Wednesday, April 28, 2021

There Was Good, Here Is Great

 The song Four Days Late by Karen Peck and the New River Band is going through my mind this morning. Because today, we should be signing the contract for our house to be sold. It went on the market on the evening of Thursday the 22nd and we chose one of the offers on Sunday afternoon. It's a hot real estate market, that's for sure. So if one waited till today...four days late.  It's a hot market here too but no place to go. Besides, with the barn and pasture remaining in its present state, back porch and the landscaping we've done, I am happy and blessed to be right where I am. Brenda said, y'all took a lot of the stress off you by being able to buy the NC house long before putting the Katy house on the market. So now, we are going through details etc.. and we just signed the contract. Oh happy day and now the fun begins....

Yesterday it was too cold to plant rose bushes and today it is almost too hot. I did get the rose tree planted. I did the research on how they like to be planted. One thing I read is, they love water, so placement needed to be where I could easily water it. I started digging yesterday and then the Katy house took my attention and when I returned back to the task at hand, it was a bit chilly. So the beginning of that hole will take another rose bush and then I need to finish out getting soil into the above ground flowerbed. Everyone seems to think we have had the last of our coldest temps until later in the year. I sure hope so because I have been sitting on ready to get some things planted. 

Our pastor took a break from Mark 13 yesterday and we looked at Psalm 19. Love hearing about the Psalms. It was a bittersweet day because our music director and musician extraordinaire, well his last day was yesterday. We sure will miss him. Also loved hearing Diane teach in Sunday School. 


Oh Tuesday morning, so beautiful! The inspection of the Katy house happens this morning. Roy is looking into seeing some condos this week and we may have an estate sale to cull through everything. I don't think this is a spiritual thing or an improved person thing but an old person thing...there are pieces of furniture that I thought would be apart of life until death, but I am willing to part with them now. My brother and I were talking about this the other day. Coming from our background we accumulate, not to the point of hoarding, but things held a pull and sway. Me more so than Doug, because he is a minimalist and I'm a cram as much into the room, then start taking away type. 

Yesterday, such a productive day planting rose bushes and a few geraniums. Got the rose bud tree planted and two of the yellow knock out roses. Also some calla lilies. It was such a beautiful day. I have new cushions for the chairs and swing, but waiting until after Mike comes and mows to put them out. 

Before we totally move on from our beloved Katy home, there are several pictures that I need Roy to take. When we moved in, a severe drought plagued our area. The tree in the backyard was stressing. Every night the ritual was to water that tree and to keep it from dying. The tree thrived and Roy had to have Abel and crew trim it back recently. I think about decorating the house too. How fun it was to scavenger around some shops in Houston to find what I was looking for. We filled our home with Amish crafted and built furniture. Originally, we had carpet in our bedroom but even with the most expensive pad and carpet, a trail was made. We had been talked out of hardwood floors in the bedroom, but a call to Dave P and his company installed the floor as well as installing plantation shutters. We have a lot of good memories in that home. Cherish the times we laughed, ate and played. After my mom's funeral, we all came back to the house. I think it is the only time my father was in it. He told me when we were building, why would he want to come and see the house? He didn't care. Probably in hindsight, he couldn't stand that all his manipulation, gaslighting and meanness had failed in me being a successful person in this life.

When we bought our home here we wanted something the total opposite of our home in Katy. There open concept, here definite rooms. I do miss our bathroom and closet though and the outdoor fireplace. A friend asked me how I could leave that home in Katy and move here. Here trumps there a 1000%. There was good but here is great, even with a tiny and cramped shower. 

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