Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Snake, A Rat and A Cat Enter a Bar....

On the news the other night, there was a filler piece on the drought.  The reporter went to the Houston Zoo because people are finding snakes in places where snakes usually aren't.  The snakes are looking for water and a cool place.  Just like the rest of us.  But, it usually happens that I will dream about snakes after seeing them on TV.  Commercials, filler news items, National Geographic channel, nature programs and the like.  After watching the report I asked God if my mind wouldn't even register seeing the snakes in order not to dream about them.  Good news, I didn't dream about snakes.  Bad news, I dreamed about talented, hunting rats with really long tails.  In my dream we were on the dock at Bill and Peggy's.  Bill tells us to watch out for the rats in the rafters because with their long tails the rats grab and capture anything within tail reach.  On cue in the dream a rat on a rafter, swings out its tail and grabs a bird in mid flight.  Now, here is where timing is everything.  While dreaming all of this, Buddy in real life decides she is shifting from the right side of me over to the left side of me.  Buddy, climbs across me in real life just as a long tail rat is grabbing at me in the dream.  When Buddy's tail brushes across my face, the rat in the dream had gotten a hold of my hair.  With such problematic timing, I let out a blood currdling scream, scrambling to be able to sit up and swinging my arms violently...warding off the dream induced rat incident.  Buddy looked at me like I was crazy.  Roy didn't even stir.  Didn't snore, didn't wake up.  All he did was sleep in heavenly peace.  He is such a deep sleeper and again I'm asking the Lord to please never let me have any heart issues or such in the middle of the night, cause my distresswill fall on deaf ears. 

1 comment:

FitzandMolly said...

I'll say it again - I wish I could be a fly on your wall!