Thursday, April 4, 2024

Compost, Fires on the Mountains and Stuff

 Easter weekend filled with the regular Easter activities along with and most importantly the celebration of Resurrection Sunday, contained more than the usual events of the weekend. There was smoke on the mountains and in this case of Sunday the smoke was due to the fire on the mountains. One fire that was contained early in the process and it burned nearby friend's homes. Looking out our front windows we could see smoke that was black meaning water has been applied to the flames. Someone almost let the brush burning fire get out of control to the south of us. This not being the same fire happening in Leicester. There was a house fire happening in another area close by. In the words of Billy Joel, we didn't start the fire... On Saturday our neighbors gifted us with a huge load of compost via their horses. So Saturday late afternoon, we were moving compost to all the flower and veggie beds. I stayed off the incline cause last time, I slid down the mountain, well the incline of our side yard, on compost on down to the driveway. With all of Roy's fall and winter work with the raised beds, the compost will be the icing on the to speak. 

Roy had deacon's meeting on Monday night so he missed the Iowa/LSU women's basketball game. Fast paced but the outcome is not what we wanted for LSU. Although, the stress level of watching games has now gone back to the normal levels. We are rooting for South Carolina, now cause you know...SEC....SEC! But wouldn't it be a great story if NC State beat them in the semis? We will probably watch the games this weekend but then after the interest in basketball goes back to nil until March Madness 2025. All the "stuff" that has been a distraction for the Tigers is a bit concerning. Just like last year the word, class or classless, is thrown around quite a bit. Oh yes, the code word that is quite racist in the tone. You saw it a lot including last year's victory in the Natty cause Iowa kind of losing was never a thought, until it happened. You see it this year in defeat. On a much smaller level, minute in this case, when I played tennis, volleyball and softball, it is difficult to beat a team twice, unless you are South Carolina. This year it would be great if LSU beat Iowa but in my heart of hearts, I didn't think it would happen. I did my part, I didn't watch all of the game trying to help the Tigers like I had done on Saturday. Ha! 

One thing that I have loved about this year's March Madness is seeing players who play with such joy. They are serious about their game but they love the game so much they can't help but overflow in joy. They do their "job" but have fun. We live in such a joyless world. Just my thoughts here, but I think joy is shut down so many times because others who want control can't control joy. Guess that is why it is a fruit of the spirit found in Galatians. Just look at the guy whose friends tore through a roof and lowered him to Jesus in the house. Only the Jewish leaders were upset cause joy overturned their world. They were at the house sitting up close to where Jesus spoke, not to know Him but to accuse Him and look for stuff to take Him down. Throughout my working years I was fortunate to work for several who were joyful in their approach thus influencing our approach to our work and jobs. I also worked with those who sucked the life out of you and that included joy. After sucking out joy they usually make a few new rules because what is a joyless approach to life without some legalism thrown in. It is easier to make rules than to live a life in the Spirit. 

Our area didn't get the storm and wind last night so all the tulips are looking good. The drop in temps certainly was felt today but more of a drop Thursday. We did our usual Wednesday thing of picking up lunch from 6 Pigs BBQ. They are set up on the River Road on Wednesdays. We got there a little after 11:00 and there was already a line. They sold out by 3:20. 

Last night there was a wreck on our road. It was dusk and hard to see from the house but looks like one car crashed off the road into something or one went off into the field across the road. Took a long time to clear it. Never heard a crash sound or anything but it was one of the quietest evenings in a while cause cars, trucks and motorcycles couldn't race down the road. Oh yeah, I just went old lady in that sentence. 

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