Saturday, February 16, 2019

Because It's Valentines and Then The Day After

Just like last year, my hair appointment landed on the day of love. Like usual, I planned on going to the Corner Kitchen for breakfast and planned for the crowd remembering Valentine Breakfast of 2018. Only, 2019...not a huge crowd, got to sit at a table and never felt rushed because of the crowd. It was wonderful to have a leisurely breakfast because next month the additional crowd of tourists will begin anew for the upcoming busy season. Had the regular Biltmore Village breakfast and then walked around the area filling time until some of the stores opened at 10:00. I found several bargains at Soft Surroundings and had them held until after my hair appointment.

When one has a 25% off coupon for Barnes and must go to Barnes and Noble. Found a few things that I didn't need but were sure fun to shop for. Then it felt like an Antique Tobacco Barn kind of day. It was cool and it seemed like a good idea. It was, found a little thing and also got coffee from the coffee guy who has set up shop there. Got a caramel latte and it was delicious. Being so close to the Biltmore Estate, the idea of driving through the estate sounded good, so off to take in the beauty of the ebbing of winter and they are getting ready for the bounty of spring. Since it is pass holder appreciation, you get 20% off instead of 10%. Found some cute things. So all in all it was a good shopping day for this child.

It was nice to spend a day away from cat drama. Riley got out to the great outdoors early this morning and it was after 5:00 when I returned home. Pulled into the garage and shut the door, then went into the house to check on Buddy. She met me in the kitchen and got treated. I had a package in the mailbox by the road, so as I came out of the backdoor, guess who came from underneath the deck and made haste into the garage...yep, Riley Roo. She is still skittish around me since the vet visit, but I am playing it cool. Doing the things I need to do and bring things into the house. I did give her some treats before going into the house. Waited a couple of hours, she had eaten treats, her food from last night and drank some water. So, she did let me pet her a bit, but still skittish.
Because it is the day after Valentines and it is beginning to rain, I am settling down for the evening. Riley hasn't decided if she is going to stay outside tonight or if she will come into the garage. She always friendly enough in the mornings but as the day turns to evening, she acts upset. Like Peggy said, she has put me into timeout. All her blood work came back today and she is disease free and in good health. She is scheduled for surgery on Wednesday morning...we shall see. I need to pick up a packet from them tomorrow so I will also stop in at The Fresh Market while over that direction.

It was run to the bank and grocery stores today. Got all the errands done and when I got home I loaded up a garbage bag and headed over to the dump. I'd rather do that than deal with the rain on Monday...we are supposed to have a very rainy spell next week. After taking the trash over to the dump, I turned toward Marshall. Love going into Penland's. Today, was a good shopping day there and they are carrying a new line of jewelry. I bought a couple of things a local artist had made.

When we first moved here I didn't think the French Broad was a very pretty river. We moved here during a drought, so there's that. Last year was the first full winter here and this is the second and I have discovered that the river turns a beautiful shade of light turquoise in the winter. iPhone pics do not capture it, so guess the camera will need to be put to use.

Because life is full of cat drama right now, I was a bit concerned for Buddy last night. She was so lethargic and didn't do most of her normal, you can bet on it behavior. This morning it was as if she didn't act that way. Really, I am just about done with cat drama. Okay I say that but don't mean it.

It was a little traumatic getting Riley to come into the garage tonight. It was raining and several attempts to entice her in, failed. It looked like she was choosing to stay out with the kiddos last night. I turned out the lights in the back and waited for night to fall. After a hard rain, to the back door to call out for Riley. Saw the little white part of fur peek out from under the deck. Called once more and Riley gingerly made her way to the garage. Gave her some treats and let her settle a bit. Meanwhile in the house while she was settling, I mixed up her food for her. After a little time, back out the garage and before she would come to meet me, not now. She remained on the table I fixed up for her to look out the window. She is much friendlier in the morning these days. Trying not to do anything to tip my hat about what will happen Wednesday.

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