The second and fourth Tuesdays of the month is Ministries Staff meeting. This being the fourth Tuesday of the month means we met. I have learned many things through out the years from staff meetings but one of the best things I learned from Michelle is checking off the list as we go from item to item. This was an especially long morning for me because I picked up the Starbucks Travelers and donuts from Shipleys for our meeting. New Chad or ChadO, the Minister of Children's Programming did the devo this morning. He had asked in advance for us to write down our weaknesses on a 3x5 card. Being obedient is not our staff strong suit. I wrote down my weakness is making a list of my weaknesses. We had one staff member who didn't do the request but brought cards for everyone else to do theirs. Undaunted, ChadO went on with his devotion. It was good, very good. He then asked if God would let us create one thing that would help us with our weakness what would it be. Several answered and then I gave my answer. I would create a wife. Yes, I need a wife in the worst way. I need a helpmate and it is not good for me to be alone when I try to organize, clean or strategically plan a week ahead in life. All the men in the room went silent. It was as if I had stomped on some kind of sacred ground. So, I quickly amended that I only needed a wife to help me, I wasn't interested in anything else. Still cold silence...Eric volunteered that maybe I was looking for a domestic partner. No!!!! Not interested in that. I realized I had better think of something cause the men weren't too open to the fact that maybe women would like a helper, so I volunteered the term Tonto. I need a Tonto. Tonto was the Lone Ranger's faithful companion. Once I said I needed a Tonto, things seem to get back to normal quickly and ChadO finished up his devotion. But really, there are times a Tonto would come in really handy. Roy told me the men were upset cause I didn't say I needed a husband to supervise. As I am busy writing that he said, I thought that was good. I told him what do you think I am doing, I am putting that statement in the blog.
I am not man bashing at all, I just need help in doing life. Roy helps out a lot. He is a good and wonderful husband, but I need someone to do the baseboards, cook, iron and help out with the grocery shopping and budget. Oh Tonto, where are you?
We (Roy and I not Tonto) just ate some of the watermelon from Diorio Farms that Roy and not Tonto cut up. It's good. Dena said she made an onion pie with the onions she bought on Saturday. I had never heard of such a thing, but she said hers was delicious and real.

Hey ho silver! If you find a supply of Tontos, would you forward the address of the store? He could help me make some progress on today's ticking list.
Okay, you are going to have to tell us what an onion pie is. I love onions!
I have to say that I made an onion pie one time with a cheese scone top, and the best part was the scone. I can't say that the recipe I followed was too wonderful. I'm sure Dena had something much better.
Also, my old boss used to say she needed a wife. That's funny that the men froze up! I have found that now that I'm at home all day, I am a good Tonto. I never had time to be Tonto when I was working.
If Tonto is a hunky guy dressed in leather & riding a horse, I'll have one, please.
I'm with you sister - find that Tonto store!! And those people have no sense of humor!!
Yes, you are right again! Your Husband is a treasure!!!!!! He got ir so right! He should win one of your Nordstrom's giveaways...and your "playfulness" with the weakness cards makes me think your "streak" is showing....You really are wonderfully and fearfully made! and so is a good onion pie!!!!
I will bet that most of the guys who did not get your desire for "a wife" - we married...and already have a wife! LOL
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