Wednesday, January 5, 2022


 With the past few days filled with moving furniture, books and the like, muscles are sore and pleading with me not to do this again. Especially my shoulders and a hamstring. Monday we cleared out the living room and moved stuff into the dinning room that will eventually and hopefully sooner than later leave the house. I think a couple of the old time kids school desks might go with some of the other stuff designated to go on to someone else to enjoy. I have had those for a very long time and used them as small bookcases but now with the bookcases from Roy's former study and condo, we might not need the extra display and it feels like we are at max capacity. 

Once the movers called from the road they were about thirty minutes away, we began moving vehicles up to our neighbors gravel road. That was fun cause it was still snowy with some ice. The Mustang was perfect getting up there, but the truck, I had to use four wheel drive. Go figure. All this movement and a garage door open on a very cold morning threw the Feral Fam into a bit of a panic. They were happy to see normalcy when the door closed and they had new things to climb on. Toupee did pretty good yesterday but this morning, she didn't eat but she is moving about, so that is a hopeful thing. 

The movers go here a little before 10:00. One of the guys had helped pack Roy. Both of these guys were not prepared for cold weather and only wore zip up sweatshirts. We have given away or had stolen several winter coats and if we had them I would have given them coats. Our road and driveway scared them and finally they came to the conclusion they would block our one lane road to unload. Fortunately, Mary Joyce has a driveway and exit to the main road. I am thankful for kind and understanding neighbors. The truck, a large cube truck, had two more deliveries of furniture and their next stop was New York. These young guys were flatlanders from Houston and the slope of our driveway made them a tad nervous. The blessing is, we had to move the bed here because Roy was zipping out the door as soon as they left the condo but when Roy told them to put it on the back porch, we are now truly rednecks, because we were going to get rid of it, one of the guys asked if he could have it to give to a friend that had their kids sleeping on air mattresses. It went right back on the truck. Everyone was happy all around. After they left, we decided to tackle the boxes that mainly held books and get them up on the shelves. We came across a few surprises that made us so happy. Our plates and skillets were there, not in the car that was stolen as well as several new pair of jeans that Roy had bought in Houston. He thought they were in the car with him. We have a long way to go but it felt good to have tackled most of the boxes. There were several boxes filled with cables and wires and connectors...Roy went through them, kept what he thought we might need and once his new computer gets here and if he doesn't need them, they too will go the way of the thrift store. Last night in our living room it looked like Hoarders could come in and film, but here's the deal, we are quick to rid and don't hold onto too much. Several of the boxes were ones that Roy packed up from his office. He was so surprised to find some of his Toastmaster awards made it here. This made me so happy for him. Arranging the books yesterday, I realized we have a million different kinds of Bible. Happy to see some books to use for lesson study but I was so happy to see all my Ellen Gilchrist, Anne Rivers Siddons and Gail Godwin books. Along with those the early purchased books by North Carolina authors and those books began to kindle a love for the mountains here. Guess, the rest is history. 

We did get a call from the Mobile detective yesterday. He got a search warrant to ping Roy's old phone. They got a location and they went to investigate. No news, really, but it is good to know that he is still working on the case. They feel like the plates have been changed and have to hope a pull over happens. 

This morning, I slept to nearly 8:00 am which is sleeping in these days. Roy was up and making his oatmeal...ugh...and I could smell the fragrance of coffee as it lofted upstairs. I checked emails, a habit from six years of early morning communication with Roy, and there were two letters from our stock plan letting us know they had received notice of withdrawal requests. Sore hammy and all, I flew down the stairs to let Roy know. He came up here and talked and with a representative. It wasn't a thing at all but when one has been robbed and lost all the paperwork to years of dedicated saving, one gets a little nervous. All those representatives are working from home and the lady helping was having monitor issues. He was able to help her with that. All in all that makes for a very good morning. 

The next weather maker is on the way with the chance of snow. So, we better get out there and run our errands. Then come back to unpack. 

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