Saturday, May 26, 2012

More Thoughts From Past Posts

There has been a little break from the serious and I feel I might need to add one more thought to my friend's friend.  Think I will call her FoF in the post.  So we've looked at guard and fill.  The next word I'm giving her is focus. 

Philippians 3:13
No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead,

Focus on looking forward but to help forget the past and really, we don't ever forget, but the power of the past loses it's grip.  We find ourselves in situations that would trigger a poor response or a unhealthy way of handling it but when we are so focus on what lies ahead, when we are looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, when we learn new skills to deal with old rubbish, we will start to forget.  The power of the cross is stronger than the power of hurtful words or actions.  One of the best things I did was find a good Christian therapist.  A set of new eyes looking at an old situation.  We don't realize always that as an adult we have a much better skill set and choices we can make rather than how we dealt with things when we were a child.  My therapist saved my life in so many ways and we still meet from time to time, for 5000 mile check ups as it were. 

In Philippians 4 Paul writes his words of encouragement.  He writes of joy in the Lord, rejoicing, don't worry, pray about everything, tell God what you need and thank Him for what He has done.  Then Paul lets us know  if we do these things, we will experience God's peace and it will guard our hearts....hmm, coming full circle here.  Then comes the next level, fix our thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely and admirable.  Think about the things that are excellent and those things worthy of praise.  Put into practice all we have learned, received, heard and heard from Paul's example.  Then Paul says twice toward the end of the chapter, for I have learned.  Interesting phrase, for I have learned.  For a change to happen in us, we have to learn and God gives us so many ways to do that...i.e. look at Paul's example.  Then Paul wraps it up beautifully, For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. 

Maybe instead of talking to FoF, maybe I'll direct her to my blog.  There is nothing to get me off task or go on some rabbit trail of a long, sad story.  Guarding our hearts, filled with Christ and focusing to what lies ahead.  Isaiah 40:14 
God says, “Rebuild the road!
Clear away the rocks and stones
so my people can return from captivity.”

This has been my rally cry and toward the end of the chapter this has given me insight into trying to understand my loved one,
20 “But those who still reject me are like the restless sea,
which is never still
but continually churns up mud and dirt.
21 There is no peace for the wicked,”
says my God.

There is a constant, restlessness and churning.  The mud and the dirt are stirred.  They are like storm-battered seas, that can't quiet down.    The waves stir up garbage and mud.

But those who have put their hope in God, are kept in peace. 


1 comment:

marty h said...

this is excellent! Thanks
for sharing the wisdom God has given you on the road to freedom! You are a great example of God's redeeming and reclaiming power.