Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Life is Good

On the outset I will ask you all to forgive my brain barf that might take place in this post. Our computer crashed over the weekend and Roy took it over to Micro Center on Sunday. It has been acting strange and odd for quite some time. The mouse pointer disappears, then the screen goes black, and sometimes will come back up and sometimes not. I had been telling Roy about this for over a week, but I think my pleas were dismissed until everything happened to him in one sitting. It didn't take long for the boy to high tail it out to the service dept at Micro Center.

OK, so today he asked if I would be able to pick up the laptop. He has a meeting at Fulbright and Jaywarski tonight. Let me tell you right off the bat, I have never, NEVER ever been inside Micro Center. It is nerd paradise! First observation, nerds can't drive. Nearly was hit twice in the parking lot. Must be those thick glasses. Nerds walk really fast and their hips swivel around like nobodies business. I hit the line with only two in front of me. Mostly returns. I felt under equipped with no blue tooth to go with my Centro phone. When the service person could not find our lap top, I felt nerd judgement going on behind me. I should have worn a blouse so I could use a pocket protector... or taped my glasses with duct tape or something. Clearly I was not of their ilk. I almost turned around to announce I was married to a nerd and I say that about Roy in the kindest way. He has manners and there is more to his life than computer gadgets and Star Wars. I was most happy to leave with found lap top and get the heck out of dodge. I immediately went to Uptown Park and felt all was right with the world.

I also made a stop at the Play grocery store. I needed to pick up some fruit and something already prepared for dinner. Which like an old person I have already had. I didn't eat lunch today and since Roy won't be home for dinner I went ahead and had my grilled veggies, roasted turkey and mashed potatoes.

Been doing some good reading. I finally got to read The Secret Life of Bees...loved it! Now I want to see the movie. I started a new Robert Whitlow book and I like it. So, I am reading it very slowly. I have been reading some Wendell Berry books. They are set in Kentucky and I am feeling that kinship of place because my dad's side of the family is from there. I started Home to Holly Springs and The Bible Salesman.

I have know my friend Marty since the 7th grade. She and her husband were in Houston because he had been life flighted in from Amarillo with an aortic aneurysm. Because of my condition I was was not able to make it to the hospital but kept up on Face Book. Bobby should have died, but God still has plans for him. The whole story is just one huge miracle of God. Marty called me one afternoon this week and we rejoiced, laughed and cried together over God's goodness and faithfulness.

On Saturday Dena and I went to Lupes. I had been thinking about their fajitas for quite some time. I was able to bring home leftovers to Roy and he scarfed that down. He has never been that interested in Lupes, but I think he is now.

On the subject of Roy, I have to tell you he has gone beyond all I could ever think or ask. He is so busy at the office with new projects and quarter close, yet he comes home and does those things I am unable to do. He wasn't really happy with me yesterday cause I vacuumed the living room. Had to, I put together a new floor lamp and those little Styrofoam things were everywhere. Buddy was trying to eat them. When our power returned, he came home and finished wiping down the refrigerator and our standing freezer. Yesterday morning before he left for work, he sat down and talked with me about decisions I will be making in the coming weeks. He wanted me to know how he has been praying and thought he should give me a word of encouragement. He reminds me everyday not to push myself too hard. He tells me several times a day that he loves me. Roy also lets me know when I get crabby but in a nice way. He says you must be feeling better to have noticed that little issue. Well, that kind of cuts to the heart of the matter.

There is more stuff that is rumbling around in my brain, but I should end this about now. Thanks for the prayers, the pieces of Flair, FB messages and phone calls. Thanks for the cards in the mail. Thanks for being so generous to me. I cannot tell y'all how much I appreciate it. Well, maybe I will proof this and then open my package from Life is Good. They had a sale of some of their t shirts and I think it might be good to wear a life is good message.


Dana said...

Okay, it's been a while since you made me weepy...until this post...reading about you and Roy makes me weepy. In a good way.

Life is good friend! And I am glad God has caused you to be in my life.

God is good...

FitzandMolly said...

i'm wheezing at "married to a nerd." and happy that you're doing okay!

Anonymous said...

so good to hear you...glad it was the computer in for repair...i was getting did roy ever check out that nod32 for the computer?....some of that other stuff can create some real havoc!!! I laughed when you shared ROys comment about you feeling well enough to notice that....He is a sweetheart and glad your friend is better...keep reading and giving Titles....that is most appreciated and so are you !@$#@!