Thursday, January 20, 2022

Cabin Fever...Gone

 We are one degree above freezing and while others are out and about, we shall see if we can safely get out to take care of a couple of errands. Businesses are slowly opening today but many are closed. Don't blame them at all. That's what I love about being near small towns and cities. I kind of wish Fed Ex was open and making deliveries but it looks as if they're not. I want them all to be safe as well especially on all the side roads that may have not been cleared. We are so fortunate that our road and driveway are clear as well as the main road that runs in front of our house. 

This morning we cleaned out one junk drawer and are now trying to downsize from two junk drawers into one. Lot more stuff going to the Habitat Thrift Store whenever we can get there. We cleared out dishes we haven't used in a while which means we will need them next week. Roy has been on the phone or online with our insurance company and checking on our status with a few other companies. I am so glad we took garbage to the landfill last week because Waste Pro isn't running once again due to the side roads and black ice in the mornings. 

It is finally catching up with me, going on full throttle for the past month. I am weary and tired. I know that Galatians says not to grow weary in doing good, so onward but maybe with a slower pace. I know things will work out and the frustrations we are experiencing with Fed Ex and others will be resolved. It feels like what others have been saying, January has been the longest year this month.  


Looks like we will warm up quicker today and that's good because we need groceries, especially for Roy's health diet he has to follow. Word is another snow storm this weekend yet it is an iffy prospect. Looks like the impact might be more for eastern NC than in the mountains. We will see. Hope the stores aren't too packed out. I will probably have to go alone because Roy needs to stay here if the Fed Ex package is put out for delivery again. Normally, we can go but he has to sign for this one. We've spent our days working here with the eye ever vigilant on the security camera and Roy's ear to the ground, so to speak. 

Had the 2:00 am wakeup so I got some studying done on the lesson for Sunday. We begin in Daniel and I am struck by how different the first chapter seems this time around. God's Word, active and alive. I am drawn to the relationship Daniel had with God and how that affects his relationship with others. After a year of watching Christians duke it out with other Christians on Twitter studying Daniel in the first chapter is welcomed. It is interesting in the reading for study purposes that in the late 1950s-mid 1970s, this passage was used to encourage students getting ready to attend college. It certainly seems to fit that theme. I don't remember if anyone did that or not in the summer before college. 


Thursday morning. Breakfast was not well attended but it is warmer and KH is around. The weather forecast hasn't really been defined so we might have snow, we might not but the feeling is we will have rain. 

We finally solved the Fed Ex problem. After sitting around for days waiting on the delivery, which had to be signed for, we went to Fed Ex. Thinking all this time it would be located near the airport, it is only about eight miles away. Roy got on the phone, they still had the package, so we went there. It is a tremendous load off of us, it caused a lot of stress in trying to keep up with what was going on. I am leaving out details on purpose but to watch the tracking of it be on delivery vehicles and then not make it here since Saturday...partly the fault of the sender and partly weather/employees calling in sick/supply chain issues. 

While Roy waited on news of a delivery yesterday morning, I went to the grocery store. The roads were clear with the temps above freezing. Brenda once took me around our area showing me the places where black ice tends to happen and I am always thankful for that knowledge. Publix wasn't too bad and I found pretty much what we needed. I was looking mainly for stuff that Roy can eat. I thought about going over to Ingles for a few things but their parking lot was packed out. We ended up there a little later, still packed parking lot but the difference seemed to be staffing with Publix having more people working. Being in the late afternoon, the main drag was humming and filled with cars. Cabin fever broke and fear of ice lifted, we were all set free to roam. 

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