Sunday, August 27, 2023

Check- A -Roony

 Let's see, shop on Wednesday at Publix to get the "wisdom" discount-check. Roy leaving the cart, Houston friends, or the buggy, NC friends, in the middle of aisles with a lot of cranky wisdom types looking for an opportunity to snag a BOGO item-check. Okay, last week I slipped but only slid while opening the back door to bring the kitties their supper and now Roy has decided I cannot do that on my own for the time being. Let's see, I have done this way over a hundred times, one kitty, Beanie, gets under my foot and thus the slip sliding away happened so quickly. Although Roy does run interference quite well. So, that's a check a roonie as well. Oh yes and two days before my birthday I set off the panic alarm on the house and our wonderful neighbor saved our doors from the EMS break in and looking for The Boys outside in the wild. Old lady move-check. 

Now it is Thursday and Roy is on his way to the dentist office. The Boys and me, well, we are here at home. Most of them mostly napping with one on bully patrol or rather waiting for an opportunity bully patrol. Outside, Cutie has moved her kittens to the cleft of the rock and the sisters Coco and Chanel are spending a lot of sister time together. This heat is draining the energy out of all the Fam. We are keeping them supplied with water and treats. Some of their beds are in very shady areas of the yard and being under the coolness of trees with a little breeze is wonderful to battle warmth. Of course our heat is nothing to compare to what Houston and Texas friends have been experiencing. Nonetheless, it is usually not this hot at this time of the year. I just noticed Radley sleeping on the rock that has the cleft. He better be up to good rather than no good. Since he has become the alpha cat after ridding us of King Herod, he is becoming like King Herod. 

I've been recovering from a bit of the flutter this week, so add in the heat and it is a low energy week. I have been getting more reading done, yay! I have opted to give just a few minutes to Lamentations  and then onto the Intro of Mark. Next week we begin in earnest, chapter one. I am also finishing up one of the I Love Lucy books I bought myself for my birthday. Interesting and I keep seeing the nuances when I watch an episode. Vivian Vance is brilliant in her response with great timing reacting to Lucy or Fred or a situation. 

We just finished cutting corn off the cob to make creamed corn. In the oven and just about done. We also got some corn cleaned and ready for the freezer. Roy's green peppers are producing and I found a recipe for stuff green peppers that are easy to freeze. Look at me, being all domestic minded. Told Roy is we don't get stuff like this done in the morning...I am out of energy by the afternoon. He did a lot of work on the corn and for this I am very thankful. We will let the creamed corn cool and then put it in freezer bags for individual servings. 

Just think, ten years ago I would have not been too excited about growing tomatoes and peppers. Having apple, peach and plum trees as well as blackberry bushes...nor would I have been too excited about having sunflowers, four o'clocks, zinnias and snap dragons in the flowerbeds...oh yes and cosmos. I am thrilled with a quiet life after living life in a constant state of anxiety, chaos and busyness. Too wrapped up in what others thought, sometimes obsessively, yet other times what others thought of me, well it was quite amusing. Been snubbed by the best yet truly, most snubs are not that well is obvious almost to the point of wanting to be called on it so that this person can vent or be aloof. No thanks, not going to give them that pleasure. Gosh, there was a lot of that in Houston cause it seems to be accepted that this is a way of life. Several predicted that I wouldn't make it here and would find myself right back in Houston. Even when we were to stay home during the pan...mic, never bored. Sometimes I think it is a sin to tell God we are bored in this wonderful world He created. As Roy says often, there is always something to do. Of course he could be talking about chores or daytrips around and about. Mainly chores. As we begin to study Mark I can only think that Mark jumped right in without adding his background, or the sorrows he had seen, been snubbed and rejected by Paul, taken in by his cousin Barnabas. Peter had him around and he soaked all that in. He wrote the earliest gospel and Matthew and Luke used his writing to tell their stories too. Mark appealed to the gentiles and Romans in his writing. We should be no different than good ol John Mark. Yep, we all have stories and they are important but not so important to woller around in them. We don't need to get stuck on but what about my reputation? Well, we all have reputations but we might think about them more than others will. Mark got those vivid insights into Jesus' life and he includes them although we pass right over them. He didn't need to include his history, just that this gospel is about Jesus and emphasizes Him serving. 


This was fellowship lunch Sunday and it was very fun. Got asked to serve and Tracy planned a taco lunch and it was a hit. When you serve the meal you get to see everyone and visit for a few minutes. Just as the crowd settled down I was able to sit down and eat lunch. I was starting to get hot which means afib is lurking around the corner. Lunch was great and we helped clean up afterwards. I got a nice nap this afternoon and now the rain is coming in a little at a time. 

We made it through the best part of Lamentations and the intro to Mark this morning. Fido wanted to go to church this morning. He jumped into the trunk and then he tried to get in the car door. 

A good book is calling my name. Not the good book but Steven Wales book. I have loved reading it. 

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