Saturday, August 3, 2024

Approaching Seventy

 Twenty years ago I decided I was going to go into my fifties in the best way possible. Lost weight but then had a crisis and I didn't go into my fifties weighing a little bit less. Ah, nothing like crisis, stress eating. One thing I did do on this day twenty years ago was to take my three best friends for Spa Sanctuary at the Nord. We had body wraps, massages, facials and nails done. They served us lunch in the relaxation room. It was the best time. After the luxurious day, we had our makeup done downstairs and then finished the day at Lupe's Tortillas. Turning fifty, besides turning twenty, are the only birthdays that have bothered me age wise. This "big" birthday tomorrow doesn't bother me because other than by God's grace I  wasn't supposed to be here to celebrate. We had a fun party at Peggy's twenty years ago to celebrate and the age range of friends was 3-90. Even had some family attend who just happened to be in town. Such fun and such good memories. 

Ten years ago Roy treated me to a month here in the mountains. We arrived here after a few days at a cousin reunion. On the last day of that month's time, we left with an accepted offer on a home. We never ever thought we would find something in just a month, that we would probably need several trips but God knew. We bought before the housing market here skyrocketed. Such fun, such good memories and still loving and making memories living here. 

I have been reflecting this week on living so many years. I remember when my mom turned seventy. I took over a cake and had a small celebration with her and my father. Looking back I think she might have been dealing with some mild memory problems but she had kind of withdrawn herself over those last few years of her life. One of her best friends was walking an all too short fight against cancer. My mom had a few other friends that she did things with, but didn't enjoy getting out with them too much. 

There have been a lot of mistakes, unkind words I wish I could take back but my life has contained good decisions, lots of fun and laughter and joy. I am thankful that the Lord has never left me and holds me in His heart and hand. Recently I was cleaning out more diaries from late elementary school and the seventh grade. Happy to know there have been good changes, but dang, almost the same things back then make me irritated today. Gave those diaries a good read through cause they went into the shredder. 

This year my two best friends from high school have or will be joining in the age beginning with 7 club. Beth hasn't turned that number yet but her family gave her a wonderful party to celebrate. It broke my heart that I couldn't attend. Having too many health issues to fly or road trip any great distance and a no from my cardiologist on this trip to the Seattle area as well as my nieces destination wedding earlier this year. I came across pictures from my visit to Gig Harbor those many years ago. You know, back when I could hike...well, I didn't hike well in those mountains coming from flatland, but I did dress the part. 

Last Monday was the ol' mammo appointment. The waiting area used to be so welcoming and comfortable. Easy chairs and the decor of a mountain cabin with restful colors. Well, that has all changed and is now the sterile medical environment we all are familiar with. Once behind the doors and changed into the lovely gown, opening in the front, you're seated in a smaller waiting area with other gowned women. It has been my experience in the past that area is rather chatty. No one was talking until a woman arrived, probably younger than me but looked older and she asked, why isn't anyone talking? So, those timid first conversations of mammograms of the past began to roll out of us along with laughter. When my turn to tell a mammo story came, I told them in the past I would cancel a mammogram if storms were in the area. You know cause, what if lighting hits the building and the power goes out, there I am attached to this grip thing in the dark. No one would remember to use the emergency release thing, if there was one. Back in the day those grab and smash machines were attached to the wall and I was too tall for them. The next lady gave the advice, don't look down. Why? Cause it will freak you out what you see. I mentioned that when my friend, Lisa P crossed the mile high swinging bridge at GF Mountain, that is what I told her...don't look down. Well, I had never even thought of looking down getting a mammo. While getting mine done, I did not look down, but kind of wanted to. The techs were so nice and really invested in making sure I could punch in the numbers and press enter to unlock my locker. Told them, I felt like I could do that but while changing into the front open gown, I could not figure out how to tie it shut. That is not an elderly problem for me, it's just a Nancy problem. Been having trouble with those hospital gowns since 2008. Now I am figuring out what kind of elderly patient do I want to be on these visits with doctors and tests. They all seem to see me as such and dang, it was during the last week to be in the six decade. Monday morning, I have another appointment but I'll be in the beginning of the seven decade, so it will be a new experience for me. 

Just like twenty years ago I approach this birthday weighing a little more than I have in recent years. Not crisis or stress eating, but a little less active. More of a fluid retention thing. This time I am going into the next decade concerned about memory and things related to that. It has been suggested that I check out if my ADHD is a bit more active and causing those concerns. I did take one test and yes, officially, ADHD is detected. I could have told them that without the test.