Friday, February 22, 2019

Rain, Cats and Memories

The calm after the rain and a few thunders here and there last night. It has been a while since lightning has been close by. Even some of the pavers out in the back were moved by all the rain yesterday. Those things are heavy but the power of water is never to be underestimated.

Riley's moment of freedom came this morning. Before letting her outside I made sure she wasn't still groggy from yesterday. No, she was bright and engaging and wanting to go outside. She let me pet her a moment before the door opened for her. She didn't eat any of the food I put out last night except for treats. Yesterday was an emotionally difficult day and frankly, it wore me out. Roy and I talked a long time last night about Riley and the off and on again hope and future with her. He had teased me earlier in the week that this weekend would be a tough one with both Buddy and Riley in the house, only separated by a door but that isn't looking viable. Most of my scratches from yesterday's struggle are healing up nicely. Only have one that is giving me trouble and that is only because it is on my right hand, on a finger that is essential for daily operation but even this morning it is trying to heal up and become useful again. Meanwhile, out on the deck, an interesting situation is happening with Strawyer and Punky. They still run away while putting out food but not very far. Strawyer has begun talking to me...meowing. Oh these little heart string pullers but I am not as naive and easily taken in as I was a week or so ago. In cat world time, it seems like years ago.
Well, the calm ended last night from the rain. It was a little after 10:00 and headed toward dreamland when the sound of the rain began, hitting the metal roof and pounding on the deck. It sounded like a drum line, a very good drum line. This morning, drizzle and a few light showers have added to the mix. The backyard is soupy and sloppy. The idea of getting out and about is relegated to the back burner this morning.

So, this interesting phenomenon is happening on my high school's FB page. Someone brought up an English teacher and an incident that happened with them in her class. Several have added their own memories and stories of trying to pass her class without experiencing a lot of damage in the wake of personality conflicts. Usually, I just read these things and move on, rarely commenting but today it seemed like sharing my story with said teacher would be a good idea. This teacher accused me of cheating on a test and then quoted Proverbs 22:1 to me, 

good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.

I pleaded with this teacher because I hadn't cheated. Oh, if this was math class, she would have had me dead to rights but not English. After she quoted the scripture, she put a big fat, red F on the test and marked it in red in her grade book. For the rest of the semester she dogged me, kept an eye on me, said negative things to and about only recourse was to elongate the first syllable of her last name which began in A$$. So, we are finding we were not alone in the struggle. Keep in mind this is back in the day when the teacher was right and you were wrong...when the parents got involved. The English teacher that I had my senior year definitely made an impression on me, for the good, and I am so thankful for her input and guidance. But back to the bad teacher...while there are more stories of angst with her, there in the midst of the stories comes a post from someone who was friends with the teacher's daughter in elementary school and they have renewed their friendship in the last year on Facebook. Wow, modern day tattle telling on social media. As the morning passes more and more stories are being shared. One thing I didn't know back in high school is that she was the first cousin of LBJ and he had lived with she and her husband when he taught school in Houston. How did I miss this fact? Oh yes, I was constantly on the defense trying not to fail the course. Funny, I don't remember if I did or made a D. When Roy was finishing up law school, we went to a local Presbyterian Church during those last semesters. It was closer, we didn't know anyone, and if he missed a Sunday due to his study group, no one missed us. The preacher was so good, the music outstanding and the pipe me some organ music and the organist was tops in the city. All good things till one Sunday, looking across the way, I spotted her...the dreaded English teacher from high school. The one who had pronounced failure in high school studies and took opportunities to share with the class that I wouldn't amount to much in life. Oh, the love that would not let me go....First off, she would have never remembered me cause well, at least I know now, we were a dime a dozen in her tight fisted rule. All day long now more and more stories of that long ago time fills memories of a time long ago. All these memories reminds me of a story I read about a month ago, about a teacher in a Houston high school that had it down pat, no variation and how the students broke through and defeated her for just a quick season. All memories of the time I did not cheat, never convinced the teacher otherwise and now reading about her odd behavior with others....I think I kind of got off lucky. 

A side note on Riley....she hasn't responded to the invite to get out of the rain, but she is eating and then looking for treats. Tomorrow is another day. 

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