Sunday, August 21, 2022

Just Stuff For Now

 Roy is out running errands and then working out. The Boys are on the back porch behaving and Mike the Mower Man is weed eating both front and back. After a couple of weeks with rain included it was a tad overgrown and messy. This leaves me here with my own quiet and thoughts. Really, my thoughts should be on Sunday and Hezekiah. I'll get there soon enough though. 

We have found a new house to play our game, "Would We Buy This House if We Were Younger." This one is in Burnsville, just a little north of the city. While higher than what we would like for the flood zone, I think we have determined that we would purchase this house if we were is tempting now to tell the truth, but no go, we like where we live. The Burnsville house has a small, I mean cozy second building that has kitchen, bathroom, great porch and such. A small stream runs in front of the property and yes, I checked to see what the flood zone rating is. Just a tad below the extreme level of the Flag Pond house. 


We had such an eventful yesterday. Our plans were to head out early to Barbers Orchard, Duckett's and Pigeon River Mercantile in Canton. Coffee on the back porch with Roy and The Boys. Roy went to feed the Feral Fam and that is when the morning broke open. Two big dogs and a toddler with a battery operated riding tractor were in the backyard. After all the events of the day, we reviewed the security camera and the boy and the dogs spent a good deal of time on the front deck off the front porch. With new neighbors moving in and after talking with the boy, they headed up to the house of new neighbors. I will spare details since I wrote about this on FB but the boy returned home after getting out of the watch care of a sister and finding out the two dogs were not theirs and protecting the Feral Fam from attack we were exhausted. The Boys were frightened by the big dogs, who seemed very friendly, and would not come out from underneath the day bed. Add to this, we found three dead kittens. We gathered them up and put them where flies and other creatures could get to them and just assumed they had been killed by the dogs. It was quickly becoming a situation where we both said, we need to get out of the house for a bit. So, without further delay we headed over to Haywood County like we originally planned, just a little later. When we got home we began preparations for the kittens we found and soon realized the dogs had not taken their lives but neglect of their mother, who we really didn't even know she had kittens. These were very young maybe not even a week old. I did some research why cat moms sometimes do this and have a better understanding. We have help coming, so that is good. The Feral Fam population has thinned somewhat due to the change in food, almost always dry food and less interaction with them. In the garage it is easy to pet them and such, but they lose the trust somehow in the great outdoors. 

Today we need to get the corn ready to freeze and start slicing and freezing peaches. Every year I order Amish peaches from Troyers and they are so good. Lots of work but it will go faster this year since I have a helper.   


We got the corn done on Sunday afternoon. All packed away in the freezer.

Since it is taking forever for this post, I'll close it for now. Tomorrow is the big day for G Mo, a little snip snip surgery. 

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