Saturday, March 9, 2019

Lessons Learned

Every once in a while someone will send me info on a creative writing class or some other opportunity that involves writing. Sometimes I look at what has been suggested but most of the time I pass them by because it has been my experience that my style of writing and the style of those leading or teaching are so far opposite. It's not that I don't think there is improvement for me, that's not it, it is just an attitude, a somewhat prejudicial attitude to the stream of consciousness style that is usually my choice of writing. Even in an elective setting. I met someone the other day who teaches or instructs these types of classes and as we discussed theories of writing and such, an aloofness and an arrogance came over this woman in our conversation which quickly went one sided as she poo pooed ideas and the experiences I chose to write about. Yes, she encouraged me to write on a higher plain, a higher level than I had chosen, to choose different subjects, to read above the level of books on the good old to be read pile...hooey on her. Nothing she said was of interest. Even as we talked about things to do or places to go around our area, she would never return to a place I mentioned, she would never shop at any of my suggestions and when I didn't agree with her on a particular place she loved, she nearly came unglued. Lesson learned, go happily and ignorantly with blogging.

After a couple of sunny days we welcome the rain back into the forecast. They, whoever they are, say that our coldest weather is behind us and we will experience a gradual warm up but we still need to be mindful of the dogwood and blackberry frost. It was very encouraging yesterday to be out and about in warmer temps and no need for a heavy coat. That made for an enjoyable trip to the landfill and then to the grocery store.

So, I haven't been writing about the cats lately. There is a reason for this and it merely comes down to there isn't any joy with their presence as has been true in the long past. The gray and white cat, Mr Meany, has disrupted the pleasantries of the backyard, dividing and terrorizing the kiddos and to some degree Riley. Dead Beat Dad and Big Sissy Daddy didn't camp here as they were more come and go types. But Mr Meany, he situates himself to be the observer and hearer to know when food is served or if treats are made available. The ones they are intended for don't always get food or treats. He is making me like Mama Cat and Camo a little more. They take him on and keep him at bay but they are infrequent visitors. He is not afraid of me and doesn't scatter so he must be a stray and used to being around people. Sometimes when he is not around in the afternoon the kiddos play out back without his soul withering presence. This morning I heard a commotion on the front deck and it was Mr Meany trying to attack Buddy through the screen. I waited till she had calmed down to pick her up and whisk her into the house, but she still bit me. He stayed out there with and his face seemed to be frozen in a snear and with his eyes half closed, not in sleep but ready for a fight. I am going to have to trap him but will wait till next week when I have help to do so. Then get him fixed and he can wander about and keep creatures at bay.

The wind is picking up and seems to be right on time as we are under a wind advisory. I guess you would say I have been busy doing spring cleaning although it does not feel or look like spring too much. With the long days of winter and cold temps, I used the time for reading or writing or thinking or watching cats, not so much doing the big cleaning kind of thing. So today, on this day of spring forward, I sprang into action with a little excitement on the side. The closet under the stairs can become a catch all for all kinds of stuff and so it seemed a good idea to straighten it up and clean it out. Because I have the bad habit of not turning on lights to do these kinds of I moved stuff around in the dim lighted closet I saw something black with a long tail or so it seemed. First reaction to scream and jump back, and do the high knee raising hop over bags of trash, boxes waiting to return to the closet and junk. Buddy made a fast dash up the stairs, Turning on lights to make another look see, it was the remote control for the back massager. Lesson learned it is better to turn on a light than to have a heart attack amidst the junk.

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