It is good to be back in the land of the living cause yesterday I was having my doubts. I felt sure I had a twenty four hour bug but you know you can tell yourself all kinds of stories about fever and throwing up. Sunday afternoon should have given me a clue, I was fatigued and took a really long nap. I don't do that much anymore. I probably should have stayed home but I credited the fatigue to getting everything in order for our celebration Sunday and being pretty sure we would have a visitor to our class. Now, I do not worry in one bit about our class, so welcoming and friendly, but instead of a lesson our time would just be a devo-ette and not a very good one at that. If I studied like normal, I would want to teach a lesson, so it was trying to find a good but short way to close out Malachi and with us being finished with the Old Testament and going into the New.
Yep, I probably should have stayed home because upon returning home, I went straight to tired that I didn't wash my face or brush my teeth...I hate to share that but it is part of the story. It is a rare night that the washing of the face and teeth are not done. In the middle of the night, I woke up and had a slight headache, so I, my blood pressure must be high or something cause I rarely if ever have headaches. When morning arrived, it might have been 100% but I was not. Thinking it was something to shake off, I went downstairs, made coffee and ate a half of a banana. Only half because the urgent called and I responded. After that episode I knew better than to drink coffee or finish the banana. It was a return upstairs to go to bed. I barely remember Nathan calling about mulch and even the thought of mulch was priming me to throw up. A little later I heard Mike unloading the stones for the backyard and I texted him that I wouldn't be out there. One word answered Inez's text and waited till later in the day to respond to Jennell. It hurt to look at anything. When I have a fever my eyes hurt and there was a hurting going on. Much, much later in the day, I got up, went downstairs, held my breath and fed the ferals. No breakfast made that bunch kind of hungry. I tried drinking, sipping a Coke but it didn't stay down either time I tried it. Now this is when the thoughts hit...maybe this is more than a bug. Maybe I am really, really ill. When my eyes can take it, I think I will Google it up, my symptoms. As the day turned to evening, I did feel better than I had in the morning. Should I get up, try some crackers and vitamin water...from the Amish, so you know it has to be good. Went downstairs and retrieved the crackers and a Dr Enuf as a chaser. Meanwhile, I am texting with Dr Inez and she was giving me some good advice. She was also encouraging me, if this was heart related which it wasn't but I knew I could not get dehydrated or it would be. That is when I went to Dr Google...dang, according to the good Dr Google, I was probably dying of ten common diseases and one very rare one. One of the symptoms was a bad taste in your mouth...I had that...but then I remembered I didn't brush my teeth the night before, so always, always brush your teeth even when you are so tired. You'll think you have a disease and the prognosis is not good.
I stayed up to eat a cracker or two. That went I drank a little vitamin water...went well...a little Dr Enuf...still going well. With that, I watched my new favorite show, Home Town. It is kind of ironic that I like this show so much because, it is filmed in Laurel, MS. I dread going through Laurel. For a long time the interstate went down to 40 mph. So, you know that is a speed trap waiting to happen. The choices for stopping are limited, so I am happy to see Laurel in the rear view mirror. Now I want to stop and look around but I probably won't. That is where whether coming or going I am making the turn, think make time, toward Houston or I am excited to be on the way home to NC.
Thinking even though I have slept most of the day, going to bed around 10:00 pm would be good. It was except I woke up, wide awake around 1:30 am. Finally, at 2:00 I got up to get more fluid and crackers in me and wouldn't you know it, Home Town was on repeat that early in the morning. I think I have now watched all the episodes in the past few weeks. Around 4:00, it was back to bed and almost made it to 8:00 am.
Feel much better this morning and have stuff to do but not pushing it. I kept thinking about the lesson for Sunday, it is on the first Adam and the last Adam...all the big words are there, justification, sanctification, fortification, classification, modification...I need a vacation... No really, just the first two words...but that is enough. When I signed up for teaching I said, no teaching out of Romans, unless it starts at Chapter 12 cause my pay grade isn't enough for teaching the first 11 chapters. I understand them personally, tripped up verbally. Well, God will make a way for Romans 5 to be taught by this ADD, tongue tied with the great themes, person.
Buddy was my constant companion yesterday. She rarely left my side...Roy said it was because I was warm, with running a fever. That's true but after I would throw up...she would take her paw and stroke my face at the jaw line.
So, a whole post on a 24 hour bug...lesson learned...go with your gut, even if it won't hold food or drink...don't read Dr Google, instead of planning on the next Sunday School lesson, you'll be planning your funeral service. Okay, I didn't get that far along...but you know what I mean...
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Saturday Morning Quick Thoughts
Because the winter sun doesn't hit the backyard like in summer there is some remaining snow, lingering on evergreens, in patches of shade and the like but with a full day of sun it all should be melted by the end of the day. We might get a few more flurries this upcoming week...guess winter finally got its act together, of late, and now when our hearts and minds turn to spring, we have this late wave of colder temps and a few snow flurries. The temperature is 18 degrees right now.
One of my errands today is dropping off some stuff at Goodwill. It is the continuous journey of going through closets. From early on nothing has ever been held onto too tightly by me but maybe the exception is books. The last two book clean outs are barely a blip on the screen but it is the honest evaluation of so many of these books, I'll not read them again or they aren't in a genre that holds my interest. There are a few though, that will stick around a little longer. Back in the early days of my collecting first edition southern fiction, I came across memoirs and stories that aren't the predictable, stereotype niche of growing up poor or southern or whatever. I found a book several weeks ago that had been put away. It had been recommended by a young friend and I skimmed it when I first bought it but it has been in the depths of a box. I was somewhat excited when I came across it because it seemed to fit in with the Taste and See study that we will be starting in a couple of weeks. This thin book is drudgery to go through. It is one of those happy, slappy, snappy books written by a bright and bubbly persona that seems to include some not so good days in her story, mainly cause something has got to cut the cuteness and sweetness of the stories and observations. She is the typical women's ministry go to speaker type and I struggle with that constant barrage of imagery. There are several Christian authors who use this same blueprint and I have tried to finish their books and I just can't even though I am drawn to their subject matter. I'll skim the rest of the book but I can already sense that hers will be the same theme, different foods, other gatherings, and the same formula that this book has showed in the first three chapters. Such a contrast to Taste and See. Margaret Feinberg tells interesting stories, great Bible examples and with so much research. Each time I go through the book, I underline in different colors because her study is multilayered Maybe I identify with Margaret because she and her husband don't have children either and she is basically untethered to roam about and experience life without having to be back home to help with homework and stuff like that.
In the midst of the ordinary yesterday, and I love me some ordinary, I received an encouraging note. A long time friend, first time caller.... No, a long time friend messaged me that she is traveling the heart issue road and the upcoming procedures, the medicines and all the like...and that Monablog had helped her. She had gone back to 2008 beginning in September as I wrote through the twists and turns of my journey. For so many reasons I continue to blog, and now it ain't cool anymore but who cares? But when I hear from friends and strangers about how much either the heart stuff or things dealing with my father has helped them, I know that this little corner of the world, I am doing the right thing. You can survive a traumatic childhood, dramatic adulthood, making a livelihood, the scary-hood, and new neighborhood and come out okay, better than okay. If some of the abuse and trauma, or the illness and recovery helps someone, my little heart and life are encouraged. Well, my heart isn't little but enlarged...but you get the idea. And if other posts have brought you laughter and joy, that's good too...and I cannot forget to mention all the boring posts...they have their place as well, cause boring posts are for me, to remember a day or an event.
One last observation and this will be of the feral kind, I watched Punky and Ranger eating this morning. On any given moment, Punky will chase Ranger out of the yard and down the gravel road. While the cousins have totally accepted Ranger, Punky has mixed reactions. Punky and Ranger found the food on the back porch steps earlier. As long as Punky was eating, Ranger would eat...if Punky looked up, Ranger looked up...because one never knows what a hormonal cat will do, continue eating or chasing. Last night as I was making my rounds, turning off lights and such...I saw Strawyer coming up our road...dang, he had been hanging out near the busy, mainline highway with constant traffic last night. These stubborn ferals....
One of my errands today is dropping off some stuff at Goodwill. It is the continuous journey of going through closets. From early on nothing has ever been held onto too tightly by me but maybe the exception is books. The last two book clean outs are barely a blip on the screen but it is the honest evaluation of so many of these books, I'll not read them again or they aren't in a genre that holds my interest. There are a few though, that will stick around a little longer. Back in the early days of my collecting first edition southern fiction, I came across memoirs and stories that aren't the predictable, stereotype niche of growing up poor or southern or whatever. I found a book several weeks ago that had been put away. It had been recommended by a young friend and I skimmed it when I first bought it but it has been in the depths of a box. I was somewhat excited when I came across it because it seemed to fit in with the Taste and See study that we will be starting in a couple of weeks. This thin book is drudgery to go through. It is one of those happy, slappy, snappy books written by a bright and bubbly persona that seems to include some not so good days in her story, mainly cause something has got to cut the cuteness and sweetness of the stories and observations. She is the typical women's ministry go to speaker type and I struggle with that constant barrage of imagery. There are several Christian authors who use this same blueprint and I have tried to finish their books and I just can't even though I am drawn to their subject matter. I'll skim the rest of the book but I can already sense that hers will be the same theme, different foods, other gatherings, and the same formula that this book has showed in the first three chapters. Such a contrast to Taste and See. Margaret Feinberg tells interesting stories, great Bible examples and with so much research. Each time I go through the book, I underline in different colors because her study is multilayered Maybe I identify with Margaret because she and her husband don't have children either and she is basically untethered to roam about and experience life without having to be back home to help with homework and stuff like that.
In the midst of the ordinary yesterday, and I love me some ordinary, I received an encouraging note. A long time friend, first time caller.... No, a long time friend messaged me that she is traveling the heart issue road and the upcoming procedures, the medicines and all the like...and that Monablog had helped her. She had gone back to 2008 beginning in September as I wrote through the twists and turns of my journey. For so many reasons I continue to blog, and now it ain't cool anymore but who cares? But when I hear from friends and strangers about how much either the heart stuff or things dealing with my father has helped them, I know that this little corner of the world, I am doing the right thing. You can survive a traumatic childhood, dramatic adulthood, making a livelihood, the scary-hood, and new neighborhood and come out okay, better than okay. If some of the abuse and trauma, or the illness and recovery helps someone, my little heart and life are encouraged. Well, my heart isn't little but enlarged...but you get the idea. And if other posts have brought you laughter and joy, that's good too...and I cannot forget to mention all the boring posts...they have their place as well, cause boring posts are for me, to remember a day or an event.
One last observation and this will be of the feral kind, I watched Punky and Ranger eating this morning. On any given moment, Punky will chase Ranger out of the yard and down the gravel road. While the cousins have totally accepted Ranger, Punky has mixed reactions. Punky and Ranger found the food on the back porch steps earlier. As long as Punky was eating, Ranger would eat...if Punky looked up, Ranger looked up...because one never knows what a hormonal cat will do, continue eating or chasing. Last night as I was making my rounds, turning off lights and such...I saw Strawyer coming up our road...dang, he had been hanging out near the busy, mainline highway with constant traffic last night. These stubborn ferals....
Friday, February 21, 2020
We Finally Got Some Measurable Snow
I'm waiting on the snow that was supposed to start before sunrise this morning. When I woke up, I looked out the window to see normal conditions. Off and on throughout the morning there has been a few noticeable flakes drifting downward but nothing of merit. Now the forecasts are delaying the snow arrival, with warnings of deteriorating conditions beginning this evening and into the morning with the dreaded black ice forming along the roads. It seems that we live off a primary road so salting and clearing the road would take priority. The snow reports are coming in from the Balsam area, which is well known for the abundance of snow, more than other areas. Yes, once again, we are thankful for the people that made a better offer on the house we put an offer Balsam. Yes, the Lord watched over us and kept us from making that huge mistake. Just looked out the window and snow skies have made their appearance and tiny, little flakes are falling, not drifting.
Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons have been spent up at the church house, in our Sunday School room. On Tuesday, I changed out one of the bulletin boards. Truthfully, this is not in my sweet spot so to speak. So how can one go wrong with a road map of Israel, Bible verses and a few decorative accouterments? Oh and a teal border around the board? I also began cleaning out shelves. On Wednesday, the afternoon was a lot more fun with Judy and DC there. We got halfway though the second bulletin board, finished cleaning out things and generally trying to make the room seem not so sterile and unkempt.
It is now late afternoon and the snow was late in arriving but has been cranking out the flakes for hours. The snow tapers off this evening. It is beautiful and although snow covers a lot, it is not that quiet kind of snowfall. I have been trying to get those little stubborn ferals into the garage. Strawyer hasn't been around for a couple of days but he showed up this morning. The kittens...well, I think they are under the house but who knows. I've seen a few of the cats that I don't particularly like, well normally, but when it is cold and snowy...I make the effort to make sure they are fed to help them as they burn calories to keep warm. Yesterday in the checkout line, the cashier who has ferals and I visited a bit while she rang up groceries and cat food. I asked her about her cat she has been trying to get trapped, and he had died last week...hit by a car. I told her about Mr. McBeavy who was hit last month. We both had a few tears drop as we lamented the way these cats work their way into our lives and then how they leave an empty place, especially when they are just so darn stubborn.
Tuesday morning, I went to Walmart to pick up some bulletin board type supplies. Two guys at separate times fawned over the Mustang. It didn't use to make me nervous, but I've been reading about the uptick of crime here. Lots of break-ins and I'm just wondering if the car in our driveway last Friday night was a potential attempt? I don't know but I am going to become one of those "no turn around" sign people. I have them in my cart on Amazon. This morning I set off the alarm...first time ever here or in Texas that I have done so. I need to put a sign up to remind me. When that alarm went scared Buddy and me pretty good, as well as the ferals outside.
Friday, well, the snow is slowly melting and the roads are thawing and a few people are out and about this morning. All the road reports talk of main roads being clear. Although, I heard there is a patch of ice in front of the Leicester Post Office. Everyone is out in the back, kittens as well as Punky, Strawyer and the gray cat. I don't like the gray cat but he needs food just like the has been a while since a morning has started with a hissing of a cat. Straw and Punk love my flannel pajamas and they were rubbing against my legs while I was fixing breakfast for them.
Since our class is having a celebration Sunday, I've been working on a short but sweet devo thought to wrap up our journey through the Old Testament. I was talking to Roy about the lesson and he told me about a situation he is dealing was just the thing to hear, for direction in how to take us into Malachi for just a brief moment. The conversation also helped Roy to think through things when I gave him one example from our lives that would help with the resolving of this situation in the present. Sometimes when we have a benchmark moment, whether they be good or bad, those moments remind us what we did well and how we went wrong. And most importantly, God's grace in it all, past, present and future.
Well, time to wrap up this post. It's a beautiful, sunny day, but dang it is too cold to go outside and do anything.
Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons have been spent up at the church house, in our Sunday School room. On Tuesday, I changed out one of the bulletin boards. Truthfully, this is not in my sweet spot so to speak. So how can one go wrong with a road map of Israel, Bible verses and a few decorative accouterments? Oh and a teal border around the board? I also began cleaning out shelves. On Wednesday, the afternoon was a lot more fun with Judy and DC there. We got halfway though the second bulletin board, finished cleaning out things and generally trying to make the room seem not so sterile and unkempt.
It is now late afternoon and the snow was late in arriving but has been cranking out the flakes for hours. The snow tapers off this evening. It is beautiful and although snow covers a lot, it is not that quiet kind of snowfall. I have been trying to get those little stubborn ferals into the garage. Strawyer hasn't been around for a couple of days but he showed up this morning. The kittens...well, I think they are under the house but who knows. I've seen a few of the cats that I don't particularly like, well normally, but when it is cold and snowy...I make the effort to make sure they are fed to help them as they burn calories to keep warm. Yesterday in the checkout line, the cashier who has ferals and I visited a bit while she rang up groceries and cat food. I asked her about her cat she has been trying to get trapped, and he had died last week...hit by a car. I told her about Mr. McBeavy who was hit last month. We both had a few tears drop as we lamented the way these cats work their way into our lives and then how they leave an empty place, especially when they are just so darn stubborn.
Tuesday morning, I went to Walmart to pick up some bulletin board type supplies. Two guys at separate times fawned over the Mustang. It didn't use to make me nervous, but I've been reading about the uptick of crime here. Lots of break-ins and I'm just wondering if the car in our driveway last Friday night was a potential attempt? I don't know but I am going to become one of those "no turn around" sign people. I have them in my cart on Amazon. This morning I set off the alarm...first time ever here or in Texas that I have done so. I need to put a sign up to remind me. When that alarm went scared Buddy and me pretty good, as well as the ferals outside.
Friday, well, the snow is slowly melting and the roads are thawing and a few people are out and about this morning. All the road reports talk of main roads being clear. Although, I heard there is a patch of ice in front of the Leicester Post Office. Everyone is out in the back, kittens as well as Punky, Strawyer and the gray cat. I don't like the gray cat but he needs food just like the has been a while since a morning has started with a hissing of a cat. Straw and Punk love my flannel pajamas and they were rubbing against my legs while I was fixing breakfast for them.
Since our class is having a celebration Sunday, I've been working on a short but sweet devo thought to wrap up our journey through the Old Testament. I was talking to Roy about the lesson and he told me about a situation he is dealing was just the thing to hear, for direction in how to take us into Malachi for just a brief moment. The conversation also helped Roy to think through things when I gave him one example from our lives that would help with the resolving of this situation in the present. Sometimes when we have a benchmark moment, whether they be good or bad, those moments remind us what we did well and how we went wrong. And most importantly, God's grace in it all, past, present and future.
Well, time to wrap up this post. It's a beautiful, sunny day, but dang it is too cold to go outside and do anything.
Monday, February 17, 2020
A Monday Morning Wrap Up
If you like reading about the ferals living out back, you might like this post. I am putting this down for me to ponder and remember, these days of cats and roses. Well, the roses are dormant right now and by the looks of things at Tractor Supply, the time to plant is now. I am kind of having doubts cause we could still get a big ol blast of on Saturday.
This past week two unknowns in the cat world have been two black and white cats. The first one, I have only seen once but the second one, who I have been calling Darth Vader has been around in the late afternoons creating havoc amongst the peaceful dwellers of our backyard. He looks like he is someone's pet, thus the late afternoon timing and his coat is beautiful and shiny, not the look of a feral. He has not been interested in the "girls" nor in the food, although I saw him last night getting a snack. No, his pleasure is running all these cats into pandemonium. The kittens head for under the house, Punky if she is around, takes flight up to the gravel road and poor Strawyer cowers wherever he can get cover. Last evening before Darth made an appearance, the docile Strawyer seemed agitated and began picking fights with the kittens. Not in the mating ritual but just out of pure frustration with his lot in feral cat life. He particularly picked on the cousin who has been accepted into the fam somewhat. I opened the porch door to see if cuz would take me up on relief and sat there, I think it is a boy but who knows, and looked for a long time, maybe contemplating. I hadn't seen that look on any of these cats since Cali. But that feral emotion and logic won out, and seemed reluctant to move on, but it did. The other kittens tried to help it out by diverting Strawyer's attention. Seems like everything came to a close when who with dark, can't see his eyes appear but Darth Vader and his provoking of fear. I couldn't watch or interact any longer, so I went upstairs, cause cat world is just that, cat world.
Today after the rain, the kitties are out and about. Playing, napping and eating. With the cold temps coming in tonight, they'll be bundled up warm with each other under the house. After yesterday, these moments of kittendom are so welcomed. And just like my mom would tell Doug and me, it's always fun until someone gets hurt. So all these kitties have been napping together, so sweetly and then one wakes up and has the yayas, and the play begins.
Oh Monday morning, where did the weekend go? Not that it really matters cause when you're retired many times any and everyday seems very weekendish. Friday was Valentine's and our neighbors made a cherry loaf cake for us and Brenda brought by heart shaped Valentine cookies...all the above, very delicious. Friday afternoon I had several errands to run and once all that had been done, I came on home for a relaxing, Valentine's evening complete with cake and cookies. Only thing, it didn't turn out to be a relaxing evening. A little before 9:00, I went downstairs to get some treats for Buddy and when I came upstairs and looked out the window over the driveway, there was a car, a Jeep, silver, parked in our driveway, up close near the garage. It unnerved me a bit to see that because even our friends who have lived here all their lives, do not like coming all the way up to the garage. I called Brenda and she and Larry prepared to come on over. While I was talking with her, I went back downstairs and when I looked out the car was gone. It could have been a totally innocent thing, like someone being lost, or it could be something deliberate. With all the lights coming on the movement could have frightened the person off. Maybe I need to get one of those no trespassing/ no turn around signs for the driveway. I checked with our neighbor to see if they were expecting anyone cause they might be lost. He is active military and he gave me his number and said he would come down with rifle in hand. Saturday night I moved the truck closer to the other side of the driveway and that gave me a better view from our security cameras. It also made the driveway wide open with no truck masking a view.
Saturday, I hung around the house working on the lesson and also working on my projects a little bit. Got the some things moved around in the back because Mike will begin work this week on putting in some stepping stones/flat rock to level out the backyard and hopefully help in with less mud being tracked into the house.
We finished up Nehemiah yesterday. Next Sunday our class will have a celebration Sunday. We have made it through the Old Testament. We have birthdays and really, we just need a time to celebrate and fellowship. I might have a devotional thought on Malachi, but then again, I might not. I know I write this so often and every time I write it in truth, I love our class. We love one another, that is for sure. Our Pastor is preaching though Mark and his sermons have been so good. Sunday nights, we are going through I Samuel. The setting is casual and we have lots of question/answer/comment time available. Rob and Cindy had homemade cookies for us in choir practice. Delicious! What a thoughtful thing to do. What a nice way to end Valentine's Day weekend.
Back to the ferals for a moment...with a reprieve from rain, the kiddos are out there playing and chasing one another. Punky seems to be morphing into Mama Cat, cause Punky is in a bad mood most of the time now. Watching the developments in the back, it seems like the dangers of feral living is not so much from predators, although it is real, but from their own ilk or tribe. Like Darth, who causes havoc, Mama Cat who usually kills her kittens and just the territorial wanderings and markings that cats make. After about a three week absence, Mama Cat showed up Saturday afternoon. I haven't seen Camo in the longest time but that doesn't mean she is dead. That cat is just plain hard to see...thus her name.
This past week two unknowns in the cat world have been two black and white cats. The first one, I have only seen once but the second one, who I have been calling Darth Vader has been around in the late afternoons creating havoc amongst the peaceful dwellers of our backyard. He looks like he is someone's pet, thus the late afternoon timing and his coat is beautiful and shiny, not the look of a feral. He has not been interested in the "girls" nor in the food, although I saw him last night getting a snack. No, his pleasure is running all these cats into pandemonium. The kittens head for under the house, Punky if she is around, takes flight up to the gravel road and poor Strawyer cowers wherever he can get cover. Last evening before Darth made an appearance, the docile Strawyer seemed agitated and began picking fights with the kittens. Not in the mating ritual but just out of pure frustration with his lot in feral cat life. He particularly picked on the cousin who has been accepted into the fam somewhat. I opened the porch door to see if cuz would take me up on relief and sat there, I think it is a boy but who knows, and looked for a long time, maybe contemplating. I hadn't seen that look on any of these cats since Cali. But that feral emotion and logic won out, and seemed reluctant to move on, but it did. The other kittens tried to help it out by diverting Strawyer's attention. Seems like everything came to a close when who with dark, can't see his eyes appear but Darth Vader and his provoking of fear. I couldn't watch or interact any longer, so I went upstairs, cause cat world is just that, cat world.
Today after the rain, the kitties are out and about. Playing, napping and eating. With the cold temps coming in tonight, they'll be bundled up warm with each other under the house. After yesterday, these moments of kittendom are so welcomed. And just like my mom would tell Doug and me, it's always fun until someone gets hurt. So all these kitties have been napping together, so sweetly and then one wakes up and has the yayas, and the play begins.
Oh Monday morning, where did the weekend go? Not that it really matters cause when you're retired many times any and everyday seems very weekendish. Friday was Valentine's and our neighbors made a cherry loaf cake for us and Brenda brought by heart shaped Valentine cookies...all the above, very delicious. Friday afternoon I had several errands to run and once all that had been done, I came on home for a relaxing, Valentine's evening complete with cake and cookies. Only thing, it didn't turn out to be a relaxing evening. A little before 9:00, I went downstairs to get some treats for Buddy and when I came upstairs and looked out the window over the driveway, there was a car, a Jeep, silver, parked in our driveway, up close near the garage. It unnerved me a bit to see that because even our friends who have lived here all their lives, do not like coming all the way up to the garage. I called Brenda and she and Larry prepared to come on over. While I was talking with her, I went back downstairs and when I looked out the car was gone. It could have been a totally innocent thing, like someone being lost, or it could be something deliberate. With all the lights coming on the movement could have frightened the person off. Maybe I need to get one of those no trespassing/ no turn around signs for the driveway. I checked with our neighbor to see if they were expecting anyone cause they might be lost. He is active military and he gave me his number and said he would come down with rifle in hand. Saturday night I moved the truck closer to the other side of the driveway and that gave me a better view from our security cameras. It also made the driveway wide open with no truck masking a view.
Saturday, I hung around the house working on the lesson and also working on my projects a little bit. Got the some things moved around in the back because Mike will begin work this week on putting in some stepping stones/flat rock to level out the backyard and hopefully help in with less mud being tracked into the house.
We finished up Nehemiah yesterday. Next Sunday our class will have a celebration Sunday. We have made it through the Old Testament. We have birthdays and really, we just need a time to celebrate and fellowship. I might have a devotional thought on Malachi, but then again, I might not. I know I write this so often and every time I write it in truth, I love our class. We love one another, that is for sure. Our Pastor is preaching though Mark and his sermons have been so good. Sunday nights, we are going through I Samuel. The setting is casual and we have lots of question/answer/comment time available. Rob and Cindy had homemade cookies for us in choir practice. Delicious! What a thoughtful thing to do. What a nice way to end Valentine's Day weekend.
Back to the ferals for a moment...with a reprieve from rain, the kiddos are out there playing and chasing one another. Punky seems to be morphing into Mama Cat, cause Punky is in a bad mood most of the time now. Watching the developments in the back, it seems like the dangers of feral living is not so much from predators, although it is real, but from their own ilk or tribe. Like Darth, who causes havoc, Mama Cat who usually kills her kittens and just the territorial wanderings and markings that cats make. After about a three week absence, Mama Cat showed up Saturday afternoon. I haven't seen Camo in the longest time but that doesn't mean she is dead. That cat is just plain hard to see...thus her name.
Monday, February 10, 2020
Rain, Songs...What Are They Good For? Entertaining Me on a Rainy Day....
Hanging around, nothing to do but frown. Rainy days and Mondays, always get me.... Yep, that's it, rainy days on any days gets me, like in a sentimental good way. Today, I won't fight or resist the urge to settle down with a good book, maybe even The Good Book, maybe some hot chocky or decaf cinnamon coffee from Taste of Texas, in the bonus room, with fake fire stove heater going and wrapped up in a throw. Then when Buddy wakes up from whatever napping spot she has decided upon, she'll join me, either on my lap or on the pillows next to me looking out the window. Yep, those are my afternoon plans that might stretch into the evening. Then the song has to be changed to, I love a rainy night, love a rainy night.
Not all share the love of a rainy day...I probably only love a rainy day when I get to stay home. With all the rain we had over the weekend, a watchful eye is being kept of rivers, roads and rock slides. Being a Baptist and learning alliteration comes in handy. One lane has reopened through the Natahala, rain caused rock slides again, but read this morning that now power lines are down across the road and it is closed once again. The French Broad is up nearby but not near to coming out of the banks. I checked it out yesterday as I drove over to Weaverville. You can see a few new rocks and displaced dirt on the river road, but no slides as of this writing. This is looking to be the highest rainfall total for February around these parts and we aren't even halfway through the month. The forecast is for rain until Thursday.
Enough weather reports, whether they be boring or breaking. When I got home from church yesterday, well, after I got home from lunch with Brenda yesterday, my heart and thoughts were just so joyful. We have such a wonderful Sunday School class, full of supportive and funny friends. We love one another, pray for each other and rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. We are so fortunate and blessed, we are also so blessed that we get to have two Sundays in Nehemiah. So many books here lately have been the one and done variety. Nehemiah is so layered and deep, with so many different subjects we could rest on; prayer, leadership, how to's for enemy resisting, faithfulness and generosity. As much as I love Nehemiah, it wasn't until last week I picked up on...this is Nehemiah's diary or journal...his memoirs.
Dena sent me a copy of the book, Culture Code Champions, by Bill Higgs. He is one of the founders of Mustang Engineering, a great entrepreneur, mentor, Believer, and innovator. When I first met Dena she worked at Mustang, leading the marketing and communications group. Over the years I have heard the stories and traditions that were started, developed and shared, all beginning at Mustang. Mustang had all kinds of swag and my goal was to have one of everything they stored in their goody closet. Didn't happen but I told Dena I would know I was close to having everything when I got the pic up sticks. They had the best pens and I found one the other day cleaning out a drawer. Happy, happy, happy! Roy, Mustang did quite a bit of work for the company Roy works for, loved his Mustang calendar, the shrimp boils and he was able to get a couple of framed prints of work that had been done for EPD. I think he misses the shrimp boils the most. Anyway, I read through the book on Friday, saw Dena's name a couple of times...I know her! I teased her saying, I don't work, but maybe I can put these principles to use with my little feral family. They are a stubborn group, that is for sure. But, I was able to use one example in the Nehemiah lesson yesterday. Unlike so many books in this genre, it doesn't have a ton of pictures of "look at me." None of, here I am starting the company, here I am speaking to the company, here I am at a I am with someone famous.... Very few pics but the one I love the most, is Bill standing with the receptionist in the main lobby. He makes a great point, the receptionist is as important as your biggest seller, most creative employee, or highest degree holding employee. She is the first face many times or the first voice of your company. She or he can make or break an impression. I was telling Roy about the book and he bought it on Kindle. It is his delightful reading on the bus going into downtown and coming home. Last year I got to go with Dena to Charleston as Forbes Publishing celebrated the kick off as the book, in the beginning stages as being written by Bill. Such a fun time and enjoyed hearing the stories of Mustang and then from others who have started businesses and successes, inspired by Bill and doing it the Mustang way. Years ago I had a dream that I was hired by Mustang to be in charge of the goody closet. We laugh about it now, but it is one of my favorite dreams, that I can remember.
Looking out the window I cannot help but sing, "Who'll stop the rain?"
This morning, before serving breakfast to all the ferals that hang out around here on a consistent basis, I gave them a little snack. One of the most captivating views that happen with these cats is this, they respond to the sound of the porch door being opened. I have a bell on the door and these cats become Pavlov's dog when they hear the bell and the sound of the sliding screen opening. I watched four kittens and Strawyer come running down the hill from the gravel road to the porch steps. It made me laugh, such a joyful sight. Knowing these cats and how they like to eat, I scatter treats on all three steps cause there must be some kind of pecking order. The more I watch Edee, the most aggressive eater of the bunch, I think that Mr Meany got in one last...uh, hook up with Punky cause her head, expressions and eyes look like Mr Meany and Mr McBeavy. Neither one of those cats ever observed cat protocol. Edee is carrying on the family tradition. Before coming back upstairs, I watched Andy, Edee, and Beanie play on those chairs meant for plants. They were playing some version of a game like King of the Mountain. Although this would be king or queen of the chair. Andy sat in the chair with Beanie close by, wrestling with a wayward piece of the wood coming off the back of the chair. Edee was close by, and if swatted would think that Beanie had been the aggressor. Andy reaches over the edge of the chair, takes a swipe at Edee and resumes his innocent position of merely looking out upon the horizon. Edee launches into an occupied Beanie and all out kitten battle begins. So fun to watch and yet Andy, just looks on from his perch on the chair most probably reveling in the fact that he is still the possessor of said elevated position.
The rain is now coming down at a furious pace, so you to have a rain I'll choose Tina Turner singing, "Can't stand the rain against my window...." Also, when I went outside to bring in the Chewy's order...I broke out in a chorus of, "Singing in the rain, just singing in the rain." I did not have a glorious feeling, but could have done a medley by going into, "raindrops keep falling on my head...." Thankfully, I didn't need to bring it down a little into "I've seen fire and I've seen rain..."
Not all share the love of a rainy day...I probably only love a rainy day when I get to stay home. With all the rain we had over the weekend, a watchful eye is being kept of rivers, roads and rock slides. Being a Baptist and learning alliteration comes in handy. One lane has reopened through the Natahala, rain caused rock slides again, but read this morning that now power lines are down across the road and it is closed once again. The French Broad is up nearby but not near to coming out of the banks. I checked it out yesterday as I drove over to Weaverville. You can see a few new rocks and displaced dirt on the river road, but no slides as of this writing. This is looking to be the highest rainfall total for February around these parts and we aren't even halfway through the month. The forecast is for rain until Thursday.
Enough weather reports, whether they be boring or breaking. When I got home from church yesterday, well, after I got home from lunch with Brenda yesterday, my heart and thoughts were just so joyful. We have such a wonderful Sunday School class, full of supportive and funny friends. We love one another, pray for each other and rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. We are so fortunate and blessed, we are also so blessed that we get to have two Sundays in Nehemiah. So many books here lately have been the one and done variety. Nehemiah is so layered and deep, with so many different subjects we could rest on; prayer, leadership, how to's for enemy resisting, faithfulness and generosity. As much as I love Nehemiah, it wasn't until last week I picked up on...this is Nehemiah's diary or journal...his memoirs.
Dena sent me a copy of the book, Culture Code Champions, by Bill Higgs. He is one of the founders of Mustang Engineering, a great entrepreneur, mentor, Believer, and innovator. When I first met Dena she worked at Mustang, leading the marketing and communications group. Over the years I have heard the stories and traditions that were started, developed and shared, all beginning at Mustang. Mustang had all kinds of swag and my goal was to have one of everything they stored in their goody closet. Didn't happen but I told Dena I would know I was close to having everything when I got the pic up sticks. They had the best pens and I found one the other day cleaning out a drawer. Happy, happy, happy! Roy, Mustang did quite a bit of work for the company Roy works for, loved his Mustang calendar, the shrimp boils and he was able to get a couple of framed prints of work that had been done for EPD. I think he misses the shrimp boils the most. Anyway, I read through the book on Friday, saw Dena's name a couple of times...I know her! I teased her saying, I don't work, but maybe I can put these principles to use with my little feral family. They are a stubborn group, that is for sure. But, I was able to use one example in the Nehemiah lesson yesterday. Unlike so many books in this genre, it doesn't have a ton of pictures of "look at me." None of, here I am starting the company, here I am speaking to the company, here I am at a I am with someone famous.... Very few pics but the one I love the most, is Bill standing with the receptionist in the main lobby. He makes a great point, the receptionist is as important as your biggest seller, most creative employee, or highest degree holding employee. She is the first face many times or the first voice of your company. She or he can make or break an impression. I was telling Roy about the book and he bought it on Kindle. It is his delightful reading on the bus going into downtown and coming home. Last year I got to go with Dena to Charleston as Forbes Publishing celebrated the kick off as the book, in the beginning stages as being written by Bill. Such a fun time and enjoyed hearing the stories of Mustang and then from others who have started businesses and successes, inspired by Bill and doing it the Mustang way. Years ago I had a dream that I was hired by Mustang to be in charge of the goody closet. We laugh about it now, but it is one of my favorite dreams, that I can remember.
Looking out the window I cannot help but sing, "Who'll stop the rain?"
This morning, before serving breakfast to all the ferals that hang out around here on a consistent basis, I gave them a little snack. One of the most captivating views that happen with these cats is this, they respond to the sound of the porch door being opened. I have a bell on the door and these cats become Pavlov's dog when they hear the bell and the sound of the sliding screen opening. I watched four kittens and Strawyer come running down the hill from the gravel road to the porch steps. It made me laugh, such a joyful sight. Knowing these cats and how they like to eat, I scatter treats on all three steps cause there must be some kind of pecking order. The more I watch Edee, the most aggressive eater of the bunch, I think that Mr Meany got in one last...uh, hook up with Punky cause her head, expressions and eyes look like Mr Meany and Mr McBeavy. Neither one of those cats ever observed cat protocol. Edee is carrying on the family tradition. Before coming back upstairs, I watched Andy, Edee, and Beanie play on those chairs meant for plants. They were playing some version of a game like King of the Mountain. Although this would be king or queen of the chair. Andy sat in the chair with Beanie close by, wrestling with a wayward piece of the wood coming off the back of the chair. Edee was close by, and if swatted would think that Beanie had been the aggressor. Andy reaches over the edge of the chair, takes a swipe at Edee and resumes his innocent position of merely looking out upon the horizon. Edee launches into an occupied Beanie and all out kitten battle begins. So fun to watch and yet Andy, just looks on from his perch on the chair most probably reveling in the fact that he is still the possessor of said elevated position.
The rain is now coming down at a furious pace, so you to have a rain I'll choose Tina Turner singing, "Can't stand the rain against my window...." Also, when I went outside to bring in the Chewy's order...I broke out in a chorus of, "Singing in the rain, just singing in the rain." I did not have a glorious feeling, but could have done a medley by going into, "raindrops keep falling on my head...." Thankfully, I didn't need to bring it down a little into "I've seen fire and I've seen rain..."
Thursday, February 6, 2020
To Sum It Up......
This mornings coffee had a hint of yesterday afternoons brew. Coffee has always seemed to be an early morning or late evening kind of thing. In fact, coffee resonates with me for those laid back days of no schedule or immediate pressings. On days of morning appointments or church, I don't drink coffee because it slows me down which seems to be the opposite of what it is supposed to do. With a bit of chill in the house yesterday, I decided to make some Taste of Texas cinnamon decaf coffee to take the edge off of the chill. That complementary coffee when dining at Taste of Texas is a great end to a delicious meal. Their coffee is now available in the gift shop and online. Man, that cinnamon coffee was the bomb diggity. Now we come back to the original thought of the paragraph, even with cleaning out the coffee pot, this morning a little bit of cinnamon lingered into the JFG coffee. Kind of sad to have just discovered this coffee and Ingles is not selling it anymore. To sum it up, coffee good, cinnamon coffee good, the best part of waking up is, you woke, with JFG cinnamon hinted coffee in my biggest mug.
We are experiencing a lot of rain that has come up from the Gulf. Flash flood watches and warnings cover the area. We have a couple of waterfalls in the backyard that ebb and flow with the rain shower. It looks as if the worst of the rain is due south of us but living in the dry ridge area, we have seen a lot of rain. Knowing that the later part of Wednesday and all of Thursday held these showers, I got my grocery shopping done yesterday morning. I should have stopped to take pictures of the French Broad, fog and mist rising, making a most beautiful scene. This morning the fog is quickly overtaking our little valley. An interesting view from the front bedroom windows. To sum it up, don't need to go to Transylvania County to see waterfalls today, with several small ones flowing in the backyard.
This morning's Twitter feed is filled with all kinds of vitriol, bitterness, anger, defending, accusing and in the political realm, the pushing of books written by those in favor, opposed, disenfranchised, adoring...well, almost all the genres are covered. Platforms being strengthened and platforms in the early construction phase are following a building plan expressed by the current ebb and flow of righteousness or self righteousness or blatant disregard. I rarely if ever express politics or my lack of politics on Twitter, Facebook or Monablog. I have friends and family on the left and on the right and in between. There are friends who feel like I should make a statement or at least respond to where I stand. But here's the deal, before, during and yes, even after, I have never, ever used these outlets to express political views or lack of views. Early on when Monablog began, I did express some disapproval of "things" that I saw while working at a church. I did get some push back while tackling those themes. Then after a few years of not being involved in working at a church, those thoughts got pushed back to the back burner on my part and yes, there have been changes for the good in conditions of being low on the org chart. I do not believe anything I wrote changed that. Others who have a stronger voice and platform and God stirring hearts to do the right thing, made those transformations. These political times remind me of the big push for conservatives in taking over the SBC from the moderates and liberals. My crazy friend Debbie, who had Pentecostal leanings, would ask me when this is all said and done...what Baptist church will you attend? My answer to her never changed. I told her I would go to the church with a gym.

So, my thoughts and walk and belief, and not trying to be Sally Spiritual, is summed up in Micah 6:8. This is the fruit of abiding and walking with the Lord. Fruit is evident, so this is not an excuse for just thoughts and prayers. I am also a big believer in not announcing what or how you are planting for this fruit. This is also where I might veer from big church thinking, generosity is not just what you give to the church, a generous lifestyle is active in all areas of our lives. I love our pastor and his thoughts on reaching a community for Christ, sharing Jesus both internationally, nationally, and locally. To sum it up politically and spiritually, Micah 6:8.
I am probably thinking these thoughts because we are in Nehemiah for the next few weeks. It is a top five in books of the Bible...on my, nobody cares about this but me, list. One of the first books I purchased after becoming a Christian was, Victorious Christian Service, by Alan Redpath. The book cover says I spent $6.95 on it. Over the years, I have gotten that $6.95 back in multiples of study. It has been a joy to read through this book while preparing. Over the years Nehemiah has been used and taught for capital campaigns, building projects and the like but at the heart of it is, prayer, trust, being a leader who doesn't mind getting a little dirty in the process of helping repair and shoulder a load. Oh yes, Nehemiah was generous in all matters of life. One of the commentaries I read said, that some of what we find in Nehemiah, is probably from his personal journal and God has graciously allowed us to see Nehemiah in words that he might not have thought anyone would see. To sum it up, Nehemiah is a great book with so many layers.
On the feral front, with all this massive amount of rain, standing water, waterfalls and a general muddy mess, I fed the fam in the garage this morning, then left the backdoor open so they have the feeling of coming and going. I think Edee and Andy took up the offer, then when I went out there to get something from the refrigerator, Edee ran outside. Andy, he is still in his corner, doesn't move when I come and go and has let me see that he is there. I thought for sure Strawyer would stay because he has before. I am happy to provide indoor accommodations for them which includes, food, water and well as indoor plumbing with a litter box. To sum it up, feral life is hard, trust is difficult but sometimes you have to go with your gut feeling and remember no harm has come to you by my hand, only food, drink and shelter. Andy is one smart cat.
We are experiencing a lot of rain that has come up from the Gulf. Flash flood watches and warnings cover the area. We have a couple of waterfalls in the backyard that ebb and flow with the rain shower. It looks as if the worst of the rain is due south of us but living in the dry ridge area, we have seen a lot of rain. Knowing that the later part of Wednesday and all of Thursday held these showers, I got my grocery shopping done yesterday morning. I should have stopped to take pictures of the French Broad, fog and mist rising, making a most beautiful scene. This morning the fog is quickly overtaking our little valley. An interesting view from the front bedroom windows. To sum it up, don't need to go to Transylvania County to see waterfalls today, with several small ones flowing in the backyard.
This morning's Twitter feed is filled with all kinds of vitriol, bitterness, anger, defending, accusing and in the political realm, the pushing of books written by those in favor, opposed, disenfranchised, adoring...well, almost all the genres are covered. Platforms being strengthened and platforms in the early construction phase are following a building plan expressed by the current ebb and flow of righteousness or self righteousness or blatant disregard. I rarely if ever express politics or my lack of politics on Twitter, Facebook or Monablog. I have friends and family on the left and on the right and in between. There are friends who feel like I should make a statement or at least respond to where I stand. But here's the deal, before, during and yes, even after, I have never, ever used these outlets to express political views or lack of views. Early on when Monablog began, I did express some disapproval of "things" that I saw while working at a church. I did get some push back while tackling those themes. Then after a few years of not being involved in working at a church, those thoughts got pushed back to the back burner on my part and yes, there have been changes for the good in conditions of being low on the org chart. I do not believe anything I wrote changed that. Others who have a stronger voice and platform and God stirring hearts to do the right thing, made those transformations. These political times remind me of the big push for conservatives in taking over the SBC from the moderates and liberals. My crazy friend Debbie, who had Pentecostal leanings, would ask me when this is all said and done...what Baptist church will you attend? My answer to her never changed. I told her I would go to the church with a gym.

So, my thoughts and walk and belief, and not trying to be Sally Spiritual, is summed up in Micah 6:8. This is the fruit of abiding and walking with the Lord. Fruit is evident, so this is not an excuse for just thoughts and prayers. I am also a big believer in not announcing what or how you are planting for this fruit. This is also where I might veer from big church thinking, generosity is not just what you give to the church, a generous lifestyle is active in all areas of our lives. I love our pastor and his thoughts on reaching a community for Christ, sharing Jesus both internationally, nationally, and locally. To sum it up politically and spiritually, Micah 6:8.
I am probably thinking these thoughts because we are in Nehemiah for the next few weeks. It is a top five in books of the Bible...on my, nobody cares about this but me, list. One of the first books I purchased after becoming a Christian was, Victorious Christian Service, by Alan Redpath. The book cover says I spent $6.95 on it. Over the years, I have gotten that $6.95 back in multiples of study. It has been a joy to read through this book while preparing. Over the years Nehemiah has been used and taught for capital campaigns, building projects and the like but at the heart of it is, prayer, trust, being a leader who doesn't mind getting a little dirty in the process of helping repair and shoulder a load. Oh yes, Nehemiah was generous in all matters of life. One of the commentaries I read said, that some of what we find in Nehemiah, is probably from his personal journal and God has graciously allowed us to see Nehemiah in words that he might not have thought anyone would see. To sum it up, Nehemiah is a great book with so many layers.
On the feral front, with all this massive amount of rain, standing water, waterfalls and a general muddy mess, I fed the fam in the garage this morning, then left the backdoor open so they have the feeling of coming and going. I think Edee and Andy took up the offer, then when I went out there to get something from the refrigerator, Edee ran outside. Andy, he is still in his corner, doesn't move when I come and go and has let me see that he is there. I thought for sure Strawyer would stay because he has before. I am happy to provide indoor accommodations for them which includes, food, water and well as indoor plumbing with a litter box. To sum it up, feral life is hard, trust is difficult but sometimes you have to go with your gut feeling and remember no harm has come to you by my hand, only food, drink and shelter. Andy is one smart cat.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Things To Do...Books To Read
Tuesday, a feeling of loss lingered around every nook and cranny. Probably from watching one of the kittens. Little Edee isn't well and I have been getting all kinds of probiotics in her as well as meds for parasites. It would be more effective if I could get it in her on a one to one basis but until she lets that happen...I have to trust she is getting what she needs in probiotic in the dishes she shares with all the other cats. She is still an aggressive eater and will push the others aside to get to the food. This morning I was hoping for some results toward a positive outcome but I've kept an eye on her and her siblings for a hint of positive. The all too familiar sitting near or close by has been going on this morning. She has always favored Mr McBeavy in her looks, especially her face but this morning in profile, she really looks like him. Of all the kittens, she has missed him the most. She spent lots of time in his presence. The adult cats have relinquished control of the back to the kittens. Punky is around once or twice and Strawyer is around a little less. I saw him the other day nearly all the way to the French Broad Community Store that now has another name. Anyway, he was looking in my direction when I passed him. He must have recognized the mustang because he was there in a heartbeat, as soon as I had parked.
Now it is the first day of February. The past couple of years I have used January as a month to reflect, redirect, relax, and restore. It is a quiet month here especially with stores and such having winter hours. Instead of bucking that trend, I went with it. And it was a bit easier this year because of the whole tooth extraction, infection, implant thing beginning. The first few weeks I was a bit off kilter because of the strong antibiotics that had been prescribed. Since 2001 when I had a MRSA infection and it being at the beginning of those infections gaining nationwide attention, the last four months of that year were spent taking some of the strongest antibiotics prescribed and believe me, they did a number on me while healing things up. Since then on the few occasions of antibiotic treatment, it is a whirl of an emotional ride, being a little off balance and a general feeling of malaise. It is as if the thoughts are wearing me away to give into depression and depressing thoughts. So, as much as I could influence my thoughts and thinking, to take the old Bible phrase, I took those thoughts captive to Christ. Now, some days it was easier than others and some days it was downright hard and wearisome. The past Januarys was a sorting through and trying to figure out early life with a father who started hating me at the age of 5, just because I liked school and was making friends. The normal thing that parents want, but from that time onward, even into adulthood, life was a battle and so hard because with him it was all a battle and dominance. I now know the things that trigger my responses to arbitrary decisions being made for or concerning me without input as well as anyone speaking for me on my behalf without permission. I'm following the prescription, you have to starve a narcissist. Thankfully, in January of 2018 I got a hold of information that quickened the process because I found out what harm and strategies a narcissist will go to. Thankfully, I also came across information that helped so much in extracting yourself from a narcissist, and even though he was dead, it helped free my mind as well as take precautions with others who have a narcissistic bent. In January of 2019, I did more of a spiritual assessment and right the ship so to speak because I want to finish out strong.
The fingers were willing but the will gave a mighty good fight. I've wanted to get back to this post and finish it up but distractions and some deadlines caused a lack of any time to sit down and blog. Today, with the rain falling and the errands ran, I'm ensconced till Friday morning. We are supposed to get a whole lot of rain with warnings and watches for homes in coves and built on the side of a hill or mountain. I've worked on the lesson for Sunday. We are in one of my favorite books of the Bible Nehemiah. We get to spend two Sundays in the book.
Yesterday, was the follow up appointment for tooth extraction and implant rod placement. The next few months are critical for the post to attach and fix itself in the bone graft. The mesh that he put in fell out over the last weekend and entangled itself in the remaining threads of stitches. So now we wait until May to see what's happening with it all. To celebrate a pretty good report I decided to have a late lunch early supper at The Biltmore Estate. When I was able to get a really close parking spot close to the winery, the Bistro became the choice. The Bistro is probably my least favorite restaurant on the Biltmore Estate but they serve a pretty good steak and fries. I also had a bowl of butternut squash soup...which was absolutely delicious. Then I made my way over to the winery and found infused oil oils for our Taste and See Bible study that begins in March. It was getting into the late afternoon so I decided going to Antler Hill Village will have to wait for another trip.
Little Edee is making great strides into health. She was puny and nearing the next stage of a slow process of death. The parasites got a hold of her, but with worming meds, probiotics and canned pumpkin, she is returning to the land of the living. She has been playing and much more active. When her siblings were doing the death watch thing...I thought she was a goner, but she has never lost her appetite, so that is huge. They are all benefiting from the probiotics and pumpkin. Our neighbor Nancy brought down a bed for the cats this week. Her cats would rather sleep on the couch. I put it in between the two houses and it stays relatively dry. The four kittens have taken up residence in the houses, but not so much at night.
There are things to do and books to read, so for now...until the next post, ta ta.
Now it is the first day of February. The past couple of years I have used January as a month to reflect, redirect, relax, and restore. It is a quiet month here especially with stores and such having winter hours. Instead of bucking that trend, I went with it. And it was a bit easier this year because of the whole tooth extraction, infection, implant thing beginning. The first few weeks I was a bit off kilter because of the strong antibiotics that had been prescribed. Since 2001 when I had a MRSA infection and it being at the beginning of those infections gaining nationwide attention, the last four months of that year were spent taking some of the strongest antibiotics prescribed and believe me, they did a number on me while healing things up. Since then on the few occasions of antibiotic treatment, it is a whirl of an emotional ride, being a little off balance and a general feeling of malaise. It is as if the thoughts are wearing me away to give into depression and depressing thoughts. So, as much as I could influence my thoughts and thinking, to take the old Bible phrase, I took those thoughts captive to Christ. Now, some days it was easier than others and some days it was downright hard and wearisome. The past Januarys was a sorting through and trying to figure out early life with a father who started hating me at the age of 5, just because I liked school and was making friends. The normal thing that parents want, but from that time onward, even into adulthood, life was a battle and so hard because with him it was all a battle and dominance. I now know the things that trigger my responses to arbitrary decisions being made for or concerning me without input as well as anyone speaking for me on my behalf without permission. I'm following the prescription, you have to starve a narcissist. Thankfully, in January of 2018 I got a hold of information that quickened the process because I found out what harm and strategies a narcissist will go to. Thankfully, I also came across information that helped so much in extracting yourself from a narcissist, and even though he was dead, it helped free my mind as well as take precautions with others who have a narcissistic bent. In January of 2019, I did more of a spiritual assessment and right the ship so to speak because I want to finish out strong.
The fingers were willing but the will gave a mighty good fight. I've wanted to get back to this post and finish it up but distractions and some deadlines caused a lack of any time to sit down and blog. Today, with the rain falling and the errands ran, I'm ensconced till Friday morning. We are supposed to get a whole lot of rain with warnings and watches for homes in coves and built on the side of a hill or mountain. I've worked on the lesson for Sunday. We are in one of my favorite books of the Bible Nehemiah. We get to spend two Sundays in the book.
Yesterday, was the follow up appointment for tooth extraction and implant rod placement. The next few months are critical for the post to attach and fix itself in the bone graft. The mesh that he put in fell out over the last weekend and entangled itself in the remaining threads of stitches. So now we wait until May to see what's happening with it all. To celebrate a pretty good report I decided to have a late lunch early supper at The Biltmore Estate. When I was able to get a really close parking spot close to the winery, the Bistro became the choice. The Bistro is probably my least favorite restaurant on the Biltmore Estate but they serve a pretty good steak and fries. I also had a bowl of butternut squash soup...which was absolutely delicious. Then I made my way over to the winery and found infused oil oils for our Taste and See Bible study that begins in March. It was getting into the late afternoon so I decided going to Antler Hill Village will have to wait for another trip.
Little Edee is making great strides into health. She was puny and nearing the next stage of a slow process of death. The parasites got a hold of her, but with worming meds, probiotics and canned pumpkin, she is returning to the land of the living. She has been playing and much more active. When her siblings were doing the death watch thing...I thought she was a goner, but she has never lost her appetite, so that is huge. They are all benefiting from the probiotics and pumpkin. Our neighbor Nancy brought down a bed for the cats this week. Her cats would rather sleep on the couch. I put it in between the two houses and it stays relatively dry. The four kittens have taken up residence in the houses, but not so much at night.
There are things to do and books to read, so for now...until the next post, ta ta.
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