about Sunday conversations with Peggy we had a few laughs. This is kind of like that post but a little different. Peggy and I met up in Sunday School, oops I mean Sunday Bible Study, this morning. I think the last time we were both in class together was our last conversation in the above. Anyway, I finally got to class after checking things out in the Welcome Center. Peggy had our back table and was in the process of getting snacks for us to munch on in class. Carolyn came up to Peggy and asked her if she could lead the singing. No offense to Peggy, but ya have to be desperate to ask Peggy to lead the singing when Peggy hasn't picked the song. I can't remember even what song it was, but it was in the key of high. So Peggy, with her deep bass voice due to coaching volleyball tries to sing the song in the key of high and it sent me into uncontrollable laughter. I was crying and laughing that wheeze kind of laugh. So Peggy sees me and starts singing in the high tone again which by this time laughter is all over me and I cannot stop. So Peggy stops the music and says, Nancy, you better stop laughing or you'll be singing a solo. With that I began to laugh out loud and tears were running faster than ever. Then she encouraged me to come to the front and help her. No way, I am weak with laughter and wouldn't even be able to walk. I just kept laughing with my head down. So, Peggy picks another song and it is too high as well. I worshiped the Lord with my little bit of song, a whole lot of laughter and gave Him a whole bunch of tears to keep in my bottle. And of course when Carolyn comes back up to make announcements and says, "sometimes it's just good to laugh", we started in again. I crack up every time I hear her say that...cause I am thinking sometimes, SOMETIMES, SOMETIMES??? The Bible says laughter and a merry heart is a good medicine and believe me I almost overdosed on good medicine this morning.
After church Roy and I ate leftovers from Goode Company and then I was off to Memorial City. I had the top down and the music cranked up when a Buick Century pulls out in front of me going about 50 miles and hour and then once in front of me slows to a crawl of 15 mph. This is the kind of thing that makes me want to shout and become impatient. Taking a further look, it was two little old white haired ladies pulling out from Southwells. They were dressed up from church, so I cut them some grace. Others were tired of their slow pace and the driver rolls down her window and motions empathically, well then go around me... I stayed behind them because I saw Peggy and I as those old ladies years down the road. They pulled into the mall as well, but beat me inside to Macy's. Remember the top was down on my car so I had some added time in the parking lot. I saw them looking at purses and came close by to listen in on their conversation. The short one said to her taller friend, "you about broke my neck the way you drive. You go too fast turning and accelerate too fast at the light. You had traffic backed up cause then you drive so slow." The taller one said, "If you don't like my driving, then you drive to church, lunch and shopping next week!" Then they began to move toward the perfume area. I left them and went on about my shopping. To my great surprise and joy I saw them when I got back into Macy's. They were sitting in the shoe dept laughing their heads off. They both had wadded up tissues that had to come from the bottoms of their purses dabbing their eyes. They would just about quit laughing, then look at one another and they started again. I so wanted to go over to them and ask what was so funny and explain to them that I knew them from a far and their demeanor reckoned to me my future shopping trips with Peggy when we are old and gray. I didn't, but they brought me additional joy today. I should have walked up to them and say, sometimes it's just good to laugh. They probably would have kicked me in the butt and said, well tell us something we don't know.
It was a good day for people watching at the mall. I ended up going to the Galleria and had a whole different kind of people watching there. When did men get to caring about being so pretty and stylish? And these weren't gay men, they were just regular guys who seemed a bit too polished and poised and so pretty. By pretty I mean, with it, knowing all the Italian styles that are out their right now. Having a look on their face that says...I'm in, I'm hip and gosh darn it, people like me.
Peggy and I are going to be doing a Mildred and Gertrude thing December 1st at Foundry Methodist Church. We have been there before so we will not do our cookies, gingerbread house and delicious Spam Turkey. We are going to do our Christmas Dance and I am writing the script now. It will be based on Dancing with the Scars and maybe a little American Idol thrown in. Of course Millie will totally misunderstand the whole thing and that is the beauty of M&G. It seems like we have found something that many women feel, they don't think they fit in anywhere in women's ministry and we will probably follow along that train of thought again. I mean really we can dance there in the Methodist church, but frowned upon and not encouraged in the Baptist Church. Although, the other night at Bunko no one seemed to see the irony of rolling dice in the church and wanting to roll 3 sixes which is the mark of the beast number. If this stuff didn't happen, I wouldn't have anything to use in our scripts.
Well, if you thought I was going to savor my 150th post, so wrong. Sometimes it's just good to blog. I have a couple other thoughts rolling around in my head and hopefully I will get those down this week. Writing today is just the thing I needed to energized me and get me focused. Now I just need to take that focus and go pay bills.
Yeah Carolyn, it's ALWAYS good to laugh!!!
Hey, Foundry Methodist is where my Aunt and Uncle go. They practically built that church. Ask about De De (some may call her Alney) and Jack Wright.
Congrats on your 150th post!!
When you go to Foundry, tell Lynda 'hello' for me.
ps...have you ever checked out who else might be a ministry associate blogger...just what is replenishment....click on your "complete profile" then click "ministry associate"..i was just trying to check out your job! have a fun day!
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