Saturday, October 21, 2023

Ponderings Of The Feral Fam, The Boys and Life

 Just a few minutes before dawn. We await the sunlight to go out and feed The Feral Fam. The Boys have been fed and this morning being a relatively quiet one with not one massive chase scene from downstairs to upstairs to under a few beds with the return downstairs for a brief moment, then back to the chase. These Boys are focused, that's for sure. GMoey is on the quilt, Mr Mo is on top of one of the living room chairs and Willie is on the bench, at the bay window waiting for light to see if any of the cuzbros are stirring. 

Yesterday, Roy had his first dental appointment to take care of crowning, once again, two teeth. At least they are on the same side of his mouth. We had a soft lunch and then headed over to the Publix for that five percent discount, wisdom discount, for us older folks. Mornings are not so bad on Wednesdays but by afternoon the Publix is filled with us older types. Some types are older acting than others. I chuckled at a friend's FB post. She and her husband accidently wore the same color and style of shirt. She went to Bible study, then hurried home to pick up her husband for an eye doctor appointment. No time to change clothes but I laughed when she shared she made mention that they were NOT one of those couples who dressed alike. There seems to be some core principle in us to explain to younger people, we are not trying to act old on purpose. Which probably just emphasizes, yes we are old (ish.)  So, let's see, where was I? Oh yes, the exciting times of Publix. While there, I picked up some meds prescribed by the dermatologist. I used the cream last night on my leg and this morning there is already a significant difference in this month long rash. Yes, once again I am proving that I am a card carrying older type, but not an AARP member. I just talked about doctor visits and meds and health wise, the emphasis on what is said or prescribed by a doctor overtakes our personality. 

Well, The Feral Fam is trying to play soccer this morning with a gray with pink feet vole. They don't eat them cause they make them sick to their stomachs, thus it becomes an amusement. One of the Quads has it and he is not sharing. Over the years we've had more black cats with a little tuft of white on their chests, some born into the family and a couple of them dropped or abandoned by our home. So we just name them all Quad cause there are so many. The kittens are asleep in the big flower pot bucket and Cha-Nay Nay is keeping an eye on the vole. Update- they left the vole right at the back door as a thank you. Oh the generous Feral Fam. 

Chanel, aka Cha-Nay Nay, is certainly taking a turn from totally wild feral cat to one who while cautious is becoming more trusting of us. She actively looks for me when I'm outside hoping for some pets and love. She is about the size of Buddy. The Boys are all big cats and weigh a lot more than we were used to. Beanie and Fido are certainly helping with this effort but now Beanie doesn't want to share time with Chanel. Toupee has returned to her default setting, cranky. She gets her own bowl away from the others due to the fact she is constantly trying to pick a fight with her family. The kittens are growing up so quickly we won't be able to call them kittens much longer. These cooler temps have made them that more playful and it always pulls me away from what needs to be done. 


Today, Friday, is forecasted to be a rainy day. We sure can use some rain around here. Hopefully we receive enough to plant some tulip and daffodil bulbs this weekend. Helps when the ground cooperates. One thing we have taken note of, for the past few summers we have used plastic swimming pools to plant annuals. We take the used dirt and spread it around other flowerbeds. This year we didn't use the pools as much cause we added five raised beds. We will get the pools cleaned out and bring them in the garage to use for beds when the temps drop and The Feral Fam comes to the garage for a little more warmth. 

Had such a fun lunch with two friends from Houston, Charlie and Marilyn. We attended the same Sunday School class. They are two of the original Three Amigos. They have been up this way in their RV for the past few months. Lots of fun seeing them and lots of fun introducing them to Blue Rooster. 

The fog is rolling in again this morning. Doesn't look to be as thick as other mornings this week. It hangs around a little longer in our valley. While driving over to Clyde the tree branches making that canopy of color was overwhelming, in a good way. I slowed down to glance at some cows grazing along the fence with all the colorful trees and grass behind them. I looked up to see behind me a guy in a white truck who was not all that mesmerized by the season. As soon as I could, I pulled over to let him speed away and speed away he did. For some reason yesterday, the barns along the road got more attention than normal. I got to thinking about all the history both agricultural as well as family history. A lot of the barns at some time became tobacco barns and none of them have any paint or color to them. There also several fields of pumpkins that mostly have been harvested but there were a few in the garden with lots of broken pumpkin pieces scattered about. Just look at all that autumn stuff the guy in the truck missed. 


Saturday morning. Roy has gone to a breakfast meeting and then work day at church. Me and The Boys, well they are napping, kind of and I am easing into the day. Need to finish up the lesson for tomorrow and do a few things around here. Although, continued easing into the day is quite nice at this moment. 

For a little bit I had the Astro game on as background, not really paying attention while working a couple of projects. I was upstairs and checked in on the game via phone and what? The Astros won! And in a dramatic way, which is not so unusual. 

I am still pondering the term purposeful abandonment. The whole word abandon or abandonment doesn't sit well with me because for years that fear held me captive. Oh those childhood traumas that stay with us but at least it doesn't feel too clingy now. The other pondering of the week is the world of Pharisees trying to trap or trick Jesus by their questions or following He and the disciples around to find them breaking one of their many, many rules. Some times and in different seasons of life there are those who dog your steps trying to find something to exploit or there are those who have questions to trap you in a word jail. I've written before that I grew up thinking everything had the possibility of being a secret test. Those secret tests of my father...well, no one ever passed a secret test, well except for him. One time a family friend of my parents said to me, I was in high school, I think I know what is going on at your house but I don't know what to do about it. Well, I didn't take the bait because this was probably a secret test put in place to see how I would respond. I responded with a half smile and said thank you. I was so groomed by him. Ever once in a while, I will think something is a secret test, but dang the test giver has been gone since 2017. 


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