Tuesday, March 12, 2019

A Time of Spring Forward

Daylight Savings Sunday for spring forward 2019 is in the books. Falling back in the fall is easy, the spring takes courage and resolve. Well, actually, it takes the ability to fall asleep an hour earlier and that isn't usually a problem for me except on spring forward Sunday. When it is a requirement, it is much more difficult. So on Saturday night with all clocks reset except one, I went to bed, to fall asleep and wake up refreshed. Even Buddy cooperated but alas it was not enough and so I was awake most of the night trying to fall asleep. Around 4:00 am I fell fast asleep knowing it would be the deepest sleep and when the alarm rang, there wasn't a bit of spring forward in my step.

Got ready for church, skimmed the lesson since I wasn't teaching and headed out the door. God has such a great sense of humor because as the clock ticked it was becoming obvious that the teacher for this Sunday wasn't going to be on time or show up...could this be spring forward related? So....we talked and prayed and I led an unstudied lesson, which was mainly reading out of the quarterly and asking for lots and lots of comments. And it wasn't a lesson in my wheel house so to speak, the bronze serpent being lifted up in the wilderness. We talked a lot about snakes...our general dislike of them and the irony of a snake being lifted up for healing. Lesson learned, I should spend more time on lesson reading when it is not my Sunday to teach. Told the class I could teach the upcoming lesson I've been studying and they all said, you could have because we won't remember you did when you teach it on your Sunday.

So on spring forward Sunday I went to choir practice. It was so helpful that the weather cooperated and thus my GWB status is still in place, Good Weather Baptist. Having daylight on the drive over to the church was welcomed and in the middle of summer, it will just be dusk when we drive home. Choir practice was good and we worked on our new songs and the Easter music. Happily, a strong alto has moved to the second row to help those of us who need to hear the alto part to sing the alto part. Lois and I lamented previously if a strong alto didn't come help us, we would have to quit choir since we don't read music. Thankfully, I have a friend who is willing to teach me and I told her once the spring forward and spring rush is over, we need to settle in on this task of learning this musical ability. Our interim choir director is such a fine musician. He is our pianist as well. For HFBC folks think Jill and Eric caliber of pianist.

Guess Saturday was a spring forward day of cleaning. A whole lot of mopping going on. I also did some cleaning that has been procrastinated long enough.
Well, spring forward is not helping us get a restful night. In fact last night, we were sound asleep when the alarming deck noise woke us up, It sounded like a small pony was out there doing a few dance steps. I looked out the window and watched the largest possum I've ever seen run up to the gravel road and through the fence to our neighbors. Mr Meany earned his board and keep last night. The secret to keeping peace in the backyard is setting his dish away from the others. He only has to duke it out with Mama Cat occasionally.

It rained again yesterday afternoon, more than expected and it was much cooler than forecasted. When I went out there yesterday I reminisced of that time when much younger, I tried to learn how to surf. Fifty miles away from the coast, young and stupid....ya had to try it. Well, that feeling came back yesterday as the large stepping stones moved just like a surfboard because the ground is so saturated and the mud is so slick. Thankfully, I did better yesterday than I ever did learning to surf way back in the day.

I read something the other day written by a youngish Baptist young man. Glad so many things have changed over the years in churches for the good but sometimes those old colloquialisms are rooted deep and come out even with the young and hip. What I read was an explanation of an event and the term "time of______" was overreaching. I love how we Baptists use those terms, a time of but mainly it used by us older folks. Train a younger generation in the way they should go and they will have a time of fellowship, coffee, snacks, praying, reading, and so on to celebrate.

Funny thing, I researched pink shoes yesterday and now all over Facebook and ads on sites have lots and lots of pink shoes. Spring is just eight days away.

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