Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Memories Stuffed in Boxes

It is feeling like January 2020 because there is a National Champion that isn't Alabama. Truthfully, I could not stay awake to watch the second half and the first half of the game didn't do anything to help the cause. After staying up the night before watching a NFL game, Roy wasn't going to stay up late two nights in a row. The eastern time zone is really getting to him, especially when it comes to watching sports. Around 5:30 am, we found out, much to our surprise, that Georgia had come alive in the second half. We watched the re-cap of the game and then Roy headed upstairs for breakfast and his devo he watches. We really do give and take on these things. He likes to ride the bike and watch news later in the day so I make myself scarce because I will sit there and talk to him. 

Feeding the Feral Fam this morning felt especially cold. They were in good humor because the growl fest participants hadn't shown up yet, although Biggio is can growl with the best of them when it comes to food. Toupee had a great appetite as well as the rest of the fam. Seemed to be a full house except for Mama Cat and Punky. 

This Sunday should be our last one in Ezekiel and even as I have enjoyed finding gems in this book of the Bible, I can't say I am sad to leave Ezekiel behind and begin with Daniel. This week the lesson is on values. This is one of those lessons that feels like a pot luck of scripture by the good people of Lifeway. Hey, we need to finish up this book so lets throw everything in that we didn't cover. Granted, the topic is good, it just has that feel that I remember from years ago teaching from the quarterly. For the most part, the quarterly has improved and for this we are thankful.


It is now Wednesday. It is brrrr...cold too but will warm up to be probably the warmest day of the week. All eyes are on the weekend storms and whether or not we will have snow. Make that accumulating snow. We are preparing like accumulation but I think it is the same as no snow. We have canned soup for days. 

We did a couple of errands that include long range plans. Then after that appointment we headed over to Publix for prepared meals and strawberries on sale. Got home and while I put up groceries Roy made our lunch from The Fresh Market. Their pepper steak, mashed sweet potatoes and green beans dinner is very tasty. It was back to preparing a lesson for me and Roy needed to finish up his homework for Zoom Community Bible Study. When I took a break I began going through storage containers and that pretty much kept me occupied for hours. I found stuff I thought was long gone. Going through pictures quickly of our trips to Carmel, SF and then to the east coast off the of Georgia. Pics from my tanning days where we had to have beach time to keep up the much too dark tan that I had. Trips to Hilton Head for a tennis tournament and for a vacation trip. Came across the first time I was in Asheville and at the Biltmore. Softball pics from practices and tournaments. Pictures of friends and pictures of family. It was a pleasant afternoon into evening. Now, I did get rid of some stuff but I need to go through it all again and throw away scenery pics and the like that have faded with age. Loved remembering that Roy did have brown hair at one time. Also the various hairstyles I have sported throughout the years...oh my. I found the kindergarten scrap book my mom kept and I got a kick out of some of my artwork. Included in all the treasures, three autograph books. I remember most of those who signed but others...what the heck? Cards from my Grandma B, wow, that was a bonus. Also a few pics from my Tiger Beat days of the Monkees and Paul Revere and the Raiders. I kept Camp Fire Girls beads, combs, certificates and GA books, patches and cards. I found a notebook of poetry I had written as well as some I turned in for school probably in the second grade cause it was that half paper. Top half for drawing and the bottom half lined for writing. Workbooks and VBS stuff. I made several F+s which boggles my mind. 

One thing that is consistent, my hair. It's all over the place from early years to this morning. 

There is still so much to do but we are tackling it whole heartedly or leisurely, depends on the day. Roy has not gone through his office boxes and it will probably be a while before he does. He is adjusting to being retired beautifully, better than anticipated. Although, when we were talking with the banker yesterday, she talked about getting into compliance and such. Roy beamed as he told her the directions that would be helpful for her to know as she looks toward this goal. In the car he said, I have so much I can share to help and I believe he does. Just to find the right opportunity. 

Well, the day started and I need to join in. Fed the Feral Fam and they were all hungry and waiting for food. No growling this morning, so that makes it a pleasant chore. 21 degrees but now it has warmed up to 24 degrees. 

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