Tuesday, March 12, 2024

It's A Small World or Is It My Little World?

 Monday morning after Daylight Saving change. The Feral Fam is having none of it but they'll soon adjust just like we will. It is easier to adjust when one is retired, though. While not minding the fall back portion of this thing, it was harder because it was dark at 5:00 pm and people who usually work past that hour hit the road with everyone else cause it is dark and time to go home. The first week of fall back traffic is horrible in Houston. 

I watched a reels, has to be short cause the attention span is not all the way back, on a way to approach getting older. Sometimes, when thinking of making a change in the house or in the yard that wouldn't have phased me one bit when younger, I have to remember that the change, like moving furniture, will be more difficult now or at least take a lot more time. The person speaking to a group on reels talks about how our world gets smaller as we age. Some fight it wrapping their personality and strength to battle against this phenonium. They are who they are because of their work or title. Well, that's what we tell ourselves. For years I repeated to myself what I had been told or called all my life. With a therapist and with the Lord, that doesn't even play anymore. Now, there are things that will trigger a response, but I now acknowledge that sooner than later. Others take and choose what they want in that smaller world and to me that seems the best choice.  When you're working there is all kinds of interaction but as one retires and then enjoys those retirement years, subject matter naturally declines. Truthfully, I did not like all the interaction one has at work so that was not a loss for me. But, our world has gotten smaller but it has gotten more beautiful so there is that trade off. Especially with warm temps of late, all the budding trees are doing just that...buddying but it looks like frost tonight and maybe next week or so. Our peach and plum trees are blooming all over. As an introverted extrovert, I am leaning more toward that introvert part of me. It is interesting how each of us choose to relate to the smaller world concept. Of course, with the smaller world we can take much more interest in us which is boring to others. The key is our view and observation skills in the daily life we each live. I love reading about others adventures on FB or their hobbies or whatever that is positive. 

Roy wanted more blackberry bushes so we got a couple and got them in the dirt. We also cut back the dead offshoots of our mature plants. We contemplated planting them in another part of the garden but realized the best place is with the others. The trellises we bought last year have finally come into play and got those arranged for the blackberry bushes to wind around them. You might say Nancy, this part of your smaller world is boring and you are correct to say that but the blog is written many times for me, to remember dates and details that get pushed to the back of our minds. 

We finished up Genesis 21 and went right to Genesis 24 as we've taken extra time looking at the Plan B that was Sarah's idea and really hasn't worked out well as we read the story. Hagar and Ism*el are sent away with limited provisions. Abraham was sad letting Ish go, but we learn in Galatians that one life represents the fruitful spirit of God and the other the flesh. I had read an article on laying your Is*m*el down. I gave the example used in article about Dr Donald Barnhouse, a noted theologian of his day. Billy Graham said he never had known anyone like Barnhouse that had such a knowledge and grasp about the scriptures. I have never heard of Barnhouse and his remarkable change late in life. He said if you agreed with him on 95% of theology, he would spend the rest of his days beating you down about the 5% that y'all didn't agree on. He made enemies from every side of the spectrum. It's like rival football schools in the SEC, we may not like other teams but the thing that brings us together is, we all don't like Alabama. That may change now that Saban is gone...anyhoo... Late in his life, Barnhouse not Saban, decided to change. He made a new year resolution and his friends and enemies could not believe the change in this man. He was kind and loving, not argumentative and obtuse. Preaching the gospel was life in the Spirit, his approach to present it was just all about the flesh. I shared with the class that during the two weeks I had to study this, I had learned a lot about some of my approaches toward people and situations. The off the cuff remarks and the smart aleck remarks are the sins that so easily beset me. In this I realized something had been wrong in my approach. At First Baptist I encountered a vexing situation. It was maddening, frustrating, limiting, unfair and undeserved. It also hurt me deeply and I tried to avoid it and person at all costs. So sometimes when confronted with unfairness I resort to the off the cuff remark. Who am I kidding, I become relentless in taking every opportunity to attack, whether by off the cuff or witty and clever, curated smart aleck responses. (note, back in the day curated wasn't ever used or maybe not even a real word.) After a period of time, I came to the conclusion I was supposed to let this go and give it to the Lord, the situation which in turn stopped me from saying all those things that amused me. That's where I left it until a friend visiting me here in the mountains challenged and questioned me why. Why didn't I do this thing that she felt I was good with. Being that good Baptist that I am, my response and said in my best holy voice, I laid that at Jesus's feet. She said well I am going to pray that He shows you to pick it back up. That night, I was extended an invitation and my friend was sitting there with me at that time. She said, dang, I didn't even get a chance to pray about it and the Lord has already done something about it. You see, I would have said no to the request if my Houston friend hadn't expressed her question to me. In my holy voice I would have once said again, no I laid that down and gave it to God. This long story to say this, until these past two weeks I now realize it wasn't to lay down the thing God gifted me to do, it was to lay down the fleshly response to it and trust the Lord. My goodness clever words, snubs and snubbing, terse words and hurt feelings on both sides are a lot of work and takes a lot of energy. It was all about my approach, that is what God wanted, to trust Him with all of this. 

Our yard is so green, with clover. The tulips keep pushing through and soon those buds and blooms with show. Still have quite a few daffodils in the back blooming. Love those pops of yellow. 

It is now Tuesday and Monday wasn't nearly productive enough but I felt horrible. Shoulders hurt, hip hurt with just a general malaise. It was an afternoon of a heating pad and Bio Freeze. We switched back to cotton sheets yesterday and that made a word of difference in my sleep as well as not waking up sore with aches and pains. What a difference that little change made. 

Last night a memory popped up from several years ago as I remembered the youth musical in 1972, Natural High. Our church really loved youth ministry and that included youth choir. We did the musical and as I remember it was the first time they let girls wear pants, well pant suits. My mom made me a hot pink pant suit with white trim. Hey, it was the 70s! I shared the album cover on FB and tagged a few friends who were in choir back in the day. I listened to most of the album on You Tube and many songs I could sing just like yesterday, even singing alto. My favorite song from that musical is, My Little World. Listened to it several times remember the many, many times a great big God came right into my little world and the change...sometimes difficult but always for the best. I like the song My Little World better than with my earlier paragraph about our world getting smaller. That triggers the song It's a Small World Afterall. You can thank me later for that musical hint that might stay with you all day.  

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