Sunday, January 3, 2021

First Sunday 2021

 The sky to the west looks like a snow sky but there isn't any snow in the forecast. Though we have probably hit the high temp already in this early Sunday morning. I was looking through pictures from the past couple of months and decided to post this particular one. Love the old barn and love the shadows from the tree across the road and that shadow kind of tells a story. Don't know the story but think it would be easy to make one up. 

People have talked about the weird dreams they are having during the pandemic. I have certainly been experiencing that but most of the time I don't remember them in the morning. This past week I had a funny dream and I do remember it and will write it out now. In this dream Anne Graham Lotz has come to our Sunday School class at Newfound and in the dream she has been coming to class for several weeks. One Sunday she tells me she loves coming to our class cause she gets all her Bible study homework done. What? Anyway, she says I want the class to meet my father (he is still alive in the dream.) So, we agree to meet him after he preaches at one of his meetings. Up until the time of meeting Billy, Velda keeps telling us how well she knows Billy G. That they are such good friends and she is excited that we all will get to meet him. So, in this dream, we are at the meeting and Velda goes close to the stage and hands Billy a note which he puts into his suit coat pocket. The meeting is in full swing, Billy is preaching and he reaches into his suit coat pocket and announces, the note must have something to do with his sermon. He reads the note out loud, the Velda note. He reads, "When you meet us after the meeting act like you know me." Velda. Roy said I woke up laughing. In the morning I told him the dream and he said no wonder you were laughing that is a great dream! 

This morning several of the Feral Fam were waiting on the porch for treats. HP came running up and came right inside the porch. HP is now sleeping on the daybed and Buddy is sleeping on a twin bed next to a window. Watching HP nap yesterday afternoon, seeing how quickly he went over to the daybed and soft blanket to fall asleep. HP slept for hours and it must be a welcomed rest knowing that on the porch with warmth and comfort, without the dangers that lurk outdoors, he is safe. Project introduction is not going as quickly as I had hoped. These cats will not cooperate in spending time at the screen door. 

New Year's Eve, Roy and I watched TCM channel. He doesn't love TCM like me and he doesn't particularly like the style of movie that was on but he watched without complaint. TCM ran the That's Entertainment series. Oh my, those tap dancers get me every time. I hold no grudges for getting kicked out of dance when I was younger because the instructor clearly saw my love of softball, not dance. Gene Kelly a fav for sure and for some reason I am intrigued by the tap dancing of Ann Miller. Legend has it that she was the fastest tapper per minute back in the day but others say a sound loop was added to give that impression. We watched a little of That's Entertainment, Part 2 but it doesn't hold my attention like the first one. 

All the Feral Fam was in for brunch today. HP was on the back porch and brought him through the house to the garage with Buddy napping upstairs. Yesterday afternoon they played so hard. With the rain stopping that and a warm day to welcome play, it was good. 

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