Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Keeping Up With Riley

After a good night sleeping and waking to a brilliant sunny morning felt so welcoming this morning. By the brightness of the sun's rays, I thought I had slept till 10:00 am but it was just a little before 8:00. With Buddy sleeping away, shutting the door and sneaking out to the garage to check on Riley was a tad easier. She greeted me at the door and would love to come on in but we stayed in the garage for some treats and some head rubbing. With it being such a lovely bright day, I could not keep Riley in the garage, even though I wanted to...since we have invested in her health. She went out the door and greeted the kiddos. Got the food out to them and once they were done it was off to play. The stupid gray and white cat that I haven't mentioned too much, sauntered out of the tent of napping and headed toward breakfast. Quickly, going back into the garage I threw together some breakfast for him, mainly to keep him from eating everything in sight. The elusive Camo made an appearance briefly.

Yes, the gray and white first I thought he was the neighbor's rescue cat and didn't mind him too much, but when I caught he and Riley on the deck....uh, I knew it was not the neighbor's cat. I also knew for sure what sex Riley is after that bit of messing around on the deck. Riley sprays more than any female cat I have ever seen which drew the conclusion that Riley might be in that 2% of male calicoes. When petting Riley I would say, you're a good girl or I don't have to say boy. The vet office helped with a plan and thus getting Riley in yesterday was part one of the plan. Riley is probably about a week and a half pregnant and they are trying to get her scheduled as soon as possible to be spayed. I hate that she will lose the kittens but after looking at the conditions/dangers/health of Riley it seems to be the best decision. The vet said something very traumatic must have happened for her to come into the garage and remain in it for seven days. Then she began the in and out of the garage stage and she wants in before the sun sets. The threat of coyotes is real here and bobcats. A couple of years ago on a Sunday night I watched a bobcat cross our front yard. Chilling sight for sure. Camo is a threat as well. She is one mean cat. The neighbor across the woods and ravine has two dogs that get out sometimes, also the owls that live back there off the gravel road are something to be considered. Does this sound like I am trying to justify this...maybe... but I want what is best for Riley. The tech and vet asked how I came to know Riley Roo and the story of Cali was told in brevity for them. The tech said most people don't invest in a feral like this, they take them to the community spay/vet services but for me, not Riley. I'm hoping for a future with this young one and like the vet said yesterday, Riley has made up her mind that she wants to be a just comes in stages. Just a bit ago Riley came back into the garage for a little bit of time but she was moody toward me. Wouldn't take treats from me and let me pet her a little. Let her back outdoors and she slowly made her way up to the gravel road. Sure hope she'll be ready to come back in closer to dusk.

Not only do I have cat responsibilities, but also keeping up with feeding the birds. I put the feeders back out in front and was about to fill them when my neighbor Mary Joyce called to me. She wanted to know if a big black and white cat was mine...well, none of them are mine, really. She wanted to let me know she had found a dead cat up against her house in the bushes as if someone had put it there. We think that particularity bad cold spell must have gotten him. It was Big Sissy Daddy. This wasn't welcomed news on a day that Riley was being stubborn and acting like she might not be coming back into the garage but staying out. I was working on some book organization and saw Riley up near the window looking in, so I went out and called her, she came running into the garage. Night falling along with the temps, lured her in. Got her some fresh food and a few treats but she stayed away. Just went out there and Riley was looking out the window, got down and came to meet me. She did let me pet her so that is good. 

I am saddened that Big Sissy Daddy has gone to cat heaven. He was in cat terms a good father. He stuck around with Cali when she had the kittens out on the deck. He looked after the kittens when Cali needed a break. Probably the vet office thought they had a crazy cat lady on their hands yesterday, knowing the stories of these little feral kittens and cats and trying to give them info so they know a little bit about Riley.

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