Have you all seen the new Dodge minivan commercial? The one with the kid and the test crash dummy in the car playing cards and bobbing it's head to the music? It creeps me out! I mean really, the subliminal message being sent to me is, this minivan is going to crash...cause the dummy is in it. I know they are trying to give the message that the van is safe, but it is an creepy sight to see it in the car. Oh course you all know how I feel about minivans, but I just wondered if this commercial has made you pause for a moment when you see it and think how strange and odd.
hey Nancy--that commercial doesn't creep me out--but, I sat there watching it going. "Is that dummy alive?" I mean...what? How sad if those kids have no friends but instead have a robot as a friend!!!
so sad......
But you know us Epsicopalians......(fill in the blanks here).
I keep expecting a surprise 'crash' when I see that commercial!
It's a bit weird, then I was sad, because for many kids, nobody pays attention to them and they may as well ride with dummies. Same diff to them. Then I think that's a bit melodramatic and revert back to weird.
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