking chair. Kathy and I got it into the back of the truck. My plan of being in Marshall between 9:00-9:30 worked almost perfectly but I hadn't taken into the equation that a moving truck would be parked near the store thus taking prime real estate to load. It wasn't too bad though and on top of getting the chair, I found my brother's BD gift, PVC pipe! No, not really. Got the chair home and unloaded, then it began to rain just a bit. Since I had gotten up early, ate some yogurt and hit the road, I came home and fixed some coffee and a couple of slices of toast. Mmmmmm.....good. 

Ryan met Roy yesterday at our house in Katy. He is going to work on the comps and get back to Roy. One thing he said to Roy, and he said many good things, that Roy needed to clean up the clutter. For once it is Roy clutter and not Nancy clutter. I cleaned out things in November and December of 2019. We are both clutter and pile  prone , but I am the only one, until today, that has admitted to having that tendency.  We had a small crack in the laundry room window, so Roy had that fixed this morning and he was decluttering. He admitted when we had the house on the market before, he wasn't motivated but this year and at this time, he is very motivated. He is off to Lowe's to replace some of the border around the roses in the back. 

Well, I better wrap up, finish writing out the lesson for tomorrow and change out winter clothes to spring and summer clothes. 

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