Tuesday, February 12, 2019

An All Animal Post

Yesterday was one of those reprieve from cooler temps kind of day. No coat was needed but it was a good day for flannels, jeans and boots. Our neighbor was working on her compost pile and I walked down to talk with her. I have never been that far down the gravel road and with the leaves gone from the trees, the view was better than anticipated. Told her of the Riley plans and then we will try to get Strawyer and Punky. But more of that later.

Today is an overcast rainy day but unlike most that does not bother me. Love these kinds of days. It provides the background needed to do a few things around the house. These days those things can be taken at a much slower pace but come March, the tempo of home will be a little faster as schedules and plans shape up.

Operation Change of Life for Riley began in earnest last night. Fed her the fancy cat food with a chill pill chaser as well as chill pill laced treats. She definitely has slowed down a bit with that extra help. She is a lot more affectionate on that pill too. Wants her head rubbed and follows my every step in the garage. I sure hope she transitions to the carrier this afternoon. She has been sitting in it but when I pick her up, that will be a whole nother thing.

The thought came out of the blue yesterday morning, remembering a phone call of several years ago from the Constable's precinct that patrolled my parent's neighborhood. There had been complaints from neighbors on their street that maybe my father was poisoning their pets. He wanted to know was that a far fetched idea and it wasn't. There were a few pets we had growing up that met untimely and mysterious endings. Fewer made it through to a full life. In particular they thought my father was unnecessarily picking on the lady who lived next door to them. Granted she was a strange one, but my father would pick up on a weakness and exploit it till it no longer amused him or he would nearly be caught. She certainly fit the bill on weakness, so it wasn't long after my parents moved back to Houston and into the house they purchased, that she became a factor on the radar; thus beginning his antics of antagonizing her in so many minute ways that she would look crazy when she talked. He, of course, came off as just a normal neighbor trying to get along with a nut. She owned and loved several cats, mostly indoor cats but she had a couple, probably feral in nature that she fed and looked after. The thought of this probably stemmed from my taking care of these little feral cats and from the article and series from the Houston Chronicle on the SBC and covering up sexual abuse. It has been a bit triggering but thankful, not at all, like it would have done years ago. More so, such a sadness at the heartbreak that didn't need to be. Looking at the pictures and some of the stories on Twitter the reminder of not being an only one is overwhelming.

My neighbor and I had a little excitement last night. She called wanting to know if a house was on fire down a little ways on our road. To the front porch for observation, and no, it was a big fire they were maintaining probably burning brush etc...knowing that rain was forecasted beginning later in the night. It was a tall fire and several cars and trucks slowed down when driving past, probably making sure it wasn't an uncontrolled brush fire. You see that a lot around here but this was huge.

Strawyer and Punky finally showed up this morning. We have been in this habit of ringing a bell for them and then feeding them when they sit there by the door. Strawyer climbed up on the deck gate and looked in. Riley did that and thus began her journey. Hopefully, they will have this journey as well. It is always a little concerning when the dogs next door do that attack bark and it looks like they are barking at something up in the tree but just checked and Strawyer and Punky are in the back and were headed to the tent of napping. The rain has started back and heavy at times so that will give them good napping weather.

Just fed Riley or put the food out. Hopefully, she will take interest in the food before the appointment. To keep busy while waiting I have done a few chores that have been put off, so there is that happy thought.
Thank you all who prayed for Riley today. She ate her food, she was chill and getting her into the carrier was easier than I anticipated. Got her situated in the car and off to the vet office. She did much better than Buddy. She was good, didn't flinch for shots or for the pill. Blood work went off without a hitch. They will call on Friday to give results and to set surgery for her. Told them she is pregnant, about two weeks worth, so they want to get it done sooner than later. The Dr. was asking me about Riley and how I got her to come into the garage to begin this adventure. Told her it was Riley's choice by staying in the garage for seven days, not wanting to leave. Then the in and out version we are in right now. The Dr said, Riley has made the choice she wants to be a pet more than be out on her own. So, it is good news and then the adventure begins to transition Riley into the house with Buddy. Dr Garner also looked at Strawyer's pic and she thinks Straw is a boy. Who knows? Riley got home, first thing on the agenda, potty. She didn't run and hide or stay away from me. Got her settled with new non chill pill food and treats. She let me pet her but wasn't as enthusiastic as usual...but that's ok. She didn't hide.

So an all animal blog post today. Tomorrow I'll be nervous letting Riley out for the day.

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