Saturday, January 8, 2022

Hopefully A Break From Below Freezing Days

 The morning greeted us with temps in the low 20s. Not expected to get above freezing today. Put a roast in the crock pot and now drinking coffee. With Roy returning to drinking coffee, some mornings we are making two pots, especially on cold mornings. Braved the chilly to get out to feed the Feral Fam. Toupee was there and she ate a good bit of food, so encouraging to see that. Blazey has figured out that if he hangs around her he has a good chance at eating before the others. He has started rubbing around my legs and lets me pet him, in fact he is like Toupee in that he is letting me pet him when food is not involved. Roy is experiencing the wonder of kitty playtime in our backyard. I am happy to see that the kittens are playing with the orange kitten that made his appearance several weeks ago. Punky took a couple of swipes at him last night but it didn't discourage him to return this morning. Punky takes swipes at everyone. When she is around with Mama Cat, growlfest 2022 happens. 

We have pushed so hard these past few days that we've decided to take it a little more slowly today as we decide what stays and what goes and where it will be moved to. Good thing we hardly ever use the dining room because it has become the receptacle for the unknowns or too cold to move things to the truck status. 

Roy and I operate on different levels in the mornings. He has always been a morning person and throughout the years I am slowly becoming one. Two sips of coffee into the morning, he is talking wills with legalese. Wait! What? It must be due to the fact that we have unpacked and shelved several law books he has kept from law school and the one summer he clerked. If anyone needs a citation book, we can loan you one. Of course when we talk wills he only talks about mine because he is still in denial that he will die if Jesus tarries. I guess he took the getting a pot roast into the crock pot being more of an awake thing rather than a lets get this on so we don't have to wait and have late lunch early supper. He eats his breakfast almost always right after getting up for the morning. I cannot face food that quickly, but he has offered to make eggs for me whenever I am ready. This morning feels more like a toast is good morning, so he is off scrambled egg duty. He has found the regimen he needs to eat healthy and maintain his weight. Regimen sounds like a harsh word, but it doesn't mean to be, but that is how Roy approaches problems and situations to solve. I bet the fact that I am a mood eater can kind of bother him from time to time.  

Early on in 2022, there are so many needs and prayers to be made for those things. Mostly health and some of it Covid related. Our Sunday School class is a praying class who also have fun. While fun is almost the operative word for me, I am even happier that we are a class who prays for one another and one another's requests. Roy said this morning as my phone had a bunch of text pings, your class must be praying for requests. It is encouraging to hear that sound but more so that prayers are being lifted. Just about the only group text message I like. 

We had tiny flakes of snow this morning. Several others in a weather group I follow and live in the area are saying the same thing. One has to look intently to see them. 


Saturday morning and we are supposed to get above freezing today. Think we are all looking forward to that. 

Yesterday afternoon, a prayer warrior at First Baptist Houston passed away from Covid. She didn't have the up and down journey of good and bad days, they just seemed to get worse. We were not close but we were in choir and Sunday School together. It has been interesting and insightful reading the tributes written in her memory on Facebook. She left a legacy of prayer and service. 

Also, yesterday afternoon, I took some time to go through two of the storage boxes that had been out in the casita bedroom, moved to the condo and then here. I got so sick while in Houston in 2019 that I wasn't able to go through things then as I had in the house. What was to be a break from a Sunday School lesson turned into an afternoon of memories. Several pics I posted were of Mildred and Gertrude and people began remembering the times we had made them laugh. Peggy and I were texting and after a while, I called because that was a lot of texting. Oh my, we laughed so much at our memories of being Mildred and Gertrude. Along with other memories as well. I even found the DVD that First Baptist Trussville recorded of us when we did their Sunday School appreciation. Our first out of state gig. I also found recipes in my mother's handwriting, birthday cards and letters from her. And then cards, if I remember the person, I keep the card, those that don't ring a bell, they get discarded. 

Roy and I got another huge box sorted and it was such a joy in the midst of giving, throwing away and keeping boxes that we found several of the cold weather fleeces he loves. He thought they had been in the car. We were rejoicing over the delight of finding such cherished and well, needed things. We were able to go through t-shirts as well. We are slowly making progress. 

Out in the garage this morning there was a full house of hungry kitties. Toupee included. She is looking better and a bit more lively. Of course growl fest happened a few times as they waited impatiently for food to be served. I made the autoship from Chewy's happen a week earlier than usual so variety will be back next week. 

We are sticking around home today waiting for a delivery from Fed-Ex. If there is time, we take a load of stuff to the Habitat thrift store to make room for more stuff to exit.  

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