Monday, April 5, 2021

Happy Heavenly Birthday, Mom!


Today April 5th, would be my mom's 92nd birthday. I miss her and think about her almost everyday. My brother sent me this picture yesterday and I keep looking at it because instead of just looking at the picture as just mom, I see how beautiful she was. I also now see why even when I was six feet tall and weighed a 120 pounds, that she thought my legs were fat. Looking at this picture, I see where she got that idea because her legs were so skinny. My legs were more muscular than shapely. This picture was taken when I was in junior high school. I had long straight hair in high school but short for most of my younger life. Beginning in the 7th grade I grew an inch a year until my senior year when I reached the height of 5'12".

My mom was so funny and whimsical. She could pull a joke without being mean. Give her some fabric and odds and ends of bric a brack along with some buttons and she made some of the most fun stuff animals or hearts with faces. When my father was cleaning out her things after she passed away, he asked me what I wanted. I chose a little stuffed cat she had made. Funny thing, HP was drawn to that little stuffed cat during her recovery. 

My mom was an avid gardener. She could just look at a twig or a piece off a broken plant and soon those broken twigs and pieces turned into beautiful plants. My brother has the gift too and I am coming late into our legacy. Truthfully, having a southern exposure helps. So, today to celebrate her birthday, I planted three blackberry plants and worked on getting the camellias better covered with cow manure and potting soil. Pulled a few weeds and watered plants.  Think she would be proud and probably a bit surprised. 

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