Friday, June 5, 2020

Thursday And Friday....

It has been a while since last posting about Edee. There's a reason, the security software on the laptop set to expire and of course my thoughts on anything dealing with set up or adding to a computer is this, it is never easy. This should have been an easy thing, renew the software only no, it wasn't. Thus I had to call in my computer support team, Roy. He speaks and understands the language. So, as it happens he said until he could make a phone call, to use the computer sparingly, if at all. So just like with Covid 19, I social distanced from the computer. Last night, everything was updated and ready to use. I asked Roy what the problem had been with the info the company had given me to renew. He said, I solve problems, got you a three year package, so I didn't ask about that. Well, okay then. So I am back to business so to speak with my laptop. Of course I asked Roy, what if this one dies and we have to get a new one? Uh, we will tackle that issue when the time comes he said.

Today I ventured to Hendersonville for my doctor appointment. All in all, it was a good report. I have lost weight and probably weigh what I did at this time last year. But, not taken into account was spending nearly four weeks in Texas where the brisket, cheese enchiladas, BBQ and the like is easily accessible and delicious; I partook abundantly. Then tag on January which was such a long month, well it seemed that way, where the choices I made food wise were not, well, wise. So I had gained more pounds than I had liked. Since being in NC, fall has become the most tempting of seasons in bad food choices. I blame the apple cider donuts. The work to lose began in February and the added benefit of lock down beginning in March is that I took up gardening and outdoor projects. When I first began, I could barely carry down a bag of mulch or garden soil, but now I can do a little more and feel a lot stronger. In my mind also is the fact that there are six additional pounds from cement in hip and knee replacements, so mentally, those six pounds come off the total. The plan had been to go down to Strawberry Hill afterwards, but a huge wreck had the freeway shut down. I had been to the bookstore the week before, didn't need anything from Target...operative word, need, and with the forecast of rain in the afternoon, I began the trek back home. First though, I did something I usually do after cardiologist appointments, I eat something delicious that is not good for you. Usually, it is fried chicken but since it was still morning, I opted for a drive thru the Krispy Kreme. The farthest moment from my next checkup. If I had been able to go to Strawberry Hill, the choice would have been Jack in the Box tacos in Hendersonville. For just a brief moment the thought of going to TN entered my brain, but when I got home Buddy was so desperate to be on the front porch, plans changed. She spent the entire afternoon out there. With storms nearby, the wind picked up later in the afternoon. We are not fans of gusty winds so we came inside. We got a little rain and a few rumbles of thunder but the rain did the split and mostly was on two sides of us passing us by. 

The backyard has been taken over by Mama Cat. She is the original cat that brought her three kittens under the fir tree in 2017, Cali was one of those kittens. Once Cali took residence and claimed the deck and yard as her own, Mama Cat disappeared. As is wont with ferals, I figured something had gotten her or she had been trapped. Then, the day after Cali died, Mama Cat reappeared. She didn't take over the backyard, Camo did and Mama Cat was left to live on the edges on the gravel road. Punky and Strawyer, their mother is Camo. Camo abandoned them here to Riley to care for, only P and S shunned Riley. Wow, that felt a little bit like writing begats in the Bible. Punky has dominated the backyard for about a year, but when we rescued her kittens, she was dethroned and Mama Cat took over. Last Friday in fact, I woke up to find four kittens on the porch step. Mama Cat has cleaned house so to speak. Punky is living on the edge of the gravel road, Beanie drops in occasionally for a bite to eat, Strawyer is come and go, Frankie hasn't been seen in a week, Big Chief hasn't been around for two weeks, Darth is around now and then, but he is the alpha cat, even Mama defers to him. I miss Edee being in the back. She didn't wander too far. Ranger hasn't been around for several days, but she looked very pregnant,  so that could be why but even being a child of Mama Cat, her presence is barely tolerated. That poor cat has faced so much rejection within her family. In the past, Mama Cat has not been very watchful over her litters. This morning I saw something that thanks to the security cameras I was able to watch. She took her kittens out of the cleft of the rock, let them play a bit, then she began moving toward the food bowls. They straggled behind her as she showed them where to find breakfast. She sat guard as they dove into those bowls. Mama Cat still hisses at me, but she seems a little more relaxed in my presence. 

Now, in between rain showers, I think I will get the sunflower seedlings and get them replanted in the backyard. Water evaporates so quickly here, so while the soil is moist, gonna get right to it. 


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