Tuesday, August 15, 2023

At Least There is That

 Roy has an eye doctor appointment this morning which leaves me with a morning to ease into. Last week, not so much and even though there are appointments to be kept this week and needful things to take care of, I always relish in a morning full of possibilities but choosing the quiet is usually the best remedy to start out the "work" week or the weekdays. 

We are keeping an eye on the dynamics between Mr Mo and Willie. Plain and simple Willie is a bully many times toward Mr Mo. Willie is much bigger, with very long fur and underneath that fur, a mighty girth. Yet, that cat can scootch or fit into just about any small opening, like under a bookcase or between close chairs. Nothing stops him. He has been a little bit more on the calm side. He has even sat in my lap several times and those several times had nothing to do with finding a snack from me that might just appeal to him as well. As we ponder maybe bringing in Fido that might help the dynamics and then again it might not we try to distract The Boys from anger fighting to just roughhousing. Fido is so easy going, like Mr GMoey. Ongoings with the Feral Fam, pretty much status quo except Beanie hasn't been around for a couple of meals and I dreaded what the narrative might be, but lo and behold, right after taking part one of morning meds I glanced out the window and saw him lying on a rock. His attention as well as Toupe, just coming down from the gravel road, fixated on the gate. The Feral Fam has been a little skittish lately. Don't know if it is Radley or an unknown, at least to me, cat looking for a good time. I carefully snuck out onto the back porch, although eagle ear GMoey was not fooled, and gave the kitties outside some treats. I was so delighted to see Beanie. He has been quite the affectionate cat of late, he has always let me pet him, but sometimes after feeding them at night, I sit on a rock and just watch them. Many times he joins me either sitting beside me or sometimes even sitting on my lap. 

Just one more lesson in Jeremiah. Actually, I have learned so much about the book of Jeremiah and well, here is your Sunday School answer, God. I have also learned that we as people or even as people of God can be jerks as well as make wrong decisions more times than we like to think about. Invested in ritual? God can blow that apart quickly and how we respond, well that is a whole nother story. Do you just want God to rubberstamp decisions? Jeremiah is the book for you because we just learned, God isn't in the scrapbook business of stamping or rubber stamping. Want the status quo? Want easy decisions, that might not be the right choice...there is plenty of that in Jeremiah. Want to go back to Egypt? Short answer is don't go! Plenty of biblical examples of what happens when Egypt is the destination but not of God's choice. The life of faith is difficult but it is the best choice day in and day out while here on earth, but eternal rewards, yep, there will be some of those too. 

I ordered three books, yes, I know...but one of them is for Sunday School study and the other two are for spiritual growth. I looked at Ragged this morning by Gretchen Ronnevik and her intro has me hooked. Actually, the first paragraph grabbed me because I have tried but I am not an early morning quiet time person and even though I artfully read my Bible and make notes in my journal from time to time for that early morning hour, many days it doesn't even seem to have an effect on me. Not God's fault but mine, being all distracted or overwhelmed or tired. The author is like this and none of the sugar coated cutesy cutesy women ministry stuff that seems to be all the rage, all the time. Not that this is related but in my mind it is. At the beginning of the summer I started reading a book, fiction, titled Rush. Ole Miss, moms are legacies in the most popular sorority at Ole Miss. Well to do girl and the other is from an ultra rich family. I stopped reading it cause the story is taking too long to develop and the more interesting characters haven't been given enough paragraphs but I digress. The legacy roommates use a designer for dorm rooms in decorating their room meant for three but barely has the room for the two. On FB this weekend I saw a dorm designer, at Ole Miss, who designed the corner room meant for three and actually for the first time ever, three roommates are sharing it. Very cute but wonder if this designer was the one used for the book? May have to pick it back up and see if it is interesting. I believe cute dorm rooms are a thing and fun, but sometimes it is over the top, just for the sake of being over the top. Boy, did I go down a rabbit trail, anyway, I think this book Ragged is just what I need. 

When Roy got home from the eye doctor, we headed out to get some honey crisp apples from Barbers and maybe some apple cider donuts...oh and some corn. Anyway, we stopped at Ducketts on the way home. Lou Lou's fried pork skins are so delicious, so those and muscadine grapes for Roy. Oh yes, Lou Lou is canning greasy beans in smaller mason jars so there isn't any leftovers. That works for us. Beautiful drive home and we got more rain for a little bit of time, so tomatoes and such will all be so happy. We are coming to an end of blackberry season. We have put most in the freezer for tastes of summer this winter. 


A successful trap of Coco this morning and off to be fixed this morning. She is still so young but the intact males had kind of started paying attention to her in the past few days. The days of taking kitties to the ASPCA to get fixed will soon be over. Coco didn't even get upset like most, she just kept eating her food. 

Last night beginning around 12:30 am, thunderstorms came through until early this morning. Got lots of good rain and cannot help think about Texas needing rain something awful. We lost power for a few minutes this morning, but not for very long at all. Mr Mo is afraid in storms so we have been paying extra attention to him this morning. Sometimes it is Willie that is his problem, but not so much this morning.  

We punted on our plans today and I think it was the best plan. Hey, instead we used up some of my birthday discounts around the area. So fun, hey I am easily entertained.  I am also thinking the lesson on Sunday is not going to be the Lifeway plans...although I will touch on that last chapter. 

Well, the kittos outside are waiting for supper and Roy put the children's fishing pole together and we will  play with them a little later. A couple of non family male cats came around this morning and were rather disappointed but they did leave with a trip to the food bowls, at least there is that. 

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