Monday, August 7, 2023

Becoming Aware, Reluctantly

 🎵There's got to be a morning after.🎵Yes, the morning after a birthday before a milestone birthday next year. It was such a fun day. We did a lot of my favorite things in and around the area that brought great joy. Barbers Orchard opened this week and honestly, we did not go for the apples, like so many others there, apples plentiful, bakery line long. Only ginger gold, which we have a ginger gold tree here and don't eat the apples. This year, they sold peaches and nectarines from their orchards. So donuts, peaches and nectarines were our purchases. We thought about corn but will return for corn and probably a bakery item or two. We drove by Haywood Smokehouse considering lunch but it was so crowded, onto other adventures. Ducketts Produce, the next stop and Lou Lou had made tomato pie and that's what is for lunch today. Also picked up salsa and greasy beans. Oh, muscadines for Roy. He loves those grapes. Southern Porch was busy for lunch so we decided we would drop by home, to drop off stuff and head out to Mars Hill. We really like Taco Fiesta and that is where we went for lunch. Had the Pollo Popeye...delicious! You have to go to Ingles afterwards especially the weeks the Zero Sugar Sunkist Orange sodas are on sale. We wrapped up the afternoon in Marshall with a stop at Penlands. I got the last copy of a book about a revival that happened in Madison County and then we were on our way home. We were welcomed home by The Feral Fam and The Boys. Not because of happiness of return but supper would be on time. 

The birthday date was fine but the week has been a hard one. Had a mole scraped for testing. Didn't hurt until bedtime. Guess the lidocaine wore off. Tuesday, yearly eye exam, prescription changed, probably cataract surgery next year but otherwise, eyes doing well. It was an extremely sunny day Tuesday, so I holed up in the darkest room in the house all afternoon. Then we come to Wednesday, and Wednesday rocked me to the core. I did a truly old lady thing, nothing minor like talking about bag worms or telling some boring story or telling a story once again. No, this truly put me into the elderly category. We were leaving to run a couple of errands and like usual set the alarm. Only I got a notice from the security company, did I want to the alarm to go, thank you I responded. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. So we left feeling spritely and youngish only to get a phone call at Publix from our neighbor. She asked if everything was alright. Yes, thank you. She then tells us that there are three sheriff cars and an ambulance in our driveway. They were waiting on the fourth sheriff to be able to break down the door and go inside. She was able to get their attention to tell them we were not home and they asked to talk to me. They kind of gave me something less than a lecture but something more than don't do this again. Why he said the next thing, I'll never know but...we thought an elderly lady with cats was inside, unresponsive. Why gee, why did he think there might be cats? I think I grocery shopped in shock, miffed with myself over not being careful or observant. I told Roy on the way home, today marks a significant journey on getting older. Later on in the day, talked with our wonderful neighbor who also happens to have a beautiful name, Nancy. She said they asked if we were elderly by any chance. She responded well, they fit that category by age but they don't act like elderly people. They are constantly on the go or working in their gardens. That lessened the elderly blow. It is hard getting old. You have to not look old in facial expressions, don't have a trite phrase to say that was funny in your 40s but now, just a tired rendition to both speaker and listener, breath through your nose, don't fall asleep everywhere, remember to keep your symptoms and health to a minimum of discussion and oh there is so much more...that I've forgotten which is a sign unto me, elderly. I have told three people about Wednesday cause it knocked me for a loop and thankfully two out of the three had their own embarrassing elderly moment of recent days that made me feel like I wasn't alone. Almost feeling like the last part of this birthday year, we will give you something to remember. Thursday, I felt confident to just stay home, keep the keys with the alarm button put away. Then we come to Friday being out almost the entirety of the day, but so happy to report, no alarm situations instituted by me. The unexpected result of this old lady escapade is, lots of picking up of stuff that needs to be put away. Roy and I are both pilers but we are different in what we accept and don't accept. We are opposites in this view. We threw ourselves into clearing those piles of books and papers as well as other things. Then lo and behold, I dusted...which is not one of my favorite chores. I take after the thought of Leanne Morgan, funny people don't keep their houses immaculate, cause we are busy being fun. 

Thursday, I did get the report back from the mole and being that I was never in medical school, I hadn't a clue if they found anything or if they hadn't. Usually, it is not good to Google it up on medical stuff, but even Dr Google hadn't a clue what the heck the diagnosis was. There should be a section titled, what this means to the simple minded person, ah yes, that would be me. I sent the report to my nurse niece and she gave some direction. 

That Lou Lou at Ducketts, what can she not do? This year along with her canning of tomatoes, beans, salsa, pickles and beets, yuck, along with her baked goods she has added fried pork skins in four flavors. I am prone to liking pork skins with salt, so that is what I went with...not just any salt, but sea salt. I also had a slice of her tomato pie for lunch. I like this years version better than last years. 

I have studied the lesson for tomorrow. Going to a review and a few points before we get to chapter 36.  


A foggy beginning to the day, Monday. Roy has dropped off another Feral Fam member to get fixed. He or she wasn't too happy about the situation. Roy is on his way to go workout since this afternoons forecast says rain that might be more stormy. I'm going to try and get some purple hull peas at a produce stand in a little bit. 

So now I have a better picture from the mole report. A picture that is a bit cloudy because I am waiting for the referral to go through and then contacted for the next appointment in the process. It was not the report I had hoped for but I am reminded of something that has totally helped me these past few days. I think this is from the Mark Buchannan book, Rest of God, but he wrote about how we need to be mindful that in the process there is a beginning, middle and end. Right now I am in the beginning of this journey. Actually I'm really at the pre-stage of looking at websites, reading brochures and such metaphorically of the journey, so I cannot or rather should not jump over to the end and scary middle. I am hoping the journey will have answers early on, take care of the issue and then I'll keep on. So more like a daytrip in the journey metaphor. I had sent a message to the doctor Friday night on the patient portal, that I wasn't quite sure about understanding the report because of the mixture of scary words in the midst of medical jargon. I sent it Friday night hoping for a Monday response. She responded Saturday morning and I am so appreciative of her taking time from her weekend to do that. 

Yesterday in Sunday School, my new friend Katrin made cupcakes for the class and a cake for me. A strawberry cake, one of my most favorites. This has been a wonderful few days of celebrating my birthday before a milestone birthday next year. In the lesson we wrapped up 35 and 36. I am kind of ready to be finished with Jeremiah and move onto the book of Mark. 

I had better attend to these restless Boys cause brunch is being served later than usual. Roy keeps them on a time clock, I get around to things. 

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