Saturday, April 12, 2008

Happy Blogaversary and Other Randomness

I have officially been blogging a year. My first short post was on April 12, 2007. It isn't even interesting enough to link it. If I had even given this anniversary any prior thought this particular post would be witty, funny, honoring and insightful. Oh well, I can anticipate the two year anniversary and be better prepared.

You have to love the link and connection blogging brings. We keep up with friends we know in person, become better acquainted and more understanding of those we have known in life but maybe never really understood, and friends we have made purely through blogging. Like you I have a list of blogs I read and never have commented on or if I have they haven't a clue to who I am other than a reader.

So yesterday was my outsourcing day at The Nord. Charles did my brows and lips at 10:00 and I had a 11:00 Spa appointment with Stacy. To make sure some coughing fit didn't ensue in any of the outsourcing projects I took a ton of cough syrup before leaving and my companion of the morning was the ever constant Hall's Mentho-Lyptus Drops. I found out later when you have those drops in your mouth for hours, nothing tastes good for the rest of the day. They did the job though.

The other night while in the throes of having a cold and in desperation I pulled out the faithful and trusty Vicks VaPo Rub. If you put it on your feet with socks, you do stop coughing. The haunting scent of Vicks brought back memoires of a SNL Sketch of Lisa Loopner and Todd. One of my all time favorite SNL sketches from back in the day. If this comes up with error click on the screen again and it should play.

Here is to another fun year of blogging.


Ali said...

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday Nancy's blog
Happy birthday to you

(and many more!!!)

Amanda said...

Happy blogaversary! I have enjoyed getting to know you and hear your stories - past and present - for the last year. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Happy one year to you!!! Who would have guessed i'd still be happily reading this post a year later...i didn't know you had just started it one year are right it is a unique forum for all of usin's know and unknown! Keep sharing your randomness!!!!!

Liz G. said...

Happy Blogaversary! Can't wait to keep on Readin'!

FitzandMolly said...

does that vicks thing really work???

i'm so glad you finally decided to be a blogger. i remember back in the day when you said you wouldn't...

Lisa Pierre said...

I'll drink to another year...

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogaversary! I love reading! Some days - your blog makes my day. Thanks!


Dana said...

Happy Anniversary Nancy's Blog!!!

Lauren said...

a sudden cough during a brow wax could prove disastrous.