Monday, October 11, 2010

Retreating From the Retreat

All the things that I worried about on Friday didn't come close to fruition. Isn't that just how it goes? The women's retreat was very good and a lot of fun. I plan to write more about the retreat later, once I have totally processed everything. Just a hint though, the speaker Donna Gaines was awesome, Lisa P led us in worship that was meaningful, non manipulative and downright fun at times, I had fun with my friends and God gave me a really special gift at the retreat.

Although I must confess, I got a little rebellious and left the retreat for one and a half breakout sessions to go to Pappasita's for the pecan pancakes. Roy placed our orders so that we could eat, enjoy and run back to the retreat. I didn't know he would bring his camera. He was practicing motion shots so he documented our retreat from the retreat. I'm not a fan of table discussions and the rule of thumb for me is, to absence myself out of those deals so that my attitude does not cause others to sin. That would be either by joining in with me or getting mad at me for ruining a table talk discussion. Thus the perfect outlet, pancakes.

We have the joy of the Lord and the joy of pecan pancakes as we left to go back to the retreat.
Cindy getting caught up on the latest happenings. Marcia and I look on some what envious because we didn't have any happenings to catch up on. See the empty chair between me and Marcia? We left it open thinking of our friend Cindy C who was unable to make it to the retreat.

Roy taking close ups and I'm not cooperating.

At ease knowing pancakes are soon to arrive.

Here we are arriving.

Cindy led the way.

We missed our friend Cindy C. She was unable to attend the retreat because a massive migraine
attacked. We missed her in our Sassy Choir and as a friend at the retreat and oh so surely for pancakes.


Me said...

Nancy - I am just catching up on your blog and it leaves me wondering . . . where does one find a Pappasito's that does Saturday brunch? My hubby adores brunches and since most are on Sunday, it can present a problem! Those pancakes sound divine!

Nancy Mon said...

Carissa, for sure I know you can get them at Pappasita's by the beltway off I-10. If you go between 9:30-11:00, brunch is half price on Saturdays. The pecan pancakes are addicting.

Erin said...

"I'm not a fan of table discussions and the rule of thumb for me is, to absence myself out of those deals so that my attitude does not cause others to sin. That would be either by joining in with me or getting mad at me for ruining a table talk discussion. Thus the perfect outlet, pancakes."