Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Purposeful Abandonment is Not Quiet Quitting

 It is that anniversary of closing on this house that truly brings out the thankfulness in me each year around this time. Well, there is also the cool temps and the leaves really beginning to pop color. It is truly one of the best times of the year. When we would come up here for Thanksgiving, we marveled at the remaining colors on the trees. People would say, you should have seen this place in October but being from the flatlands and fall days nearly nonexistent, we were thankful for those drab leaves with specks of a fall color scheme. 

Roy said to me the other day, something to the effect, I'm really proud of you. You are living out your dream. I thought he meant marrying him, cause we were laughing and joking around. While that is true, he was referring to moving here, taking chances and finding joy in the decision. Before breakfast this morning I just happened upon an article, "Purposeful Abandonment." It is a business article but the first paragraph speaks volumes to every area of life. 

"You won't grow until you purposely abandon what holds you back. 

Your attitudes, behaviors, abilities, and opportunities are responsible for where you are today, for the person you have become." Dan Rockwell

Roy told me I needed to give this experiment, five years. I knew in year one it was the best decision of recent years. Basically, I felt like a prisoner, even beyond the heat keeping me inside most of the time in Houston. Building a house gave more freedom to move and exist for awhile and Community Bible Study gave the opportunity to serve. On the way home from one of our trips here, in our tourist years, Roy observed the difference in energy levels and interest in life and posed the question to me of buying a condo to get away from Houston and all the chains that bound me, to be up here for at least six to seven months a year. That wasn't difficult to respond to but by the time we got home, he decided that we should look for a house because he wanted to retire to the mountains. He also added it would be better for me to devote time living here rather than commuting. Thus the adventure started. The stuff that might hold me to Houston out of a sense of duty had been severed, my father had dissolved our ties legally and thus in the papers declared he would not accept help or advice from us. No speaking on his behalf. That had started in 2012 and we were talking about moving in 2013. Through the grapevine I heard that several of the usual gossipers at church or the ones who liked to be in the know, stated we were having problems and this was the beginning of the ending process. Nothing could have been farther from the truth. One brave soul (maybe not brave), a church friend in name or description only asked directly if this be so. Uh no. I reminded her while she was schlepping five kiddos to practices, sports and various other activities,  Roy and I had a lot more early years of marriage time. I even worked and traveled with him for several years.  If she put pencil to paper and used some math, the equivalent that she and her husband spent together might just even out. Through those years when I was here alone, we talked and texted everyday, several times a day. Our evening conversations were meaningful and not done in by small talk or trivialities. Yep, leaving the sure thing of what I knew. I wouldn't call the journey Abraham-esk but it certainly a journey of faith. The kindness and faithfulness of God just overwhelms me. So I'm thinking and thanking for those changes that have brought increased fulfillment. This also includes the timely visit from my friend Carole that helped me move forward even though I was already here. While she was here, she asked why I wasn't teaching a class and I told her I had laid that at the foot of the cross, because it had become fairly obvious in Houston, that wasn't going to happen. I'll never forget she said, well, I am going to ask the Lord to show you it is time to pick it back up. That evening, at a fifth Sunday fellowship, the assistant teacher, Judy, asked if I would like to teach every third Sunday. Later Carole said to me, I didn't even get to pray about this and the Lord moved. I love that story. Great reminder of waiting and timing when it comes to the Lord. Now, I am teaching full time, love The Joy Class!


Went for my follow up appointment yesterday. The biopsy spot looks great but the conclusion all the other problems I've been experiencing is probably due to being allergic to some of the prep materials. Picking up some meds today that will help alleviate the pain and itching. After my appointment we went to the Hendersonville Sam's. It is lighter and brighter and bigger than our Sam's. More choices but checking out, only one regular lane open, so Roy self checked our stuff. He was awarded most efficient scanner for the day, being like an employee and all. One lady, I felt so sorry for her, she just wasn't getting this process and it began with how she scanned her Sam's card. The big purchase of the day, Fancy Feast cat food. Great price and not at our home Sam's. Since we were so close and since I hardly if ever get these, we stopped at the Jack in the Box for tacos. Yes, I am aware I wrote this sentence right after writing about cat food...the contents of Jack tacos...unknown. They were so good! 

Upon arriving home, we were greeted by very hungry cats, both inside and out. 

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