Saturday, March 1, 2025

A Week or More of Rambling Thoughts

 After spending Thursday in below freezing temps, the good news is today we get above freezing and into the 40s. Don't think there is any residual snow or ice, maybe in shaded areas on the road and we kind of know where those areas are located. We opened the Garage on the Catmore Estate last night. The usual fam members took advantage of food and warm beds. 

The green stems of daffodils and tulips are breaking through the ground. Always reminds me and really almost everyone of hope. That the winter days will soon turn to spring days. Both the strawberry farm and the apple orchard that we love wrote on the recent ice and snow. It is before the plants break through and the orchards bloom. The ice and snow keep the ground warm, just like Psalm 147.

I am becoming very proficient in identifying the different types and meanings of cat vomit...or throw up. Earlier this week a new species of throw up entered the picture. Not serious and we were able to take care of the situation. Mostly it has been related to food consumption, new food being introduced and someone eating said food too fast. Today, Baxter discovered Aymie and Family, better known as Penny. 

I totally forgot to mention this, but on Valentines Day on our way to the Valentine's dinner at church, I saw in the rear view mirror a front license plate with LSU on it. I was telling Roy when the Toyota Tacoma started honking. We have a LSU Tiger sticker on the car but they had a truck with gold and purple stripes with LSU on the doors. We honked back and flashed the L sign back at them. Such a fun moment. There doesn't seem to be many LSU fans around these parts. Probably Baylor has less than LSU fans around here as well. Such a fun moment for us.  

We have a new playpen for The Trio arriving today. We haven't been able to get them interested in going to the bonus room with The Boys. This will give them more room to sleep. They are in it only at night. We have five out of the six eating together during the day. Mr Mo is not a fan of wet food so he eats separately from the others. Roy trapped Blazey and a smaller black and white cat for going to the ASPCA tomorrow. Blazey is HP's brother. He has been living the wild life for quite some time. 

Our lesson yesterday got us to the edge of the Passover experience in Exodus. I think I say this about every book we study, but so layered and so foreshadowing of the NT. It was also our pastor's last Sunday with us. He and his family will be serving at a sister church a little over an hour away but much closer to their family. It was a just right celebration for him and goodbyes. Nothing over the top. Maybe in church work that is the best way for it to happen. His sermon and goodbyes to our church, not over the top either.  


Today is Roy's birthday. He was surprised to find two cards waiting for him this morning. I got up in the middle of the night to place them. In fact, I was happy to shop alone yesterday so I could buy him a card or two. I was going to leave a card and a bag of protein chips on his desk, but knowing The Boys, the bag would become a play thing. I do know this, the selection for birthday greetings for husbands is just about nil to none. Plenty of cards for fathers, uncles, grandfathers, brothers, someone who is like a brother or father to me but three choices for hubby. I also came across the generic term for a man. Oh the weirdness of today, in so many things and ways. I thought I was going to have to do a crayon crafted card. 6 Pigs BBQ for lunch. They are changing to Thursdays and for yesterday, how fortuitous that is was Roy's BD. Surprised him with two fruit tarts instead of cake, cause he ain't going to eat no cake. As a birthday bonus we put together the new Trio playpen with lots more room. They are still too rambunctious to The Boys for spending nights in the bonus room with them. This thing is huge and they have more room to spread out at night although, I see they scrunched their beds and blankets together. 

We have enjoyed the last few days of warm temps. 60s and 70s. A cold front comes through and it will be cold on Sunday. Lots of sunny days though to enjoy. We need to get out in the front yard and finish the project we started at the beginning of February. There is always a project or twenty to take care of. With the benefit of 70 degree temps, Roy cleaned the water filter in the crawlspace. 

Well, The Trio and The Boys are getting restless. GMoey just knocked things off the top of the bookcases. So, these rambling thoughts will come to a close for now.