I read a review of this book in the New York Times Book Review yesterday and this morning in the Chronicle's Religion section was another review. It looks to be an interesting read and with a 30% off coupon burning a hole in my pocket, I think a trip to Border's Bookstore is in my morning plans. From the review articles A. J. Jacobs reads through the Bible and finds 700 commands. He was raised Jewish, so he felt more comfortable with the Old Testament, but did make trips to Amish Country, snake handling churches and Liberty Road Baptist church. The fact that both reviews said he did not start this out to make fun of religion or believers whether Jewish or Christian is more appealing to me as a reader. He started out as an agnostic but his friend said he emerged a reverent agnostic which delighted Jacobs. When I finish reading the book, I will let you all know what I think of it.
I loved my book club read this time, "The Glass Castle". It is a memoir, but none like you've ever read. I think there will be lively discussion this time, which was not the case with our last read. Not many enjoyed the Amy Tan book.
"It Never Rains in Tiger Stadium" is interesting merely for the fact that the author knew he needed to make the transition from football into real life and he did, but to the other extreme. This book is about the long transition and coming to terms just recently with his life.
Last night the Women's Ministry at church had an event, Bunko, Babes and Burgers. It was a total hit and a ton of fun. After eating burgers that had been grilled outside, I would have come for the burgers alone. Lisa P, Dena and I ate ours at tables in the great out of doors. Although we were laughing and cutting up, we sat like prisoners with our arms and posture guarding our burgers. If anyone came too close, they would draw back a nub. I did OK at Bunko, but met a lot of people which is the beauty of the game. That and the fact it fuels my ADD is fine with me. You don't need much of an attention span. I learned how to play Bunko with one of my tennis teams, which happened to be made up of mainly Catholic girls. Let me tell you this, it was highly competitive and more often than not blood was drawn. Even as a sub for the group at HFBC was a competitive group that took no prisoners and very aggressive. Last night, I played with the nicest players that encouraged you when you rolled 6's and were sad when you rolled triple ones and lost all your team's points. It was nice, but dang I was looking you know that killer, to God's glory, spirit of winning and moving up a table. I always want to yell mark of the beast or Antichrist when I roll a Bunko, so I guess that is why I didn't roll one last night. But in the spirit of Bunko and maybe the a little feel of Boggle, I went all Peggy Hill when I rolled the dice by yelling her patented, "oh yea!" Others would yell, "praise Him" or "Thank you Jesus." He probably didn't care about the games, but I am glad that the Lord is all about burden lifting and many times that just comes through plain ol' fun. That did help the 6's keep on coming. The evening was closed out by fun songs led by Lisa Pierre. Although Jason had told Carolyn he didn't think there should be any type of organized dancing like the Cha Cha Slide, one cannot help when the Spirit moves the group to get up and Praise Him. (nothing said about throwing dice) Especially when there is some Kirk Franklin or Nicole C Mullens in the house. Then to bring it down a little, you end with Circle of Friends by Point of Grace. Awesome fun evening and I hope Carolyn does it again. Women of all ages were there and once the newbies learned Bunko, they were hooked. Even Dena who didn't want to play or learn admitted at the end of the evening, Bunko is pretty dang stinkin' fun!
Today I am making Tortilla Soup. Roy did the cilantro last night so I am ready to go... It is gonna be good. Looks like summer comes back tomorrow, but this small reprieve has been wonderful and I look forward to our next 48 to 72 hours of Autumn.
I saw that book...I did not know he was agnostic. That is what my step-son claims to be, but is rather atheistic to me.
Did you ever finish Chasing Fireflies? Just wondering.
Did Miss Candie make it to Bunko? Sounds like you guys had lots of fun, Praise Jesus! Oh Yeah!!
I won't be reading any books anytime soon. I still need to do week 4 of my Esther homework...
week 4 homework???? gadzookZ! i can't even find week 3!!!
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