Tuesday, April 29, 2008


OK, this post is going to be all over the place, but not like when I am totally A D D, just have had a lot of thoughts running through my mind this past week and really no time to sit down and blog them. Which reminds me and I wish I had a picture of this to post on the blog. Yesterday, I went up to the third floor to buy my youth mission supporting Diet Coke. Except for Tuesdays which is Linda's day off, I stop by to visit with Linda. We have been friends for a lot of years and share some great funny history together. She walked with me to the mission support Coke machine and as we were coming back, she asked Harlie if he would help her move this, hmm...how shall I describe it???? She asked Harlie to help move this rather large velvet curtain suspended between two poles. My help in the whole project was holding up the curtains well that is kind of helping. There was a little ridge in the floor that the stand would not scoot over, so Linda is bent over holding onto the pole trying to move it over the little ridge and that would have made a good picture with the caption, Linda doing new trendy workout on the stripper pole. If I had that picture, I could have blogged her up real good.

We have storage issues at church...meaning we don't have any storage. We are good to use every nook and cranny. There is a storage area on the third floor that belongs to MYA, Jason and Media. I hate that closet and won't go into it because of my GREAT fear of mice and I cannot even think of the other vermin that inhabits that area. So Jason went up there and got a lot of his stuff out and in the mad cleaning spree, he came across a MYA Pictorial Directory from 1990. Contained in said directory is one of the worst pictures we have ever taken together. All my young 20 something co-workers were having fit over the pictures of those they knew in that directory. Olan Mill pictorials are some good laughs. My hair was really short and permed with a fly wedge to one side. Picture the front of the FLDS women's hair and that is how mine looked except there wasn't any long hair braided up in the back. I didn't have a prairie dress on although that was the style back then. Lots of lace collars, big hair, with bows. I told the girls in the office I have also had long hair in my life and brought a couple of lovely pics for them to see and I will share with you now.

This is from my crazy friend Debbie's wedding. Roy was an usher and I was a bridesmaid. Notice those 1980 wings on my hair. Roy has on BIG, GINOURMOUS glasses, but it was the rage back then.

This picture was taken when I was 39 or 40. I wanted to have longer hair one last time. I hardly ever wore it down like this. It was in a ponytail with a hat. I played tennis all the time and only had to worry about my hair on Sundays. Roy is still wearing big glasses but I promise you all they are smaller than the first picture...no really, I would not lie about this.

Saturday at the Play Grocery store, I saw a woman maybe a little older than me who has had at least 3 or 4 plastic surgeries and this seemed like about 2 too many. She had long, red I Love Lucy hair with the front of her hair pulled back into a clip....shudder... She had short, short, shorts with white, white old legs....shudder even more. Her eyelashes were Tammye Faye vintage and her eye makeup was out of 1979. Her lipstick....fiery red over some big ol' huge and our word of the day at the office, honkin' collagen filled lips. A little Mommie Dearest 2.0 on steroids. I was scared two lanes over and she was kind of like a train wreck where I could not stop looking at her.

Since I am motivated and focused on these pain meds for my knees, I have been on a decluttering frenzy at home and at work. Roy came home on Saturday and joined right in helping me pick up stuff, throw away magazines I will never find time to read, and just do general cleaning. He had been at the office all day working on getting the bugs out of a new software system and doing whatever else he does. I told you I don't understand his job. I am so thankful for him. He is a good man all the way around. He loves me and put up with me when I was very rough around the edges. A lot of times young unmarried women say to me, "I want to marry a man just like Roy." Darlin', he did not come this way and if you are thinking I speak out of turn, I was not my cute, bubbly funny self when we first met.

Sometimes after reading some blogs I realize my under using of the words, precious, sweet, tears falling down my face even now, treasure, cherish, lovely and other such adjectives. I told Lisa P the other day at Los Cucos, she needed to improve her under usage of those words as well. Lisa and I seem to be women who say, sweat, all up n here, chicky, hot chocy, lawh, and snot.

I had my PDR with Jason yesterday. He wore a tie in honor of the occasion. This is the review process at work which is done once a year. Mine went well, but ya never know. One of the things I brought up is my computer which is actually run by hamsters in a wheel. It freezes up many times in a day, but I think it only happens when the hamsters take a break. So it looks like that might be something taken care of in the new budget year which begins in July.

This blog is stinkin' funny and a crack up to read. His ode to a crock pot is good.

My new addiction renewed is The Container Store. I promise you, I went in there yesterday to buy two things. TWO things. $135.00 later I had a big old bag full of stuff. Now I would have stuck to my two things if the ever so kind, grandmotherly woman had not come up to me and said, have you received one of our tracts? I mean sales brochures? Apparently, I am living one disorganized life, even with my new life on medicine. Sadly, several of the storage containers I brought home caught Roy's attention and he would like for me to go back and get more. I am taking several potential converts, I mean friends for support to stop me from being addicted to the thought of organization and it being achieved in my lifetime with the helpful products of The Container Store. And this doesn't even help, there is a DSW next door.

Loves me some coupons and I had some for Border's. Since Roy was spending Sunday in deep study for his last Sunday School lesson for his last class, Dena and I went out for lunch after church. Got some Mexican food in us and headed for the Border, Border's on Kirby. Got a couple of good deals for 75% off. Love those kind of deals. Picked up Young Frankenstein DVD for $5.99.

I am worn out, well not really or I wouldn't be blogging, but I got into what I thought was a conversation, but really turned into a unwanted teaching session today over Dave Ramsey. Love Fin Peace, but as Roy says, you don't need to walk by faith with Dave's program. I think I have mentioned it before but this is what Roy refers to as hunting without a gun. There is no room for the supernatural, overflowing goodness of God. There is the tendency to talk about the power of God, but afraid to really declare it and live it out. I kept telling the person who wanted to teach me not talk to me, I am agreeing with you, but I am here to tell you there is more, there is another step after Dave. I don't think this person ever got what I was saying and probably thinks I am mislead. I kept saying I am not talking about the health and wealth gospel, I am talking about being grateful to God and in turns this overflows into love which makes us filled to live generous lives.

Well, this post has gone on long enough. I haven't even written about running into two good tennis friends over a week ago, the new ice cube making machine, the sound system we bought to plug our iPods in for music all over our home, the three new skirts I found at Cato, and a whole lot of other stuff. Guess it is for blogging about later. Oh Missy, Dena didn't live in Stillwater, but her sister and brother in law did. He is a minister of music and he was there, but is now in College Station.


Lauren said...

I really want to know what you got at the Container Store that was so amazing. Do tell.

Anonymous said...

PTL there was no digital camera! Maybe next week . . .


Amanda said...

Love the pics, especially how the second one is cut into a heart shape. And this is possibly my favorite thing you've ever said on the Monablog:
A lot of times young unmarried women say to me, "I want to marry a man just like Roy." Darlin', he did not come this way...

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for letting me know about Dena. The weird thing is, I actually attended that church in 1994! Small world! I hope your knees are doing much better! Missy

Dana said...

Stripper Poles
Pictures from the 80's
Dave Ramsey
Cato (which I love btw)

This post was so random, I thought you stopped your knee meds...


The Synnott's said...

wow, you with long hair... LOVE IT

Anonymous said...

precious! just precious! the tears are falling down my cheeks right now! ooops that was for the onion pie post!!!! Thanks for the fun chat now i have to find out who dave ramsey is!!!! bye for now chicky!!!!

Anonymous said...

found dave but didn't look like anything i'd like to read so will go back to the funny crock pot guy you cited!!!!

Ulovebeth said...

LOVE the pictures! Is one in the form of a heart from being in a frame?

Lisa Pierre said...

Ok, it took too long to read the whole thing because I wanted to hurry up and comment on the one picture with your long hair... Not because of the long hair but because of the heart cut-out!!!!!!!
I'm on my back like a just-sprayed roach!

Nancy Mon said...

Yes, it is a picture in a heart shaped frame. I hope y'all don't think I sit around and cut our photos into hearts.

Michelle said...

Oh...WOW! Those pics crack me up! SO 80's!! I wish I could have seen the stripper routine! HA!!! You made me wish I still worked there!

FitzandMolly said...

Don't ever take me with you into the container store. I cave under peer pressure.

love Young Frankenstein.