Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Curating Sweets and Book Reviews

 My Facebook timeline is filled with book reviews, book suggestions and favorite reads of the season. If I have leisure time I take a look at most. The best ones yet and there are many, are the ones that give the book title, a brief synopsis and then lines out the major themes of the book. Why thankyou, now I don't have to buy the book cause the top points have been shared. Whether the book be a business book or self improvement or Christian book, the points all start sounding alike. The main subject matter is know yourself, embrace change, cultivate connections, open communication, slow down, cultivate gratitude, embrace imperfection, find meaning and purpose, practice mindfulness, embrace uncertainty, declutter, learn from nature, find joy in the small things, value experiences over things....and on and on and on. These are all from different books ranging from how to lead, how to get rid of toxic people, how to simplify and how to get ahead. Some of these books use $10.00 words to describe these values, but if one is trying to simplify doesn't this go against the grain? Also, I received an email from a company and based on my browsing, they have curated some  tasty treats I might enjoy. Several of the choices were fruitcake related. Lies, I tells ya! I dislike extremely any type of Christmas confections be they in cake or cookie form, in any way at all being related to fruitcake. If there truly was curating going on, it would be about gingerbread and sugar cookies. 

If I used all these principles for living, the rest of my time could and would be taken up with exercise and health activities. Now I am all for doing those things, but by the time you add up all the do this exercise three times a day reps of twenty as well as use the red light thing, or dry brush for lymphatic health. In September I began using Rowe Casa products and just about everything I have used is a keeper. Just a couple things I probably won't reorder. But all the magnesium products, lymphatic cream and lotion, deep sleep products, and some hair products I truly love. 

Somehow I have picked up a "bug" of the cold type. Runny nose yet stopped up. It was the worst on Sunday morning and out of desperation right before leaving, I took a pill so I wouldn't have to blow my nose during the lesson. Well, mission accomplished on that but the side effects have always had an effect on me, I get a little loopy. I was hoping the loopy would wait till the end of class but no, it arrived right in the middle of the lesson. Y'all, I took some bunny trails and while funny were not Sunday School material, although I think I tried my best to make it worthy of fitting into a lesson. Ugh! Since I still felt a bit congested we did not go to First Pres in Weaverville for their Christmas concert on Sunday night. Of course there would be such beautiful music but I would have to take a cold/flu pill and I might of stood up to sing with the choir. No, it was the best decision all around to stay home, read, watch football with Roy and play with the kitties. 

We have more good than bad nights getting the kittos into bed. Our problem child is Chubola. She missed out on the best part of her supper and only had dry food after taking such a long time to wrangle her in. The kittos love GMoey and like to hang out with him. GMoey is so laid back and takes their antics in stride. Willie is warming up slowly to them. He has quite the competition as the big bully. Buster seems to be the alpha cat for the kittos and somewhat with The Boys. The other day five of the six were on our bed having wrestling matches. They used that thick comforter for defense, offense, and strategic hiding. Quite entertaining to say the least. I love watching Roy with the kittens outside. The six sleep in a box filled with straw and only two of them wants to venture out into the cold but their venturing is fast and Roy always checks to see if they want to come back in. 


A fog filled morning to start off this Tuesday. We are considering several options for the day. Haven't decided yet but hey, that's a great part of being retired. Roy is hunting rabbits I mean cats. He has an appointment for two tomorrow. So far he has caught several already members of the spay and neuter club. Just came in and said there is not a cat anywhere. Maybe they'll be around for supper. He won't put as much dry food out for the afternoon. Good news, Roy just caught a black cat. Just one more to go. Now, several hours later we are still holding at one cat. Caught three more members of the club so it was a catch and release thing. Roy has the two he wants to take in. Had a small kitty but he traded it out to let it gain a little weight. 

The fog being long gone is replaced by a whole lot of burning going on across and cattycornered from us. At first I thought it was the house but no. Saw no flames and nobody seems alarmed by the white smoke. Maybe we have a new pope in the area, who knows. 

I've been doing some research on ADHD and I am seeing some of the why of what I do. The little things that stop me because they are overwhelming to me but to others it is nothing. Now I wish some of those book summations had a little more to do with this rather than other subjects. Oh well...... 

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