Saturday, June 20, 2020

Faith, Hope, and Procrastination

Saturday morning. Mama Cat has beckoned all the little ones, who aren't so little anymore, and she has included Boo. I know I have posted on FB as well as writing about this phenomenon several times but her acceptance and behavior toward Boo has truly astounded me.  Mama Cat be cranky most of the time. She swipes at Strawyer and Beanie...goes eye to eye growling with Punky and greets me every morning with a round of hissing. Then she does the closed eyes thing, so basically Mama Cat is passive aggressive.

My original plans for the day included going over to the Artsy Pants Market in Haywood County. I love going to this particular event, but last night before going to bed, the thought came to me even with an abundance of caution, protocols and required masks, that's a lot of people indoors in exhibit halls. A lot of the vendors are outside but I know me...I would not stay out of the exhibit halls thus I am staying home. I have something or someone more that I love than this market and they'll be here very soon. It does not help to see pics so I am staying away from FB for the time being. Another factor too, the high is going to be in the low 80s. Factor in temps, plus people, plus wearing a mask, and limited seating...and the likelihood of getting too warm or hot rapidly escalates. Last year at the market even in the spring, the heat affected me. It is all about staying in the protocols set for me to stay feeling good. This year, even with Covid 19 being all the rage, has been the best I have felt in a long time. With the exception of the spring heel spur, working in the garden and yard has been pain free with energy.

During the self distancing portion of life, I find myself watching a little more TV than usual. We have Netflix and Hulu but it seems I spend a lot of time in Mayberry or in Landford, if it is the first few seasons. I know I have been watching too much Andy when I am saying to the TV, why doesn't anyone confront Barney? Why do they tolerate this behavior? I mean how many times can Barney try to fix up Andy and fail. How many episodes will be devoted to Barney jumping the gun and thinking that Andy and__________ pick any of the girlfriends Andy dates...only a week or so...are getting married only to discover, Barney misread the circumstances. A tad dramatic and compensates for his feelings of insignificance by being a blow hard, know it all kind of person. So, yes, I have been self distancing for too long to be thinking these things. But he sure did bring a lot to the show even if it was on repeat.

It has been an interesting watch from a distance with the pastor from Atlanta thing from last Sunday. His word choice...well, it wasn't good but it looks as if he has escaped the mob mentality and will not have to resign from his church. He is a fortunate one but he came back with a social media apology that merits sincerity and repentance. He and his team have been cutting edge for quite some time, in music, books, and styles of worship. It seems to be the thing of his generation of preachers, teachers and pastors to change words...phrases to make them relevant to the times. This goes from renaming Sunday School, which so many still refer to even if it has a new name, to renaming rooms of the church or different ministries. I totally get that, but it is funny to think that most of these guys are in their late forties, fifties and early sixties...their relevance time is running short. Soon a new generation will come and rename the names, remove smoke and fog machines and light shows...not that all churches do that and sometimes it does add to a service. This particular generation hit church leadership when the business model began to form in churches and leadership being based on a business culture outlook, oh along with some prayer and meditation. Maybe, this type of leadership from these particular types isn't what is needed right now. It could be that we, white people, should let POC lead the way. Certainly, we need to be listening to learn and care and join with.

The much anticipated haircut happened yesterday. Chloe told me I have a lot of gray hair now, only it looks blond. I'll take it! So technically it feels like I lost about six pounds of hair yesterday. Next appointment comes with highlights and it is over a month and a half away, soonest to be able to get in. No blow drying, so that was kind of weird but totally doable. I just put the top down on the Mustang and let the wind do its thing. I thought about going to the Screen Door or ATB but opted for Barnes and Noble. Haven't been to this particular one since maybe January. Totally rearranged and the feel of relaxed browsing and relaxing is diminished somewhat, but that doesn't affect my style of bookstore browsing. I was there yesterday for a couple of magazines.

I have caught myself a couple of times going out in public dressed like an old lady and not by choice either. Went to the doctor office and my blues did not match. I wore an outfit the other day that totally screamed, old but didn't realize it until I was out and about. This is what happens when one's affection for The Nord has been replaced by Tractor Supply....well, that is not totally true. I still order from Flax.

This morning, like many mornings, I walked into a spider web. Did the necessary get the web out of my hair dance and now...well I feel like spiders are everywhere. Every little itch, is a spider and of course I know this not to be true. I do my best to avoid webs because those spiders are doing a job of catching bugs. Part of my long list of jobs accomplished is fly traps and fly paper cause with ferals in the summer, there are a lot of flies hanging about.

There is one more perennial to plant and I need to check the latest transplants of sunflowers. I should have kept a list of all the things accomplished around here during the isolation part of this year. Funny how being home translated into really doing projects cause sometimes procrastination is a spiritual gift and Paul said it so well in I Corinthians 12. So you should earnestly desire the most helpful gifts.
But now let me show you a way of life that is best of all....The way of procrastination. 

And with that, I will end today's blog post. It is a beautiful day out here on the back porch but there are strawberries to be cut and vacuuming to be done. Oh and laundry, there is always laundry.

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