Thursday, May 19, 2022

Thursday Post That Began on Monday

 Several times on the ol' Monablog, I've written about viewing life as a now perceived "elderly" person verses life in your 30s and 40s. What is witty commentary or funny when you're younger doesn't always translate into those older years of life. Antics of the bygone don't always travel well and those words or actions need to be filed away in the good memories department. It's funny as we get older we work extremely hard at delaying the inevitable with moisturizers, skin care products, hair color, workouts we did when we were's a job looking young, younger. Some enjoy the job whereas, here of late, I've gone to part time employment in the application of all that the work entails. This came to mind on Sunday afternoon because Roy was the object of attention in an overview for a Lay Renewal Weekend. Our church is considering having one of these weekends in the fall. The speaker presented all the info of what the weekend entails as well as the prep work for it. Roy had his iPad to take notes. He is a big believer in the app Mind Mapping. It  basically looks like you're diagraming a sentence. To a speaker it probably looked like Roy was playing a game or something. When it came time to discuss the presentation, the speaker directed a comment at Roy, calling him young man. Roy looked up from his note taking and the speaker asked Roy if he would feel more competent in doing something if he knew people were praying for him. Ah yes, the famous Roy pause happened. I watched him as he thought and calculated his answer and the speaker said, something to the effect of the answer is yes. Somewhere in the exchange Roy "playing" on his iPad was mentioned. Roy, wasn't going to let the moment pass without his response, which was a little ragged because this man had pushed a button, so to speak. Roy said, if I was involved in something where the Lord is using me, I have prayed for this myself and he briefly gave the example of being robbed in December, how God gave him supernatural peace with a gun pointed at him. The only response the speaker could give was, you are much farther ahead than most of us. Velda turned to me and whispered, Roy is who we go to when we want someone to pray for us.  Afterwards, Roy went to the man and showed him his notes and what he was doing. The whole scene was dismissed as, oh I was just teasing with you. Well, no not really. The supposed inattention had bothered this guy. This was an older couple presenting and we being old, this just means they are probably five or six years older than us. But what happened might have worked in pointing Roy out if we were all in our 40s or if it was 1982. Spoken out of frustration of a situation like a teacher or parent making an example to others, don't be like Roy, the iPad playing guy. On the drive home after church I asked if he was upset. No, in the moment, yes, for a second. Roy's theory was this, it was just a macho move by the guy. The preceding just my opinion and observation knowing Roy and the sometimes reactions of others.

I had my long awaited doctor appointment on Monday and I think we have answers and on the right track for resolution to some issues since last summer. Issues that have come and gone, not staying around too long. A general malaise also eased up a bit but when the first few months of Roy's retirement held a lot of stress due to timely matters and time was running short, well it had effects. For the most part since 2008 I internalize stress and it plays havoc. As matters resolved in the paperwork arena the stress lessened leaving behind the issues. The doctor said I should just totally reboot and so that is what I am going to do. Roy has been so supportive while traversing these things and that means so much. 

The loss and sorrow fell together this morning. Tappy had a litter of kittens about five weeks ago. I posted a few pics but have been rather quiet about them. This week it became painfully obvious that two of them were not going to make it. MoMo passed on Monday and kitten #2 passed last night. Both times, Tappy took them away in the night. For a few minutes yesterday the consideration of keeping kitten 2 was front and center. I brought her in yesterday afternoon and gave her a bath. She bundled up in the towel and purred away. She never had too steady of a gait and sitting with her close up, I noticed that her front paw had not developed correctly and her back legs were fragile. She also looked blind in her left eye. I took her back outside and the sibling she is the closest to, sat with her in the familiar cat position when one of them is sick. 


I thought kitten #2 had been taken away by Tappy, but sadly, we found it when we returned home. It had crawled into one of the cat bed with hidey holes. In other cat news, Benny is thriving and Beanie and Barney are too. Barney has been taken in by Tippy's protégé. 

We made a Costco and Strawberry Hill trip yesterday. Got back rested a bit and then we went to the second session of Walk Thru the Bible at church. We've really enjoyed it so far. 

In the cool of the evenings on Monday and Tuesday, we have worked on planting zinnias. Roy got tomato cages for his crop. Love the flowers of spring and early summer. 

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