Monday, January 10, 2022

Monday, Monday...

 This week life has been consumed with movers arriving with lots of storage containers and just a little bit of furniture. Two days early than what was scheduled and it has thrown us into survival mode as we go through boxes and placing books in place. Lots of stuff leaving for Habitat thrift store and we are feeling like lots more could and probably should go. When there has been any free time it has been working on the lesson for tomorrow. Trying to plan meals with Roy in mind and of course the daily course of living and watching and wondering about the Feral Fam. Much neglect in so many areas, but not in a meanspirited way but just a I have not had this much to do or to take care of in a long time. We've been consumed with paperwork and follow ups, plans for the future, updates from the detective in Mobile and generally putting life back in order. With all this taking our attention, having Roy here is just about the best thing going. 

I don't know if I would call this person a friend or someone I knew at church or what, but a friend to many passed away yesterday and the wake of loss and sorrow has overtaken the Facebook feed learning about her in so many ways that I never appreciated. She was known as a prayer warrior and she walked along side of many offering friendship, prayers and kindness. She had a lot of sass going on about her but in many ways, that endeared her to many. Today the memories of those who knew her well and loved her best has made me think maybe we should have taken the time to know one another better in choir or in Sunday School. Though it would seem unlikely that we would have gotten along, two strong willed women with opinions we both felt were correct. We sparred a bit over politics and not even in a way you would think. She loved the Blue Ridge Mountains and came here many times going to The Cove or visiting friends. I don't believe she came this way while I have lived here, although if Covid hadn't been a factor in 2020, she and some friends were planning to come this way. While reading these thoughts and memories from mutual friends and others, I have a new appreciation for her life and ministry, all the things she was involved with and reaching across international lines sharing the Gospel and making friends. 

We ventured out no not once yesterday when temps never got above freezing. Today, after an expected delivery was made, we were able to load up the truck with load one for the thrift store. Bright sunshine so welcomed but the wind blowing was a cold and bitter wind. We also stopped at Tractor Supply and found cat food on their shelves. Loaded up on some dry food as well. Made a stop at the Post Office where a letter of interest had been delivered, from the IRS. Dant dant DAAAAA. Roy felt sure it was the annual pin number we have for filing taxes and that is what it was. 

One of the big tall boxes we emptied yesterday is now a big time play pen for the Feral Fam. They are so fun to watch as they wrestle and play all over inside that box and the noise makes Punky and Mama Cat a bit nervous. Toupee looked so good today, her eyes a bright green color and she had energy. No telling where this box will end up in the garage but it also might give them an extra layer of warmth for another cold night. 


So happy to report we lost no one from the Ezekiel 37 lesson. There was good input from the class and everything. Whew, now to look at the next lesson in a little bit. We came home and ate lunch, then I headed to bed for a long winters nap. It has been a while since I have done this but with the rain, the cold felt much colder and I couldn't get warm. Thank you electric blanket. Then off to a committee meeting at church. We watched the Raider vs Chargers game and I went to bed before halftime. Glad I did cause Roy stayed up to watch the game and said the ending was a strange one. 

One thing we are working on is mornings. Roy likes to catch up with news and sports as well as watching a devotional kind of program. I like quiet in the mornings. So when we moved my computer down here we said he would watch TV upstairs and eat his breakfast. This morning, the TV downstairs came on and I reminded him of our agreement. I said I would never have a TV downstairs but about a year ago, we had to put one down here. We watch such different shows. The streaming connection downstairs isn't as good but that's okay cause it is hardly on. Until a few years ago, more than a few years ago, I began to realize that quiet had become more important for me. I think that is when I realized I was an extroverted introvert with more emphasis on introvert. The rush and chaos of being an extrovert helped me get through this life and the worlds I found myself in. When the distraction of everything that caused the chaos began to have less impact, the quietness was welcomed and needed. 

Got the Feral Fam breakfast this morning first thing. Toupee and Biggio were in attendance. Toupee was a little mopey yesterday but this morning she was ready to eat. It didn't get as cold last night as previous nights, so that helps them too. 

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