Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Scoops, LazMarMar and Power

 After some weekend temps that felt a bit winterish, we will now have spring for the week and then for the weekend, the dip in temps. Kind of feels like living in Texas. 

Roy got all the scoop yesterday while taking the garbage cans to the road. Our neighbor above us told us about the activities of the messy house below and to the right on the road. Don't think there is too much good happening and two pit bull dogs. Our neighbor below us on the road caught him up on the pasture across the way. The man who owns the property could not sell the large parcel so he is dividing it up for houses. Right now two are planned but our neighbor thinks they'll be nice sized homes and not like some that are thrown together. Anyone want to be our neighbor?

The JOY class is just so special to me. They put up with a bunny trail teacher and one that is not very organized in administrative details. So generous and truly a prayerful class. Lots of laughing together but we weep when one is weeping. We were able to get through half of the lesson yesterday so we will pick up with Jesus at Lazarus' tomb. The customs and practices of funerals and culture in the Bible is so interesting. The context and background makes the already alive Word, alive. I marvel at seeing the book of John so differently this time around. Some of the commentaries emphasize the deep friendship that Jesus had with this family, more so than how I usually studied in the past. The class was fortunate not to have me sing along with Karen Peck and The New River Band, Four Days Late. Roy got that thrill in the car as we went to church. But God...right in the middle of my most dramatic interpretation of the song, a flock of wild turkeys over to our right side, had their attention diverted from looking for food and deciding to fly in front and barely over our car. Of course to maneuver the car from a direct hit, the singing stopped. I must ask Roy is God answered his prayer to silence the SS teacher rendition of this song. I wonder if he fondly remembered when I first discovered this song, along with Get Away Jordon back in the day.   


It has been a week since last attending to the blog. The mornings got away from me. But, this Monday morning, there is a respite. Because of Roy's allergies this morning our original plans of going out for breakfast, getting his glasses adjusted and a trip to the Barnes and Noble have been punted till later in the week. It's just as well, love a Monday morning...easing into the day. 

The John 11/12 combo lesson got done with just a few minutes over release time. I have certainly enjoyed studying about Mary, Martha and Lazarus. The question always asked, are you a Mary or a Martha? I think I am a LazMarMar, a little bit of each of them. Lazarus was at the table with Jesus in Luke 10 and John 12 and got that four day break from everyday life. He doesn't say a recorded word in the gospels but what an influence. 

Last year we waited too late to buy more forsythia to put along the side fence with the ones we planted in 2021. On Saturday we found several, not much to choose from, already. After church and lunch we planted three of the plants and then planted two trees. When spring actually arrives, we have several projects to redo the pandemic garden work that kept me occupied during those days of less travel and more prevention. 


Lost power, generator came on, power returned, generator off, we are both wide awake and up early. The Boys started slowly with a rambunctious morning but they are in full play mode. All three of them are engaged in stalking and chasing. Think GMoey just left the group for a nap.  

Roy got the last forsythia planted yesterday afternoon in the warmth of 71 degrees. It is going to be a hard year for peaches after seeing a local orchard has lost all the peach blooms due to the high impact of the wind. Our peach tree still has blooms but the cold temps next week might zap it. 

I kept up with the Murdaugh trial over the past few weeks. Mostly I watched recaps but I did watch Alex's two days of testimony. I've read a lot of articles and interviews from the beginning of this family's influence in the lowcountry till now. I will probably write something on this later but for now I am thinking on these things. 

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