Saturday, August 18, 2007

Tuna Does Vegas, Dena and Nancy Shop Galveston

I don't know how many of you have seen the Tuna series done by Joe Sears and Jaston Williams, but if you haven't you must. These two men are some of the funniest performers I have ever seen. They play all the parts and do quick changes throughout the play. Greater Tuna, Tuna Christmas, Red, White and Tuna and now Tuna Does Vegas.

Dena and I went to Galveston to celebrate her birthday yesterday. We hit the road around 2:00 to get to The Strand to get some shopping in. We were not disappointed. Had a great time and no rain. We went to a couple of our favorite places and could not remember where we had been last time and bought some fabulous jewelry. A clerk at another store told us we were looking for The Front Parlor. We went in and could have spent more time and money in there if the meter wasn't running out of time where we parked. We both came out with Yellow Box shoes and a few other things. We went to Gracie's too. I found a Vera Bradley messenger bag and lots of cards. That store has some of the best around.

We had reservations at The Salt Water Grill. It is across the street from The Grand Opera House. Loved it! The food was awesome. We had fried asparagus with crab meat, Dena had a salad and Almond/Coconut shrimp. I had corn and crab chowder and the sweet potato crushed catfish with spinach and some kind of delicious sauce. We split butterscotch bananas and fruit with vanilla bean ice cream.

We crossed the street and went to the play...5th row. I think it is the closest we have ever been to the stage. Not only did we see a great production but we got an eye full of people watching. The lady next to me wanted to cuddle with her date through the whole play which didn't work in such close quarters. In fact one of her cheeks...not facial, was on my lap all evening. I was quite uncomfortable so I moved my legs and body shifting left, which made me invade Dena's space a little bit. We also had an older couple on a date in front of me which could not sit still and rared back from time to time crushing my knee, but it didn't seem to bother butt cheek lady. Up front was an older couple who were also on a date. The man was in total denial about being bald and actually he did Texas women proud. He must have teased those few strands of hair and lacquered them in place with some good stiff hair spray to achieve that wispy hair look. His date looked to be a little older than him and she was in a black evening pants outfit....did I mention it was sleeveless and it was a halter top? It is my firm conviction if you have grandma flab that hangs where your triceps used to be, throw a shawl around all that dangling flesh. At least it was tanned flesh. She was in her element and during the intermission while music played, they danced. It was not a dance unto themselves kind of thing, it was more...look at me...I am dancing. She could hardly look at him trying to grab a peek here and there to see if anyone was looking adoringly at them. She seemed to be one of those women who is stuck in her glory days mentally and has not made the transformation physically. Lot of the people we saw last night could have been characters in Tuna.
There's a storm brewing out in the Caribbean and it is looking like it is heading to the one knows where. While most forecasters are predicting that it will go into Mexico or South Texas, everyone along the gulf coast needs to be prepared. Roy and I have lots of bottled water, snacks, food that will keep without electricity and the like. At some point we should probably invest in some ice. Anyway, I went to the grocery store, the play one, and did some regular grocery shopping. You could feel the sense of panic in the air all throughout the store. Bottled water...pretty much gone. People putting tons of tuna, the kind you eat, not the play, in their carts. Sometimes you can kind of get carried away in that moment. I thought, we all here in the store probably have tons of water and supplies...but it is the unknown and the fear of not having enough that is driving a lot of people today. My panic buy of the day, powdered sugar donuts. I have mentioned before when it rains a lot, I think there should be donuts in the house. They expiration date is Sept 6, so I will have them here just in case past Labor Day.
The young man that checked me out...not me, the groceries, kept saying why is everyone buying up so much bottled water? I told him there is a storm a brewing... He had no clue.
The past two Fridays have been kind of exciting and fun. All good things must end, next Friday all I have scheduled is a hair appointment and go with Roy to the eye Dr. for his exam.
Since Dena's birthday is Wednesday, I would like to say Happy Birthday Dena! (she reads the blog, doesn't comment on the blog)


Dana said...

Since Dena reads the blog, and doesn't comment I wonder does she read the comments?

Happy Birthday Dena!

Nancy, you live such a fun life! I "go out" vicariously through you...


Anonymous said...

I agree, Tuna Does Vegas, which had its world premiere at The Grand in Galveston, is hilarious and lots of fun. I recommend everyone get to The Grand for a taste of Tuna before its last performance on Aug. 26. You mentioned that "The lady next to me wanted to cuddle with her date through the whole play." I'm not surprised. Tuna Does Vegas was listed on

Lisa Pierre said...

If/whenever a/any panic hits, I would like for you to share those powdered donuts with me and Dena. It will remind me of our Cafe du Monde's beignets. Can we heat those puppies up? Living near the Gulf, we have "purchase water" on the brain every time we pass a grocery store. The TxDoT freeway signs told me to keep my gas tank full, which I did that too.