Friday, February 23, 2024

Life Continues in the Mountains

 The Feral Fam, The Boys, Roy and I have had our breakfast on this chilly morning. It is warming up into the sixties this afternoon. The generator people will be in our area today and will be doing the spring maintenance this afternoon. Guess the countdown to spring is on but it seems likely we will have a winter blast in March or April. 

Yesterday, was the follow up and mole patrol appointment with the dermatologist. Originally, we planned lunch and such before the appointment but with Roy's new found interest of easing into a day, we just went to the appointment. The staff there is so nice and they get you in, looked at and out in a decent period of time. Had a skin biopsy of a place on my arm and had some pre-cancerous places on my upper lip. Those got blasted. So probably in a week or so I will know the results of the place on my arm. In my heart of hearts I feel that it is all good. The places I pointed out to her that I was a bit concerned about...yay, nothing! The spot she biopsied, didn't even get a blip on my radar. So thankful the traffic coming and going was manageable. I am also thankful that the close call with being side swiped by a huge truck and horse trailer along with being pinned in by a cube truck was escapable, barely. I did get ahead of the back end of the trailer as the truck changed lanes. Whew! Thank you, Lord!

GMoey is really doing well. He is playful and has energy. We've only had one throw up or clean up on aisle 9 as we call it. That was our fault cause we didn't notice that he got into Mr Mo's dry food. Stomatitis is one of those things that have no cause in why certain cats develop it. GMoey is becoming more and more of a lap cat, yay, and Mr Mo will actually come to you when called, mostly...he is still a cat. Willie is still the wild child but little by little, we are making inroads with him. He is not a study buddy yet, but he naps under the daybed when the other two nap beside me in the afternoons. They sometimes influence me into taking a short nap.  


We have punted original plans till tomorrow. Not feeling it to mess with the bandage on my arm cause of the bleeding. Ugh! This afternoon though, I will have to deal with it but not so much in a rush. 

Roy has his new camera choices down to one or two choices. He saw the camera he really likes is cheaper at Walmart than Amazon. For the first time he is leaning toward a non Cannon camera. His favorite camera was stolen during his ordeal in Mobile...ooh, that rhymes. He just isn't that happy with the one he bought for here. Once he makes his final choice, I am excited to get out and about in spring. Cause we will be looking for scenes and places for him to practice his photography. 

We braved the old people at Publix on Wednesday. If you arrive a little bit before the horde, traversing the aisles is much easier. Especially since I am married to a cart blocking kind of guy. He is working on that but if he sees a deal, he is off to the races to the deal. Thus, I have just identified us as older types. We hit Ingles as well cause Pepsi products are on sale...and Ingles has a great selection of Easter candy. We also did another old person thing, Roy set off the alarm upon returning home. At least it was not the panic alarm and I was able to cancel the call before time ran out. Our regular routine got upset a bit and thus the alarm debacle. 


The big reveal in changing the bandage on my arm was last night...yuck! That's all I am going to say about that but so yucky, I just stayed upstairs and didn't watch the first part of the LSU Auburn women's basketball game. I do think I am having a reaction again to the adhesive. I think Roy might have watched till halftime. I fell asleep rather easily last night after loosing a couple hours of sleep the night before. I had a nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep. I don't usually have bad dreams but have had three nights of having them. Last night, no. So thankful. 

With our day beginning rather foggy and now changing into rain, we will probably stick around the house today and get several projects finished up. Roy changed to a CBS night class from early Friday mornings. It makes it an much easier Friday morning that's for sure. 

For some reason a FB group that FB thought I would be interested in showed up in my timeline. You know...basically it is about being boring. Well, I guess to some there might be the thinking that truly, truly life now is too basic and too boring. The funny thing about the FB group is I think it is a cheap front to meet others cause why would you add at the bottom of your boring post, your dress size and shoe size or your age or fuzzy status. Not all do that but some. Now, I am not admitting to be being a boring person with a boring life. In fact, I totally feel the opposite, well about life. I can't help it if some fine me boring just like some find me a bit too much. 

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