Saturday, September 12, 2009

Just Some Thoughts, Both Silly and Pensive

**** I have loved your responses and I have much to think about. I want to clear one thing up, I am all for memorizing scripture and knowing it to share. I am more thinking about those who make sure you know that they are memorizing lots and lots of scripture, complete books and I wonder how they might be more effective if they didn't make the big deal about how much they are memorizing and let the overflow be the fruit.*****

It is a gray, overcast day in Houston. By the looks of it others are getting rain and our area of town is just experiencing the atmosphere of rain. I had great plans to getting so much accomplished this morning and so far getting into a new book has been my only accomplishment. We had thought about going to Shreveport this weekend, but Roy needs to do some catch up around here with rest and with stuff at the office. So, he is at the office today but he totally vegged out on the couch last night til about 1:00 am. He has needed to just kick back. Although when this happens, I will need to do an inventory of the pantry later today. I'll think there are pretzels to be had, but just like Sherman going through the South, Roy goes through snack items when his favorite shows are on and he has taken to the couch.

We decided to go to Lupe's for our anniversary dinner. Thursday evening I picked Roy up from the office and we went to Lupe's on 59. He had steak and I had chicken. It was all so delicious. We had a wonderful time talking about things, reminiscing about things and talking through things. Roy was in such a good mood, he even let me take home leftovers, which included some of my chicken. He never lets leftover chicken come through the door. We even stopped at Central Market after dinner...with leftover chicken in the car. Wow, that is so not Roy. Love Central Market. We did some damage there getting all kinds of good stuff, even healthy stuff.

Thursday morning I went to Bible study in Katy with Peggy. Even had my homework done and so did she. Our core group seems very friendly and everyone seemed eager to answer questions or make some thoughtful comments. Before we go to our small group, we gather to sing a couple of songs and have a devotion type thing. I still kind of had the giggles from Wednesday night. Peggy, Marcia and I got tickled over something silly and then the March of the Tin Solders song didn't help matters. So I got the giggles in praise and worship time Thursday morning. The group of women who lead it are so serious and intent on doing a good job and I so appreciate that, but some of their practices and mannerisms make me laugh. I know it is not a good thing but like I said, it seemed to be a hangover from Wednesday night.

I have something else I have been thinking through. How does something so simple, it seems, take a false kind of effort. Maybe false isn't the term, but staged or unsupported might be. OK, here's the deal, I have heard so many in the past few weeks explain how they are loving God with all their hearts, minds, soul and strength. It is an assignment in Sunday School and we also had a sub one Sunday talk about memorizing scripture. Many answered the assignment by saying, to love God with everything they need to know God's Word, more specifically, to memorize scripture. I'm all for that but how is that lived out? Other than quoting scripture, how does that become an overflow of what is happening on the inside? Seems like those who I know and those who I am just acquainted with in person and from books, who are devotees of massive scripture memorization are those that have that bent of legalistic types. That seems harsh and I don't mean it to be, but I am struggling with the right words and I am also trying to understand, not just give commentary. Other than saying scripture to one's face, I don't know how it all overflows into life, good fruit and living it out rather than just quoting it. How do we live, speak and encourage without just spewing memorized words without compassion to serve others and love God? It is totally understood by me that using scripture to speak to the enemy's temptations and cruel words to us is a given. I see how that works and the overflow from knowing the Word. It seems that God wouldn't want a formalized scripture memorization system that does not spring from a thankful heart and that His desire would be forming His heart within us which transforms our actions. Of course knowing His Word starts all that and His Word aligning our heart and purposes with His is a life long work within us. So someone memorizes the book of Ezekiel, how is quoting that to me going to minister in an ADD addled mind and attention span? Truly I am not writing these words to be critical, I am just trying to learn and understand this whole massive memorizing and quoting thing. I'm not talking about hiding God's Word in our hearts, I am trying to understand how to use this to minister, love and serve the body of Christ and unbelievers.

I hear the laundry calling to me and then I need to go through this summer's clothes and give away the things I did not wear.


annie's eyes said...

I so appreciate you, Nancy, as I try to memorize Ezekiel 36:25 – 28 over the next two times with the siestas. I have not done well committing to learn 24 new Scriptures this year. I continue because I pray God will give me a special dispensation of grace at the last minute and I'll do what I said I would.

Coming from a church that did not hold the Word of God as high as it should gives me a slightly different vantage point on this issue. Because they do not know or do not value what Scripture says, they are finding themselves in all kinds of interpretive trouble right now. It is painful to watch and excrutiating to be part of.

I am certain God does not love me more or less because I am trying to learn a few verses. I don't memorize Scripture to spout off to people what they should be doing. I only want to hide it in my heart that I might not sin should His Voice come to mind.

You ponder good thoughts, Nancy. I had to ask myself again why I'm trying to do this thing. Happy laundry sorting Saturday. I'm right behind you on the task. Love, Annette

Grami's girls said...

I understand what you are saying, but for me when someone quotes me scripture it's more believable and makes me want to go read it myself. Otherwise I sometimes think they are only giving me their thoughts or opinion if they can't tell me where it is in the bible.

Anonymous said...

"thou shall not bring leftover chicken before the throne!" Mon's,10
seriously i think you have answered your own question perfectly!!!! read it to yourself again! best sentence starts with: It seems that God wouldn't want..... but i will say that so often i wish i had that file cabinet in my brain full of scripture already memorized because i always fumble with the exact words and end up with the "jist" of the idea instead of the actual words which i believe would be lots more helpful and way more POWERFUL- more easily understood as that would be the perfect way to say whatever os being said!

Anonymous said...

ha- i had to return since i realized i really hadn't addressed your actual "pondering" and i found myself thinking about the ancients and how they memorized whole books....islamic madrassa students do it today so there must be a real use for this in ministry... or at least there was a specific use at one time someone thought but i for one am glad when i meet you, you won't quote the bk of ezekiel at me!!!!!

FitzandMolly said...

eulalia is the person who comes to my mind. she knows scripture, and it pours out of her, but when she speaks it, you know that it is an overflow of her soul. it's never "preaching" nor does it feel unsolicited. i am always blessed by her wisdom and how when she speaks in our discussions, you sometimes cannot separate the scripture from her own personal words. i want to know the Word like she does - she has it hidden in her heart.

Anonymous said...

you always get me thinkin'- so last night this thought came to me- it is the word ministering to us-the memorizing and repeating part of it. not so we can spout it off but THAT we get ministered TO! now i need to go off and do a little self-help myself with the WORD! mow i'll SHUT UP!