Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sleet, Ice and Rain All On A Sunday Morning

Growing up and living in humid Houston I have never encountered having dry nasal passages. So in this first full winter for the first time for any extended period of time, dry nasal passages are the bane of my existence. Maybe even Buddy is experiencing this somewhat... Anyway, and Monablog has addressed this many times before, dry nasal passages produce some of the weirdest noises ever coming, with no help from me mind you, out of my nose. Sometimes it sounds like a rotary phone clicking, sometimes the noise sounds like a cat meow, or some kind of can keep you awake at night or wake you up at night with those thoughts of what in the world was that sound? At the grocery store today, on all the cold remedies aisles, a search for something other than Vicks Vapo Rub to help with this problem. Publix seemed to have the answer with a moisturizing nasal spray. Don't need it to breath but after using it my nasal passages seem to feel better and so far nothing weird has made a sound from my nose. It was buy one get one free, so we have a good supply for any dry nasal passage problems.

Tonight our area is anticipating snow, ice, sleet and rain and it all depends on the temps when the precip hits. The grocery stores were busy but not too bad. The Exxon station was busy though. So, the new Diet Coke flavors are interesting and although they are not being marketed to baby boomers, the temptation to try them has been too much. The cherry...don't really like it but the blood orange flavor is very good. Today, some lime ginger Diet Cokes came home and once they have cooled down, a sampling will be made. My DC consumption has slowed considerably and for the most part I make healthier choices for drinks. Topo Chico was back in stock so that means it is back in stock here at the house.

This afternoon the sky has become gray and cloudy. The wind has picked up and the wind chimes are playing a wildly melodic tune, sometimes sounding just one note on repeat. The birds have gone through the loose seed scattered on the ground and the Feral Fam are debating on their dwelling for the night. In trying to help keep them warm and their energy to generate heat, they got an extra feeding which MC and Cali just took advantage of. I've been looking at traps to capture them, have them neutered and returned to the wild. From all those I have talked to and the reading of implementing a plan, you have one good chance and after that, if not successful, trust will have been broken and probably a loss at helping them. It has been just too cold to go outside and sit with them while they eat but I have increased the amount of time being out there for them to get used to my presence.  It will be cold tonight but not as cold as other nights and the warm up tomorrow looks to be sooner than later.
Good Sunday morning! No Sunday School today only the service which I don't attend now during cold and flu season because the risk of getting sick is too high. There is very little traffic out on the road with the chance of black ice hanging over...well, the roads. I think we got less than a dusting and more sleet than snow. I'll be attending web church this morning.

I watched the CBS show last night looking into the reopening of the Natalie Wood death. They have more questions than answers but it is looking like it might be worth the investigation.

In the first paragraph the lament of dry nasal passages was the cry. The moisturizing spray worked but not completely. The answer is probably a humidifier at night and maybe we will look into that for the next winter season. For now my signature fragrance here at the house is Vicks.

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